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4th May 2011 Štúrovo, Slovakia. Our project is a two years Comenius bilateral project for pupils aged 12-15.This project aims at removing borders in education.

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Presentation on theme: "4th May 2011 Štúrovo, Slovakia. Our project is a two years Comenius bilateral project for pupils aged 12-15.This project aims at removing borders in education."— Presentation transcript:

1 4th May 2011 Štúrovo, Slovakia

2 Our project is a two years Comenius bilateral project for pupils aged 12-15.This project aims at removing borders in education and enabling students an educational environment free of limitations.

3 We have transfered all the activities to virtual environment. This system also helps students who can’t attend school due to some reasons such as illness, etc. Web site

4 Students The project enables cultural interaction at the highest level by the exchanges. Students can experience a foreign culture in the most natural way; spending 12 days continuously interacting with each other. Welcome at Meryem Mehmet Kayhan Okule Welcome Students learn a totally new language that they can't learn in another way so easily and in an enjoyable way. Turkish lesson

5 Making the film about European capitals Istanbul (European cultural capital 2010)Bratislava, Wienna, Budapest Istanbul

6 With this project, we support multilingualism The better we understand and respect each other in our diversity, the stronger Europe will be, and the richer we will be as individuals. Play Hodja Nasreddin: helps to know Turkish culture Musical: Painted on the glass; helps to know Slovk culture

7 RESULTS AND OUTCOMES Language Booklets:Students have prepared a language booklets involving simple words and expressions that allow communication between students. Students exchange these booklets during the visits.

8 Our films Welcome Welcome at Meryem Mehmet Kayhan Okule Istanbul Ankara Turkish lesson Lessons

9 Thank you for attention Enjoy the day

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