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Evgeny Balashov PhD in economy Moscow State University (Sevastopol filial)

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Presentation on theme: "Evgeny Balashov PhD in economy Moscow State University (Sevastopol filial)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evgeny Balashov PhD in economy Moscow State University (Sevastopol filial)


3 Basic agreements which were taken as a foundation of European Economic Community (EEC) and Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC or EurAsEC): Treaty of Rome for EEC (1957) Treaty of establishment of EurAsEC or EAEC (2000) Treaty about Customs union and Common economic space (1999)

4 EEC (1957): France; Germany ; Italy; Belgium; Netherlands; Luxembourg Participants

5 Russian Federation; Belarus; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Tadzhikistan; Uzbekistan (2006-2008) EurAsEC (2000): Participants

6 Russian Federation; Belarus; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan (2011) Customs union: Participants

7 Russian Federation; Belarus; Kazakhstan. Common economic space: Participants

8 Aims promotion welfare of the community; growth of the level of the social-economic development; + EEC: “to continue the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe” “to achieve the strengthening and the convergence of their economies and to establish an economic and monetary union”

9 Mechanisms of achievement Revocation of custom duty for the members of the unions; Forming of Common market by means of leading in fourth liberties (free transference of goods, capitals, services and workforce); Realization of “common politics”; Development general transport, energetic and information networks. harmonization of monetary management and tax policy Common moments: treaty of EurAsEC

10 Steps of formation Formation of customs union Creation of the common market of goods, services, capitals and workforce, concordance of economic policy, establishment of common infrastructure, consummation of harmonizing of legislation; Creation of the Economic and currency union.

11 Institutions of the European Economic Community (EEC): The Council of Ministers the Commission The Parliamentary Assembly The Court of Justice.

12 Institutions of the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC): Interstate Council Integration Committee Interparliamentary Assembly Community's Court of Justice


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