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The Role of Governance in Public Health Accreditation [Insert your name and title] [Insert LHD]

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of Governance in Public Health Accreditation [Insert your name and title] [Insert LHD]"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of Governance in Public Health Accreditation [Insert your name and title] [Insert LHD]

2 Objectives Understand the definition of accreditation and its importance in public health Articulate the role of governing entities in accreditation Define and understand the purpose of the Public Health Accreditation Board Discuss the benefits of accreditation Dispel common myths about accreditation

3 Accreditation is a status that provides public notification that an institution, agency, or program meets standards of quality set forth by an accrediting agency. –American Psychological Association definition of accreditation Accreditation in other industries –Health care –Insurance –Education –Child and family service agencies –Law enforcement agencies –Public safety agencies Overview of Accreditation

4 Why do we need public health accreditation?

5 Too much variance from one health department to another Lack of comprehensive standards No common benchmarks to measure performance

6 Responsibility of a Local Governing Entity (LGE) Promote and protect the health of your constituents Provide the oversight and support to the local health department (LHD) Advocate for public health Provide a link to the community

7 Governing LGE General Roles Establish local ordinances and regulations related to public health: Communicable disease Sanitation & sewage treatment Tattooing & body piercing establishments Second-hand smoke exposure Food & drink stands Roles in Accreditation Accreditation standards focused on governing boards and health department administration. Work with us to meet these standards! Share information

8 Policy-Making LGE General Roles Hire and fire the chief executive or health officer Approve health department budgets and expenditures Impose fees for services, permits, and licenses Roles in Accreditation Budget for costs of accreditation

9 Advisory LGE General Roles Report to Health Officer and/or local governing authority, who then establishes policies, programs, and budgets Hold public hearings and communicate community concerns with the Health Officer Serve as appeals board for the decisions of the Health Officer Report to and advise the health officer on the implementation of core functions, essential public health services and emerging health threats Roles in Accreditation Learn about public health programs and services offered in your community Discuss accreditation with your LHO on an ongoing basis

10 Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) Improve and protect the health of the public by advancing the quality and performance of all health departments in the country.

11 What is the vision of PHAB? A high-performing governmental public health system that will make the United States a healthier nation When can we earn accreditation? PHAB will begin accepting applications in 2011. What is the cost of program? Fees have not yet been established for accreditation. Additional costs for accreditation preparation include intensive preparation including time, staff, materials, and other resources. How long does an agency remain accredited? Once accredited, health departments maintain this status for 5 years. Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB)

12 What are the benefits of accreditation? Accountability and credibility Leverage for funding Visibility Continuous improvement Increased efficiency and effectiveness

13 Mythbusters Myth 1: Accreditation is out of my reach Myth 2: The accreditation process is just a rubber stamp Myth 3: Accreditation is not a wise investment in time Myth 4: Accreditation is mandatory

14 Additional Roles in Accreditation Sign a letter of support Place public health programs and services high on your priority list Support your LHD in its efforts to become or remain accredited Participate in your LHDs on-site review visit Read the on-site review report describing the results of the accreditation process Celebrate the success of your LHDs accomplishment when it receives accreditation

15 Lets Get on Board!! PHAB aims to have 60% of the U.S. population served by an accredited agency by the year 2015.

16 Additional Resources Your Local Health Officer [Insert Health Officer Contact Information] National Association for Local Boards of Health (NALBOH) NALBOHs State Statutes Database Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO)

17 THANK YOU!! [Insert your contact information on this slide.]

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