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NOAA Report David Clark NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC CEOS/WGISS 23 Hanoi, Vietnam May 25, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "NOAA Report David Clark NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC CEOS/WGISS 23 Hanoi, Vietnam May 25, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOAA Report David Clark NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC CEOS/WGISS 23 Hanoi, Vietnam May 25, 2007

2 Updates and Status World Data Center for Meteorology,Asheville Global Observing Systems Information Center Coastal Digital Elevation Models Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System Global Earth Observations Integrated Data Environment

3 New WDC Meteorology Web Page / Quick Access to Data is Key – By Theme, Region, or Country New Director: Howard Diamond, as of Jan 2007 e-mail contact:

4 WDC Meteorology, Asheville WDC Meteorology, Asheville Regional Data Centers (e.g., APDRC and IDEA) Regional Data Centers (e.g., APDRC and IDEA) NOAA/National Climatic Data Center NOAA/National Climatic Data Center WDC for Meteorology, Asheville Framework GOSIC Global and Regional Observing Programs GEOSS, GCOS IPY, etc. Global and Regional Observing Programs GEOSS, GCOS IPY, etc.

5 Global Observing Systems Information Center (GOSIC)

6 Zoomed in view of GOSIC.ORG Home Page

7 Quick Access to GOOS Data by Programs

8 The focus of NGDC’s Marine Modeling Program is to develop, archive and provide access to world-wide and regional bathymetric-topographic digital elevation models (DEMs), bathymetric maps, and derived products, including coastal tsunami inundation grids, the U.S. Coastal Relief Model, ETOPO2 and DART buoy deployment maps. NOAA Marine Modeling Program

9 Marine Modeling Overview Background: NGDC develops, archives and provides access to world-wide and regional bathymetric-topographic digital elevation models (DEMs) and bathymetric maps including coastal tsunami inundation grids, the U.S. Coastal Relief Model, ETOPO2 and DART buoy siting maps. Purpose: These relief models support tsunami forecasting and modeling efforts and provide base layers for a variety of coastal and global studies. Products:  Coastal inundation DEM: High-quality 1/3 arc- second (10-meter) DEM on consistent vertical and horizontal datum for selected coastal areas  Coastal Relief Model: 3 arc-second (~90 m) relief grid for most of the US coastal zone  ETOPO2: Global 2-minute bathymetry and topography  DART Pre-deployment Maps: best available bathymetric maps for potential DART sites Primary Activities:  Acquire, evaluate, qc, and process data from federal, state, and local sources  Develop tsunami inundation DEMs for NOAA tsunami forecast & warning (14 completed, 9 underway for FY07, 74 by 20012)  Document and distribute DEMs – NOAA Inundation DEM Web Portal live!  Develop custom bathymetric maps to aid in DART pre-deployment site selection and preparation Lahaina, Hawaii DEM

10 Developed ArcIMS tool for researchers to easily locate and download DEMs created by a wide spectrum of organizations. NOAA Coastal DEM Discovery Portal Supports multiple NOAA programs from Weather and Water, Marine Transportation and Ecosystems Goals Provides a service called for by the scientific community that will facilitate project coordination within NOAA and between government agencies, the private sector and academic institutions. Includes footprints for all completed tsunami inundation DEMs, Coastal Relief Model grids, Great Lakes DEMs, and USGS Hawaii DEMs. Next steps: Host and add footprint of DEMs from Alaska Fisheries and Coastal Survey Development Lab. ArcIMS map views of DEM Discovery Portal

11 CLASS Adherence to agreed-upon standards Ingesting data, developing collections, and products Maintaining databases; ensuring permanent, secure archives Providing both user-friendly and machine- interoperable access; assisting users Responding to user feedback Robust open access systems with E- commerce, free data, browse, FTP, data sub-setting, Web Services, GIS Services, OpenDAP, etc. Data Stewardship Archive Storage Systems (CLASS) Observing Systems Data Management Services Users CLASS is NOAA's premiere on-line facility for the archive and distribution of NOAA and US Department of Defense (DoD) Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) data, NOAA's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) data, and derived data. CLASS is being enhanced to support new campaigns including NPP, NOESS, GOES-R and others.

12 GEO-IDE -Global Earth Observations Integrated Data Environment Concept of Operations. -Effort to apply GEO data principles and guidelines for data systems within NOAA. - Developed by the NOAA Data Management Integration Team (DMIT). Vision: “Federated data systems through shared standards in a service oriented architecture” NOAA GEO Integrated Data Environment CONOPS completed September 2006

13 DMIT Data Management Integration Team Project Oversight Undersecretary for Oceans and Atmosphere NOSC NOAA Observing System Council (NOAA CIO Member) DMC NOAA Data Management Committee (CIO Council Co-Chair) All GoalsAll Line Offices

14 GEO-IDE Framework to effectively integrate NOAA’s many systems (a “System of systems” ) Minimize impact on legacy systems Utilize standards Work towards a service-oriented architecture

15 END

16 Backup slides

17 GOOS Data Matrix (under development) GOOS Data Access by Theme

18 Two workshops in Feb ’05 (Boulder) and May ’06 (Seattle) A report summarizing the scientific needs and technological options towards implementation of a GRUAN was recently published by the GCOS Secretariat (GCOS-112, April 2007) and can be found at A reference set of upper air observations to support climate is necessary for better upper troposphere and lower stratospheric water vapor data (e.g., a key climate forcing parameter) Global Atmosphere Watch Observatory in Lindenberg, Germany, has agreed to be a GRUAN Lead Center for development and implementation. Assistance to be provided by NCAR, NCDC, DOE in the US. GRUAN

19 Benchmark Network ~10 stations GRUAN 30-40 stations GCOS Upper Air Network (GUAN) 161 stations Comprehensive observing network All stations, observing systems, satellites, reanalyses etc. Spatial density Climate driven Hierarchy of Upper Air Measurements

20 GEO-IDE Goals Through GEO-IDE NOAA will Identify and address integration gaps in DM systems Create interoperability across existing DM systems Develop and adopt data standards Integrate measurements, data, and products and will achieve Cost avoidances in NOAA business through improved efficiency and reduced duplication (eventually) Better integration of data and products across disciplines Enhance NOAA’s contribution to US IEOS and GEOSS

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