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Token Economies A brief description and points of consideration.

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Presentation on theme: "Token Economies A brief description and points of consideration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Token Economies A brief description and points of consideration

2 Token Economies Token: A conditioned reinforcer that can be turned in for backup reinforcers Can be given immediately Makes group administration of reinforcers easier

3 How to set up a token economy Take baseline data on the target responses Select backup reinforcers and how to distribute them Select token type: Checks, stars, bucks, stamps etc. – Not easily counterfeited!

4 How to implement a token economy Keep data: Must construct data sheets Consistency in delivery: Specific agent for specific behavior Number/Frequency of R+: Continuous at first and fade to some intermittent schedule. managing backup reinforcers: How often?

5 How to implement a token economy Possible punishment contingencies? Supervision of staff: Treatment integrity Handling problems: Anticipation is the best approach Make a manual or rule booklet

6 The most important things to remember Wean individuals from the token economy: Value, or frequency Transfer from token to social reinforcement Gradually transfer control to client to self- reinforce/monitor

7 Self-Control General framework for understanding “Will Power”

8 Factors that Influence Self-Control Problems of Behavioral Excesses Immediate reinforcers versus delayed punishers for a behavior Immediate Reinforcers Versus Cumulatively significant punishers for a behavior

9 Factors that Influence Self Control Problems of behavioral deficiencies 1. Immediate small punishers for a behavior versus reinforcers that are cumulatively significant 2. Immediate small punishers for a behavior versus immediate but highly improbable major punisher if the behavior does not occur 3. Immediate small punisher for a behavior versus delayed major punisher if the behavior does not occur.

10 A Model for Self-Control Specify problem behavior Set Goals Make a commitment to change Take data Analyze causes Design and implement program Prevent Relapses and make your gains last

11 Small group activity What can you do to help people: – To eat adequate portions – Quit smoking – Wear bike helmets – Exercise more frequently – Complete homework

12 Causes of relapse Avoidable setback situations Unavoidable setback situations Overreaction to occasional setbacks Counterproductive self-talk Fuzzy Target Behavior Long-term target behavior Trying too much too soon Failure to incorporate everyday rewards into your program Failure to plan follow-up checks

13 A Behavioral Contract Ensures agreement by all parties Provides method of monitoring goal attainment and progress Provides good estimate of what is involved with the program Provides outlet for conditioned commitment (signing contract)

14 Components of Behavioral Contract Names of parties involved Operationally defined behavior Criteria to be met Consequences for criteria Dates/times/settings Methods for renegotiation

15 Verbal Behavior Very basic single slide introduction

16 Verbal Behavior A response reinforced by another person’s response. 6 “Verbal Operants” – Mands: Asking Only type that benefits speaker (Remember MO) – Tacts: Naming – Echoic: Repeating back – Intraverbal: Answer questions – Textual: Reading – Transcription: Writing

17 Ethics in Behavior Modification A common sense single slide prompt

18 Ethical Issues for Human Services Have goals of treatment been adequately considered? Has choice of treatment methods been adequately considered? Clients participation voluntary? Subordinate client interests considered? Adequacy of treatment been evaluated? Confidentiality protected? Referrals when necessary? Therapist Qualified?

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