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1. It seems that S + V → S + seem to + V 2. It is said/considered/believed (that) S + V → S + be said/considered/ believed to + V.

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Presentation on theme: "1. It seems that S + V → S + seem to + V 2. It is said/considered/believed (that) S + V → S + be said/considered/ believed to + V."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. It seems that S + V → S + seem to + V 2. It is said/considered/believed (that) S + V → S + be said/considered/ believed to + V

3 1. It seems that S + V → S + seem to + V It seems that certain animals have special characteristics. Certain animals seem to have special characteristics. →

4 Exercise A Rewrite the sentences below by following the example. 1. It seems that the man is out of his mind. The man seems to be out of his mind. →

5 2. John is as strong as a bull. It seems that he works out every day. John is as strong as a bull. He seems to work out every day. → Exercise A Rewrite the sentences below by following the example.

6 3. It seems that Annie doesn’t like fish. Annie seems not/doesn’t seem to like fish. → Exercise A Rewrite the sentences below by following the example.

7 4. It seems that Mr. Smith’s wife is as fierce as a tigress. Mr. Smith’s wife seems to be as fierce as a tigress. → Exercise A Rewrite the sentences below by following the example.

8 5. Everyone knows the secret. It seems that Jenny has let the cat out of the bag. Everyone knows the secret. Jenny seems to have let the cat out of the bag. → Exercise A Rewrite the sentences below by following the example.

9 1. Linda hides her head in the sand like an ostrich. (face the music) It seems that Linda cannot face the music. → Exercise B Look at the pictures below and rewrite the sentences by using the pattern “It seems that...” and the words given below. Make changes if necessary.

10 2. Vivian blushes red. (the cat gets one’s tongue) It seems that the cat gets her tongue. → Exercise B 3. Dane is a rat! (do something bad to someone) It seems that Dane did something bad to someone. →

11 4. Everyone says that Lily is a chicken. (lack courage) It seems that Lily lacks courage. → Exercise B

12 OK, it’s the end of the Sentence Pattern 1. BACK

13 It is said that foxes have magical powers. Foxes are said to have magical powers. → 2. It is said/considered/believed (that) S + V → S + be said/considered/ believed to + V

14 It is considered that tortoises are slow but sure. Tortoises are considered to be slow but sure. → 2. It is said/considered/believed (that) S + V → S + be said/considered/ believed to + V

15 It is believed that storks bring newborn babies. Storks are believed to bring newborn babies. → 2. It is said/considered/believed (that) S + V → S + be said/considered/ believed to + V

16 Exercise A Rewrite the following sentences by using the pattern above. 1. It is said that Jack runs as fast as a rabbit. Jack is said to run as fast as a rabbit. →

17 2. Monkeys are believed to be lively and playful. It is believed that monkeys are lively and playful. → Exercise A Rewrite the following sentences by using the pattern above.

18 3. It is said that Mrs. Lin is a cold fish. Mrs. Lin is said to be a cold fish. → Exercise A Rewrite the following sentences by using the pattern above.

19 4. The man is considered to be as poor as a church mouse. It is considered that the man is as poor as a church mouse. → Exercise A Rewrite the following sentences by using the pattern above.

20 5. In Chinese, magpies are believed to bring good luck. In Chinese, it is believed that magpies bring good luck. → Exercise A Rewrite the following sentences by using the pattern above.

21 A: I wish I had a pet dog. You know, (thought/dogs/ man's best friend). S: You bet. But you live in an apartment. It's inconvenient to keep a dog in such a place. Exercise B Annie wants to keep a pet. She is asking her friend, Susan, for advice. it is thought that dogs are man's best friends.

22 A: OK. How about a cat? (cats/said/cute) S: Cats? But, (cats/also/said/evil/cruel). Exercise B Annie wants to keep a pet. She is asking her friend, Susan, for advice. Cats are said to be cute. cats are also said to be evil and cruel.

23 Haven't you seen cats catch mice at night with shining eyes? A: Oh! Stop it! That's terrible. How about goldfish? In Taiwan, (it/believed/goldfish/ bring/money) Exercise B Annie wants to keep a pet. She is asking her friend, Susan, for advice. it is believed that goldfish bring money.

24 S: Come on! You believe that? (goldfish/said/hard/keep) They could all die overnight. A: Then, what kind of pet should I have? S: Urr... Exercise B Annie wants to keep a pet. She is asking her friend, Susan, for advice. Goldfish are said to be hard to keep.

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