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Mrs Grabowski – Mrs G Environmental Science Room 219 2007-8.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs Grabowski – Mrs G Environmental Science Room 219 2007-8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs Grabowski – Mrs G Environmental Science Room 219 2007-8

2 Bellringers Bellringers Bellringers are done every day before class begins and collected and graded every 1-2 weeks. Follow the set up below. Bellringers are done every day before class begins and collected and graded every 1-2 weeks. Follow the set up below. Name first and last Name first and last Period Period Date Date Bellringers Weeks 1 & 2 Bellringers Weeks 1 & 2 Today’s date Today’s date Write at least 2 sentences about your first day at school this year. Write at least 2 sentences about your first day at school this year.

3 Buy now or talk to Santa Useful to have for class Useful to have for class Memory stick, flash drive, Memory stick, flash drive, Great for saving all your computer work for all your classes. (Reports, essays, presentation, pictures, etc) Great for saving all your computer work for all your classes. (Reports, essays, presentation, pictures, etc) On sale now!! On sale now!!


5 Course Description Course Description Students will explore the relationship between organisms and their environment; of the interactions between the physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment, including their effects on all types of organisms but more often refers to human impact on the environment. Students will explore the relationship between organisms and their environment; of the interactions between the physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment, including their effects on all types of organisms but more often refers to human impact on the environment.


7 Homework – Homework is given every week. Not doing homework can result in a failing grade for the quarter. Homework assignments can be found on the Schurz website.


9 Classroom Rules *No eating or drinking (except for a bottle of water). Items will be taken away. *No passes to the bathroom, water fountain or locker. *No leaving or changing seats. *No writing on desks. This is considered destruction of school property and you could be subject to a $500.00 fine. *Harassment of fellow students will not be tolerated and rules set forth in the school discipline book will be strictly enforced.

10 Bellringer 9-6-07 List at least 2 reasons why we need safety rules in a science class. For Example: One reason we need safety rules in class is ……… Another reason is…….

11 Turn off your cell phone!!!

12 Fees - There is a $10 science fee for Environmental Science. Please pay it as soon as possible. This money will be used to buy Environmental Science supplies and equipment for your class. Please show me your paid receipt.


14 Tardies and Absences – Attendance – Daily attendance is most important. Ten (10) or more absences per quarter will result in a failing grade. Five tardies will result in disciplinary action.

15 Class Expectations and Grading – You are expected to be in class and on time daily with your notebook, folder, pen, and textbook. Class Expectations and Grading – You are expected to be in class and on time daily with your notebook, folder, pen, and textbook. Grade Scale Grade Scale A= 90-100 A= 90-100 B= 80-89 B= 80-89 C= 70-79 C= 70-79 D= 60-69 D= 60-69 F= below 60 F= below 60 Grade Breakdown Grade Breakdown Tests, quizzes and final exam = 30% Tests, quizzes and final exam = 30% Homework = 15-20% Homework = 15-20% Science Fair/Research Paper = 10% Science Fair/Research Paper = 10% Class Work = 40-45% Class Work = 40-45%

16 Students/Parents - The school phone number is 773-534-3420. Messages can be left for me at extension #24472 or emailed to me at If you would like to speak with me, leave me your phone number and a time when I can reach you and I will call you back as soon as possible.

17 -------------------------------------cut and attach bottom to safety contract------------------------- -------------- I have read and understand the information above on class rules and expectations. ___________________________ ____________________________ Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature _______________________ __________________ Phone: home work Do you speak English? ¿hablo Ingles? ___Yes ___No.


19 Remember the Golden Rule Treat others as you would like to be treated. Show respect for others. If you open it, close it. If you borrow it, return it. If you use it, take care of it. If you move it, put it back. If you make a mess, Clean it up. If it belongs to someone else and you want to use it, get permission.

20 This class is a better place because your in it

21 Questions: 1. List 3 unsafe activities shown in the illustration and explain why each is unsafe. 2. List 3 correct lab procedures depicted in the illustration. 3. What should Bob do after the accident? 4. What should Sue have done to avoid an accident? 5. Compare Luke and Duke's lab techniques. Who is following the rules? 6. Find something in the lab that should not be there? 7. Compare Joe and Carl's lab techiques. Who is doing it the correct way? 8. What will happen to Ray and Tim when the teacher catches them? 9. List three items in the illustration that are there for the safety of the students in the lab.

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