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PowerShell DSC v. ConfigMgr Compliance Settings MMS Minnesota 2014 Greg Ramsey David O’Brien Sherry Kissinger #MMSMinnesota.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerShell DSC v. ConfigMgr Compliance Settings MMS Minnesota 2014 Greg Ramsey David O’Brien Sherry Kissinger #MMSMinnesota."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerShell DSC v. ConfigMgr Compliance Settings MMS Minnesota 2014 Greg Ramsey David O’Brien Sherry Kissinger #MMSMinnesota

2 Agenda Creation Targeting/Deployment, Enforcement, and Priority Reporting PowerShell DSC Demo – David ConfigMgr Client Settings Demo – Greg and Sherry Discuss MMS Minnesota 2014

3 PowerShell DSC Native Feature in Windows Powershell 4.0 Lots of Experimental Resources availableExperimental Resources AD, Azure, Certs, Bitlocker, Chrome, CompMgmt, CredSSP, Database, DHCPServer, DISM, DNS, Exchange, Cluster, Firefox, Hyper-V, JEA,MySQL, Networking, RebootPending, PHP, RemoteDesktopConfig, SafeHarbor, SCDPM, SCOM, Script, SMA, SCVMM, SMB, SQLPS, SQL, SystemSecurity, WebAdmin, WindowsUpdate, WinEventLog, WordPress, FileShare RBA? Not really.. Maybe control some with Partial Config MMS Minnesota 2014

4 “Make It So” DSC is Idempotent IdempotentIdempotent - The property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science, that can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application. MMS Minnesota 2014

5 DSC Example MMS Minnesota 2014

6 DSC Creation MMS Minnesota 2014

7 DSC Resource Anatomy 101 MMS Minnesota 2014 Test-TargetResource – tests presence, absence on a machine Get-TargetResource – Checks for how a machine is configured at a point in time. Set-TargetResource – Enforces State of machine, when Test- TargetResource returns false

8 DSC Resource – Simple Pseudocode MMS Minnesota 2014

9 DSC Targeting/Deployment and Priority Targeting/Deployment Install configuration locally Static (mostly) Configure “Local Configuration Manager” to PULL configurations Partial Configurations Dependencies Priority Conflict Detection MMS Minnesota 2014

10 Enforcement ApplyOnly – applies once, does nothing else until new/updated configuration ApplyAndMonitor – Apply, monitor – report compliance/noncompliance ApplyAndAutoCorrect - Apply, monitor, report compliance/noncompliance, auto remediate drift MMS Minnesota 2014

11 DSC Reporting Pass/Fail, no detail Use Web Services on Conformance Endpoint Use SCOMSCOM MMS Minnesota 2014

12 Demo - DSC MMS Minnesota 2014

13 ConfigMgr Compliance Settings Native Feature in ConfigMgr Lots of supported providers AD, File, Script (Jscript, VBScript, and PowerShell), SQL, Software Update, WMI, XML, Registry, IIS, MSI) RBA – Yes! MMS Minnesota 2014

14 Compliance Settings Example MMS Minnesota 2014

15 Compliance Settings Targeting/Deployment and Priority Targeting/Deployment Deploy using ConfigMgr Can be Dynamic (Query-based Collection) Client pollson regular interval for CI updates Partial Configurations* Dependencies Priority Conflict Detection reporting MMS Minnesota 2014

16 Compliance Settings Enforcement Monitor Monitor and Remediate *Maintenance Windows for Enforcement MMS Minnesota 2014

17 Compliance Settings Reporting In-Console monitoring *Create collections too ConfigMgr Reporting Point SQL Eventvwr MMS Minnesota 2014

18 Demo – Compliance Settings MMS Minnesota 2014

19 Session Title Evaluations Please provide session feedback by clicking the Eval button in the scheduler app. One lucky winner will get a free ticket to the next MMS! Visit all of our sponsors in the expo area and online! Platinum Sponsors: Gold Sponsors : MMS Minnesota 2014

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