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Key messages from Verification 2013-14  Use valid and reliable assessments  SQA-produced Unit Assessment Support Packs  Centre devised assessments.

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2 Key messages from Verification 2013-14  Use valid and reliable assessments  SQA-produced Unit Assessment Support Packs  Centre devised assessments that have been prior verified  Your own assessments – strongly advise you have these prior verified  Advise staff to go back and look at subject verification comments for N5  Making assessment judgements  SQA packs are designed on a pass/fail basis  Use Judging Evidence Tables to make assessment judgments against Assessment Standards, and have commentary on how to meet each Assessment Standard  A task/activity can meet most or all of the Unit Outcomes and Assessment Standards  Indicate on candidate’s work that Unit Assessment Standards have been met  Unit Assessment complementing learning and teaching  Unit Assessment is open and flexible  Assessment should allow you space to prepare for Added Value/Course Assessment

3 Key messages from Verification 2013-14  Use valid and reliable assessments  >  Making assessment judgements  >  Unit Assessment complementing learning and teaching  >

4 New Advanced Higher Subject Implementation Events Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies Advanced Higher Course Assessment

5 Course Assessment at Advanced Higher  Course Assessment at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher assesses Added Value  Courses at Advanced Higher are normally assessed by one or two Components  Courses at Advanced Higher are graded A – D, as at present  Controlled Assessment of setting, conducting and marking  For Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies there is 2 Components – a Question Paper and a Project  Different approaches for different subjects  Consider issues arising from external assessment reports  No dual running at Advanced Higher in session 2015-16

6 Advanced Higher - Question Paper  The Question paper will be set and marked by SQA, and conducted in centres under conditions specified for external examinations by SQA.  Learners will complete this in 2 hours.  The Question Paper will be marked out of 60.  The Question Paper has two sections - Section 1: Philosophy of Religion Section 2 will have two Parts: - Part A Religious Experience - Part B Medical Ethics

7 Advanced Higher - Question Paper  Candidates will answer two questions, each worth 30 marks.  There will be optional questions – candidates will select one question from a choice of two  Both questions will come from the same sub- section e.g. Atheism  Mandatory content will be sampled  Will assess the skills of analysing and evaluating arguments and evidence and synthesizing information in order to structure and sustain lines of argument  Will draw on in-depth knowledge and understanding

8 Advanced Higher - Question Paper A limited range of command words/question stems will be used in the paper such as, for example:  To what extent present a  ‘[statement]’ Discuss reasoned argument  Critically evaluate and conclusion Greater clarity and support for centres in general marking principles and detailed marking instructions as to how these questions will be marked.

9 Advanced Higher – Project: Dissertation  The project: dissertation will be managed by centres within SQA guidelines and conducted under some supervision and control.  Evidence for assessment will be produced independently by the learner in time to meet a submission date set by SQA.  The project: dissertation will be marked out of 40.  All marking will be quality assured by SQA.  Open choice of context

10 Advanced Higher - Project: Dissertation  Opportunity for learner personalisation and choice  Candidates will have an open choice of religious, moral or philosophical question or issue  Marked out of 40  Externally marked  3000-4000 words  Criteria marking  Knowledge integral

11 Advanced Higher - Project: Dissertation  Justifying an appropriate complex religious, moral or philosophical question or issue for research  using a wide range of sources of information to research the question or issue  analysing and critically evaluating arguments and evidence  synthesising information to structure and sustain lines of argument to progress towards a conclusion  organising, presenting and referencing findings using an appropriate referencing system

12 Advanced Higher - Project: Dissertation  SQA will provide General Assessment Information and the Assessment Task  Task does not change from year to year  Detailed marking instructions available and can be shared with candidates  Guide to candidates will be provided, as at National 5 and Higher

13 Workshop 2 Course Assessment Using the materials provided, in small groups of 2- 3, discuss:  Identify subject-specific topics for discussion Workshop Aims  To understand the requirements of Advanced Higher Course Assessments Using the materials provided, in small groups of 2-3, discuss:  The links between Unit, Question paper and Project: dissertation marking grids  The guidance for the researching elements of the Course

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