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Welcome to Mrs. Haselhuhn’s Class! Introducing your teacher, Mrs. Haselhuhn! Married to Don for 21 years 20 years experience Majors in math and elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Haselhuhn’s Class! Introducing your teacher, Mrs. Haselhuhn! Married to Don for 21 years 20 years experience Majors in math and elementary."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to Mrs. Haselhuhn’s Class!

3 Introducing your teacher, Mrs. Haselhuhn! Married to Don for 21 years 20 years experience Majors in math and elementary education Minor in PE/Health Teaches Applied math, Algebra I and Geometry Lived in Burlington for 15 years Grew up in Florida Senior Class sponsor Sponsor of Scholars’ Bowl Married to Don for 21 years 20 years experience Majors in math and elementary education Minor in PE/Health Teaches Applied math, Algebra I and Geometry Lived in Burlington for 15 years Grew up in Florida Senior Class sponsor Sponsor of Scholars’ Bowl

4 Four children: Marisa, Noelle, Caleb, Andrew

5 Required items to bring to class! Pencil only. No pen! Notebook paper Calculator not on a cell phone (optional) Protractor/Compass (Geometry only) Laptop (charged and ready)

6 Items provided by the teacher! Supplementary items provided by the teacher may not leave the classroom. Graph paper will be made available for the graphing units.

7 DO NOT to bring to Class Electronic Devices like cell phones, headphones, Ipods, etc Excuses about no home work. Passes to leave to go buy snacks at sonic or convenience store Inappropriate worn clothing.

8 Grading in math class! Daily Homework is worth 10 points. Chapter projects are worth 50-100 points. Class lab activities are worth 10-25 points. Chapter Quizzes will be worth 5-50 points. Chapter tests are worth 100 points each. Extra credit is provided each week for 5 points. This is an optional assignment. Work must be shown on extra credit. A final test and midterm will be given at the end of each semester that will cover all material taught and is worth 200 points. This grade will be averaged into the quarter grade.

9 Homework Homework is due at the start of class. It is your own individual responsibility to put completed homework in the tray. Cheating results in a zero. Check grades often for zeros. A (O) in the grade book means I did not receive the assignment and it is worth a zero. No name papers will be attached to the cart in the front of the classroom. A (O) is entered for papers with no name until claimed by the student. Half credit will be given when the student returns the paper. If you are absent, ask for your work. I can’t remember everything!

10 Report Card Grades Grade for each quarter is found by total points earned divided by total points available. Semester grade will be found by averaging the two quarters. Semester grade must be at least a 65% to pass the semester.

11 If you don’t pass this class each semester, you will repeat the semester failed next year. No exceptions.

12 Class Rules Sharing notes and textbooks with each other is OK. Getting help before school, after school or homeroom is encouraged. Getting homework before you leave for sports or other activities is a great idea. Snacks and drinks are not allowed in class. Food and drink do not mix with computers. Do not ask to go to vending machines. Do not ask to go get your snack from a parent from the office. Check homework board or website calendar when you are absent. Bringing gifts of chocolate to the teacher could never hurt!

13 Passes Passes will be filled out to go anywhere out of the classroom. Two Hall passes are available on the bulletin board for short errands or the restroom. Don’t ask to go anywhere during instruction time! No passes will be given to the snack machines!

14 Teacher Pet Peeves Sharpening pencil during instruction. Sleeping in class. Garbage thrown on floors. Playing games/texting on calculators or cell phones, especially during instruction. No work shown on homework or incomplete homework. Complaints about not understanding the material with no efforts made to get extra help.

15 Use Mrs. Haselhuhn’s website to access what you need. Route through the following path. -High school Home Page -Teacher Websites -Haselhuhn, Gayle  check for homework assignments  contact Mrs. Haselhuhn  Links to tutoring sites, online calculators, games, practice tests, videos of lessons  download a copy of a project handout  check out class pictures


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