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“Niagara Summit Highlights” June 2008 Scott Muench – Director Corporate Sales Ed Merwin - Director Channel Sales Marc Petock – VP Marketing © 2008 Tridium,

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Presentation on theme: "“Niagara Summit Highlights” June 2008 Scott Muench – Director Corporate Sales Ed Merwin - Director Channel Sales Marc Petock – VP Marketing © 2008 Tridium,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Niagara Summit Highlights” June 2008 Scott Muench – Director Corporate Sales Ed Merwin - Director Channel Sales Marc Petock – VP Marketing © 2008 Tridium, Inc,

2 2 Welcome! The goal of TridiumTalk is to share with the Niagara community timely content on sales, products and technical topics. Each session will last between 45-60 minutes and will be a mix of presentation, demonstrations and Q&A. This session and past sessions will be posted on our community web site at (more details to come) The content presented here is representative of Tridium’s Niagara technology and products in general, please contact your channel partner for specific details and pricing. As a courtesy to others in the conference, please place your phone on mute until the Q&A portion of the program

3 3 Niagara Summit Highlights With over 24 sessions and more than 45 speakers, the 2008 Niagara Summit was the catalyst for a lot of valuable information. This month's TridiumTALK sifts through all the content and presents the key highlights from each of the Business, Application and Developers track session.

4 4 Agenda Overview Plenary Sessions Business Track Application Track Developer Track Where to find More Information Question and Answer Session

5 5 Overview At the Summit, attendees, exhibitors and sponsors had the opportunity to network, exchange ideas, share solutions and forge partnerships with end users, systems integrators, distributors and OEMs that make up this our community. From the enabling capabilities of NiagaraAX, oBIX and the soon to be released Sedona, to wireless, M2M, industrial, energy and residential applications, attendees encountered the ultimate educational experience, in-depth presentations and peer brainstorming that provided thought provoking ideas.

6 6 Plenary Sessions Innovation in the Commercial Real Estate Industry –Jim Young, Founder, Realcomm Sedona, the First Software Framework for Small Embedded Devices –Steve Fey, Tridium, Inc –Brian Frank, Tridium, Inc. –Scott Muench, Tridium, Inc. One Software Platform. A World of Opportunity –Michael Gallup, Vice President/General Manager, Hill-Rom IT Solutions –Peter Kelly-Detwiler, Senior Vice President, Energy Technology Services, Constellation Energy –Mike Marston, President, Tridium Asia Pacific –Marc Petock, Director of Global Marketing and Communications, Tridium –Paul Quinn, Strategic Execution & Chief Information Officer, Duke Realty –Dilip Rahulan, Chairman & CEO, Pacific Control Systems

7 7 Business Track Niagara Security Appliance to Enterprise Niagara Based Security Management Solutions. This session will cover the new Niagara Enterprise Security 2.0, and highlight case studies from partners implementing Niagara web based security solutions. –Scott Cochrane, President, Cochrane Supply & Engineering –Andy McMahon, Controlco, Inc. –Steve Lucas, Senior Security Guy, Tridium, Inc. Niagara Residential Residential applications using the Niagara Framework. This session includes case study on the eHome application at the Trident luxury condos in Dubai, new Niagara Home Integration applications and capabilities, Residential Energy and Enterprise integration in California, and remote monitoring of vacation and investment residential properties. –Gaylen Atkinson, Founder & President, Atkinson Electronics –Nigel MacKenzie, CTO, Pacific Control Systems, LLC –William Sandoval, Director of Business Development, Tridium, Inc.

8 8 Business Track - more Partner Applications Developer and Integrator Applications. Partners will present their special applications developed on NiagaraAX including elevator control, lighting control, and a wireless thermostat appliance, –Jim Boggs, Co-founder/President, Gemini Integration Services, Inc. –Mohamed Ezzeddine, Vice President, R & D, Motion Control Engineering –Pete Horton, Vice President, Market Development, Watt Stopper/Legrand –Michel Lemieux, System Engineer, Viconics Electronics Inc. –Dwight Nicholas, Director of Corporate Sales, Tridium, Inc. –Ben Erpelding, PE CEM, Director of Engineering, Optimum Energy –Terry Mocherniak, CEO, Encelium Technologies Inc. –Stefano Strapparava, Managing Director, Silver Star Engineering Srl

9 9 Business Track - more End User Applications End User Applications in Educational, Retail, and Critical Environments. Session will include end user presentation on applications on a Data Center, issues, technologies, solutions in a large school district, and using Niagara for disaster management. –Robin Alston, CTO, FacilityOne –Ed Merwin, Director of Field Sales, Tridium, Inc. –Bob Bittner, Director of Energy and Physical Plant, Wake County Public Schools

10 10 Business Track - more Cellular Option with Niagara Niagara Cellular. This session will provide details of new Niagara cellular /GPRS options, and an overview of the cellular data technologies and programs.. –Daniel McDuffie, Vice President of Business Development, Wyless –Gil Rockwell, Product Manager, Tridium, Inc. –William Sandoval, Directorof Business Development, Tridium, Inc Niagara Energy Energy Applications. Session topics include a case study on a state wide energy program using Niagara, a look at energy dashboards and green report cards, sub metering green facilities and the integration of Niagara and the Grid. –Jack McGowan, CEO, Energy Control Inc. –Don Millstein, President & CEO, E-Mon –Ed Merwin, Director of Field Sales, Tridium, Inc. –Todd Perry, Building Operations Manager, State of Michigan

11 11 Business Track - more Industry Trends Technology and automation have changed the way we manage and operate our facilities and have created significant new business values. This open panel discussion brings together key industry leaders on the technology and systems, and support used by major corporate facilities to create these new values and meet their goals to provide a safe, energy efficient and comfortable environment. –Paul Erlich, PE, President, Building Intelligence Group LLC –Paul Quinn, Strategic Execution & Chief Information Officer, Duke Realty –Marc Petock, Director, Global Marketing & Communications, Tridium –Jim Young, Co-Founder & Producer, Realcomm Enterprise Managed Services Niagara and Enterprise Managed Services. This session will explore various uses of Niagara for Enterprise Command and Operation Centers. Case studies of large scale monitoring centers from around the world will be presented. –Jim McGlone, Vice President of Sales, Tridium, Inc. –Dilip Rahulan, Chairman & CEO, Pacific Control Systems –Stuart Waterbury, Senior Engineer, Architectural Energy Corporation

12 12 Applications Track oBIX Update Topics include an overview of oBIX and how it can be used by third parties to integrate Niagara into their own software. –Aaron Hansen, Chief Software Architect, CSI3 –Gareth Johnson, Senior Development Engineer, Tridium Europe –Steve Norman, Technical Director, Hawkesbury Niagara Security 2.0 This session includes a technical look at the new Security 2.0 technical features and capabilities. Demo of the actual enterprise software including the distributed database and linking of remote security JACES to the enterprise. A view of new Niagara Video capabilities with Dedicated Micros digital video recorders and future integration plans for HID Edge Power over Ethernet door controllers will also be presented. –Steve Lucas, Senior Security Guy, Tridium, Inc. –Rick Weisensale, Product Director, Niagara Security, Tridium, Inc.

13 13 Applications Track - more JACE-870/JACE-2700 Applying new touch screen technology. This session will provide application basics for using the new JACE 870 and 2700 series touch screen JACEs. This session will include a hardware and applications overview and a demo of the capabilities of these platforms. –James Johnson, Sales Engineer, Tridium, Inc. Sedona Applications Sedona Applications. This session explore applications using the new Sedona Network. This includes 6LowPAN wired/wireless technology, new tools, software components, and devices. Actual demos of the software and hardware will be presented. –Jim Lindop, CEO, Jennic –Scott Muench, Director of Corporate Accounts, Tridium, Inc.

14 14 Applications Track - more Niagara Best Practices and New Enhancements Niagara Best Practices (3.3 and 3.4). Session topics include new features of these software releases. Actual technical demonstrations on how to get the most out of these releases will be presented. –James Johnson, Sales Engineer, Tridium, Inc. Flex Driver/Program Objects Using the Flex Driver and Program Objects. This session will provide a demonstration on using the Flex Driver including actual development of a driver on the fly. Program Object development and examples will also be presented. –Andrew Jackson, Technical Director, Tridium Europe –Gareth Johnson, Senior Development Engineer, Tridium Europe –Scott Muench, Director of Corporate Accounts, Tridium, Inc.

15 15 Applications Track - more Partner Best Practices & Applications Partner Best Practices and Applications. This session includes technical presentations on working with IT networks, creating integrated tools sets in Niagara for programming control devices, and the building of appliances on the Niagara Framework. –John Brown, Applications Engineering Manager, Tridium Europe –Bennet Levine, R & D Manager, Contemporary Controls –Dr. Gert-Ulrich Vack, Founder, SysMik GmbH Dresden –Mike Welch, Managing Director, Control Net works Solutions Ltd. User Interface Niagara User Interface. This session will include new features and tricks to create advanced user interfaces. Topics include charting, reports, advanced graphics and gadgets, and the use of Flash in Niagara environments. –Jason Briggs, Owner, ControlWorks, Inc.

16 16 Developer Track Enterprise Development An introduction for developers to the latest features in Niagara for building large, multi-station systems. This will include an overview and live demo of the object/relational mapping API as well as new features for system definition and data synchronization. –John Sublett, Tridium, Inc. Sedona Framework Introduction for software and application developers to the Sedona technology including the programming language and tools. We’ll show how to create your own Sedona components and drop them into devices using the Niagara Workbench. –Brian Frank, Co-Founder/Software Architect, Tridium, Inc. Sedona Wireless Learn how Tridium is applying 6LoWPAN to create IPv6 wireless and wired networks for low cost devices. This session introduces the basic concepts of IPv6, 6LoWPAN and 802.15.4 wired/wireless mesh networking –Dan Giorgis, Tridium, Inc.

17 17 Developer Track - more Niagara New Developer Get your NiagaraAX Developer environment up and running. Learn the basics of Niagara AX Development including: how to get started; dos and don’ts; walk away with a base NiagaraAX module or driver and insights on completing it; where to go for answers –Sam Barrow, Software Engineer, Tridium, Inc. Appliance Basics This session covers the basics of Appliance development using various Java programming techniques. This includes tricks and tips common to creating Niagara based Applications! –Andy Frank, Tridium, Inc

18 18 More Information Dedicated Conference Web Site – Conference Guide – NAL.LowRes.pdf Presentations Downloads – - Search knowledgebase for “Niagara Summit” Fun Photos and Movies (the unofficial web site of the Summit)

19 19 More Info – Niagara Summit

20 20 More Info - Niagara Central

21 21 More Info – Photos and Fun

22 22 Question and Answer Session Select the Q&A icon in the Netspoke menu bar to type your questions Feel free to speak up for further discussion Please introduce yourself, company name, and where you are calling from.

23 23 Thank you! We would like your feedback on today’s TridiumTalk Please take a moment to answer our short survey If you have any further questions, comments or topic suggestions, please email them to Ed MerwinScott Muench Marc Petock

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