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By: Robert Start the story. One day you lived as a boy in a city far, far, away called Sherlinkton. Your name was Himilton. You had a wealthy dad’ a wealthy.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Robert Start the story. One day you lived as a boy in a city far, far, away called Sherlinkton. Your name was Himilton. You had a wealthy dad’ a wealthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Robert Start the story

2 One day you lived as a boy in a city far, far, away called Sherlinkton. Your name was Himilton. You had a wealthy dad’ a wealthy mom, and a wealthy sister that was eleven. You were about nine and a half, and you seemed to forget stuff and be very clumsy. Next page

3 You and your older sister slept in the same room, every year,every week, every day, every hour, and every second of your lives. Sometimes you had bad days and some were good ones. Your sister was really getting annoyed with you and your clumsy ways. Next page You get mad and want a new room

4 One day the whole family was taking a family car ride and you kept asking where they were going to take you, but your parents nor your sister would answer. You and your family finally reached your destination a stopped near and orphanage, they stopped the car and said to you that you are getting a younger baby brother. Your really exited and go with it You yell out NO!

5 At first you were happy but then you noticed that the second that baby sets foot in the house, the house will be a huge mess, and you are going to be the one who will be forced to clean it all up, and you also noticed that your room will be a bomb shelter and probably going to be the cleanest room in the house cause you always keeps your room clean and locked. Next page

6 They found a little boy named Timmy and welcomed him to the family. Timmy was about seven, he slept in the living room until the family moved to a house with more rooms to sleep in. Then you noticed something odd about Timmy but never told anyone. The next day you found a broken window in your own room when you got back from shopping and leaving Timmy alone in the house. Next page

7 After that day something else happened, both of the parents phones went missing, they thought they just misplaced them but when they called on them to find out where they where they found one phone hidden in the back of the refrigerator and the other one in the washing machine. You started thinking in your head, all this bad stuff started happening when Timmy first came in, then you noticed Timmy outside with a rake hitting the shed and making huge holes and dents. you told your parents what happened and you saw with your own eyes, so they grounded Timmy for a week. Next page

8 One day Timmy got ahold of his dads cellphone and dialed nine one one, twice in a row. This time you knew Timmy was doing this on purpose but then all of a sudden you heard a loud knock on the door so your mom opened up the door, she was surprised to see two officers standing their and they said she was under arrest for disturbing the police and was sent off for five years in prison, same thing happened to your dad. Now all of you are orphans. Why would Timmy do this? Next page

9 All the way backEnd the fun

10 You yell out no and your mom asks why, you say that you don’t want to because it will be too annoying and well have to get a bigger house. I never wanted to have one! You all drive home, eat some soup and then go to a park. Your playing on the playground and you see a squirrel, you run to it to say hi. Its apparently not scared of you, its like it sees something in you. You decide to take it home and you do. You buy a cage and nuts for it to live of and it seems to like you. Next page

11 The next day you get out of bed and brush your teeth, you go to eat breakfast and say hi to your pet squirrel. Suddenly your pet starts choking or something, you try to help it but its to late, to late because your squirrel spit out something and guess what it is, a huge gold nugget! Your squirrel is fine but you try to find out how the squirrel found it and chugged it down. Next page

12 You go back to the park where you found your squirrel. You look around for about 5 minutes and you find a hole in the ground under a rock and when you dug it open you found a mountain of gold rocks.geuss what, you sell them all and then get rich. Next page

13 So you picked to get mad, ok. You never liked sharing a room with your dumb older sister and you want your own brand new room, you go up to your parents and ask them to get you a new room. But they said its too costly and they will even have to sell their house and buy a new one and they told you it will take a long time and that they cant even afford to buy a new house. So you get mad, again, and say to them that your going to find a way to get yourself a new room. Next page

14 Then you go to the park to chill. Your playing on the playground and all of a sudden you see a squirrel getting attacked by a cat, you run to it to help and you save it just in time, but that awful cat scratched you on the arm and then ran away. Your gently holding it in your hands and its not scared of you, its like it sees something in you and likes you at the same time. You decide to take it home and you do. You buy a cage and nuts for it to live off and it seems to like you. Next page

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