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11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Eduard Ruffert & Dr. Benedikt Mandel & MKmetric Gesellschaft für Systemplanung.

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Presentation on theme: "11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Eduard Ruffert & Dr. Benedikt Mandel & MKmetric Gesellschaft für Systemplanung."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Eduard Ruffert & Dr. Benedikt Mandel email: & MKmetric Gesellschaft für Systemplanung mbH, Karlsruhe 1. Requirements 2. Development 3. Way forward

2 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric GTF / TIP data Workspace / User System GTF@WS GTF@Prov. Filter Application A App. B User data Model in–house data in–house incremental data GTF / TIP data Provider Operating System X Operating System Y Internet Interchange structure

3 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Supporting Model Communication 1. Model requirements: GTF = Generalised Transportation data Format - EDI format to exchange transportation modelling information - not to impose formats or contents constraints on modellers exchanging data - not specifically for GIS GTF specifies building blocks (entities) GTF is a general structure of the information transport models use Principles: - not too many basic building blocks (generic entities) - generalised enough for (mainly) modelling information and (also) other information GTF = Exchange of Data (homogeneous & generic) Overview of requirements

4 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Supporting Model Communication 2. EDI requirements: - cross-platform - structured & segmented - flexible & scalable - use of existing standards - human readability  CONTENTS of GTF: GTF Conceptual Model (GTF-CM)  FORMAT & PROTOCOL: GTF-XML Overview of requirements

5 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric GTF = “Generalised Transportation-data Format” - the conceptual model GTF-XML = the underlying transmission format Universe of GTF

6 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Development: GTF definition GTF = for the exchange of strategic transportation modelling information  GTF-CM is means of discussion = capture the vocabulary of the problem domain in computer terms Problem domain Computer terms The travel time on Link L from Node A to Node B is X. Node A Node B Link L travel_time = X mapping



9 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric GTF-Conceptual Model (CM)...

10 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Principles / Framework classes for GTF-CM specification

11 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric OO concepts overview Development views 1. Conceptual 2. Specification 3. Implementation Where are we now? Why? 1 + 2 +3

12 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric OO concepts overview Sequence of development steps? First 1. Conceptual Then 2. Specification Then 3. Implementation In detail... on the basis of MoU... and propsed GTF Specification.

13 GTF = mediator format... Emme/2 TOP Polydrom GDFNWB GTF file Reader API Func1 FuncN... Emme/2 TOP Polydrom GDFNWB 15th August 2001 MKmetric additional specific structuring Way Forward export reading

14 11/12th October 2001Barcelona MKmetric Further steps after spotlightsTN From “Conceptual Model” to “Data Model” From “Common Understanding” to “Ontology” Standardisation Library of procedures

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