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ALMIS Database Fundamentals. Topics ALMIS Database History Table Layout How to read a table definition Table constraints and Triggers Core Tables Table.

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Presentation on theme: "ALMIS Database Fundamentals. Topics ALMIS Database History Table Layout How to read a table definition Table constraints and Triggers Core Tables Table."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALMIS Database Fundamentals

2 Topics ALMIS Database History Table Layout How to read a table definition Table constraints and Triggers Core Tables Table Load Order Structure Changes

3 ALMIS IS: America’s Labor Market Information System

4 The ALMIS System is: A Joint effort between the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor and the States to: -conduct research, -develop products, and -deliver Information to job seekers, employers, economic developers, planners and other users.

5 What is the ALMIS Database? In Computer Terminology: The ALMIS Database is a Normalized, Relational Database Structure, Developed for the Storage and Maintenance of Labor Market, Economic, Demographic and Occupational Information.

6 History of the ALMIS Database ALMIS Database Version 1.0 Originated from Two Existing Databases _NOICC’s Occupational Labor Market Information Database or OLMID _North Carolina’s Human Resource Information System Database

7 History continues … - August 1996 : Work Began on the ALMIS Database structure - April 1997: ALMIS Database Structure Version 1.0 Delivered to States - Spring 1997: Formation of the ALMIS Database Maintenance Consortium - Summer 1998: Definition and Release of “Core Tables” under the P/Y 1998 One Stop LMI Grant

8 What Kinds of Information are Included in the ALMIS Database? Some of the Types of Information Which Can be Found in an ALMIS Database Include: - Population - Employment Projections -Tax Information- Mass Layoffs -Income - Labor Force Estimates -Employment - Sales Tax - Government Transfer Payments and -much more, such as…...

9 ALMIS Database Structure The table layout for the ALMIS Database:  Lookup tables  Data tables  Crosswalk tables  Tables of standard field values  Administrative tables

10 Common Relational Database Terms:  A Database is a structured collection of data, stored in tables  A Table is a collection of records related to one another  A Primary Key is a field or combination of fields that uniquely identifies each record in a table  A Foreign Key is when a value in one table matches the primary key of another table

11 Common Relational Database Terms Continued:  A Data Table is a table consisting of a collection of data records - A Look Up Table is a foreign key table  A CrossWalk Table is a table that relates coding structure in the database  An Administrative Table is a table that contains information on the data and tables in the ALMIS Database


13 Load Order

14 ALMIS Database Structure Changes Version 1.1 to 2.3 Number of Tables Added:36 Number of Tables Changed: 42 Number of Tables Deleted:11 Number of Tables Unchanged:72

15 New Table Elements in 2.3 from 1.1 For Data Tables That Have Changed: CES: benchmark, suppression Empdb: (several fields changed) ESDATA: stattype, esorders, newapp, referrals INDPRJ: nchg, growcode INDUSTRY: firms, m1emp, m2emp, topempav LABFORCE: benchmark LICHIST: licnumtyp MLSCLAIM: claimtyp MLSEVENT: dwvertype *OESWAGE: (entire table) - new core table

16 New Table Elements in 2.3 from 1.1 **continued** For Data Tables That Have Changed: OCCPRJ: nchg, growcode PROGRAMS: compltyp, progtitle, url SALES: salestyp STFIRMS: lat, long, naicscode, axnaicscd STINDPRJ: nchg, growcode STOCCPRJ: nchg, growcode UICLAIMS: claimtyp, indcode + occcode, agegroup, racethn, gender *URL: (entire table)-new core table WAGE: periodyr, periodtype, period, respondent, empcount

17 Triggers A trigger is a fragment of code that you tell the server to run before or after a table is modified. A trigger has the power to INSERT UPDATE DELETE

18 Why have Triggers? Why have the Occcode & Indcode tables? Can not have conditional foreign keys as was happening in the case of the multi-code fields in many of the ALMIS DB tables. Can not have a foreign key field length that is different than the primary key it is referencing.

19 Trigger Example Action: Insert new soccode “959595” Soccode table Trigger fires! Action: Automatically inserts new soccode “959595” Occcode table

20 Core Data Tables Income Empdb CES Industry Labforce Populatn *Database Administrator may opt to populate one or both of these data tables Wage* Indprj Occprj Iomatrix Income License Oeswage*

21 ALMIS Resource Center Connecticut Florida Georgia Illinois Iowa Massachusetts Montana  Nebraska  Nevada  North Carolina  Oregon  South Carolina  Wisconsin  ETA  NCSC

22 How to contact ARC: ALMIS Resource Center c/o Employment Security Commission Of North Carolina 700 Wade Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Email:

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