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Computer Parts and Terminology

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1 Computer Parts and Terminology

2 INPUT Input Examples Information that is entered into a computer
Keyboard: Mouse Digital camera scanner

3 Keyboard Probably the most used input device
Operates a lot like a typewriter but has many additional keys that let it do special things a typewriter can’t.

4 Mouse A special input device
single click is a light tap on one of the buttons on the mouse. You do not want to hit the mouse too hard or hold down a button for too long. double click is two quick light taps on one of the buttons on the mouse. A double click must be very quick, or it will not work.

5 Mouse Cont’d The mouse gives you the option of moving things around on the desktop or in any window on the screen. Left button Single click to open programs and files Single click to open links in the Internet Double click to open folders and icons on the desktop Drag windows and objects on the screen. You have to hold the left button down while dragging. Right button Shortcut to menu options

6 OUTPUT Output Examples
Information that come out of the computer after it has been processed Examples Printer Monitor speakers

7 Monitor A device similar to a television set that accepts video signals for a computer and displays the information on its screen You can turn off the monitor without harming the computer

8 Printers Output devices that allow you to hold a hard copy of your processed information.

9 Storage Where processed information is stored Examples CD and DVD
Flash Drives Hard Drives Memory Cards

10 Hard Drive Primary storage area within your computer
The higher the number attaches the more storage you have for programs and files.

11 Processing When inputted information is handled by the computers brain (CPU)

12 CPU Stands for: Brains of the Computer
Central Processing Unit Brains of the Computer Responsible for everything your PC does

13 Desktop The first screen you see when you turn on your computer.
Where you can access all your applications, files, and folders.

14 ICONS Visual representations of an object or program on your hard drive Example Blue “e” on your screen usually represents the Internet Explorer program

15 Taskbar Found across the bottom of your screen and used to start and control applications

16 Start Button and Menu Start Button Start Menu
Is located at the left hand side of the screen. Gives you access to all the applications available on your computer Start Menu Used to open programs that are available

17 Windows Title Bar Menu Bar Tool Bar Scroll Bar
Basic Components of a Window Title Bar: Tells you what function or program you are in. Menu Bar: Contains all the commands and functions for that window. Tool Bar: Contains shortcuts to some of the commands available in the Menu Bar. Scroll Bar: Allows you to move the window up and down or side-to-side to see everything in the window. Other things you’ll see in the window: Minimize button: This places the window on the taskbar without closing the program. To open the window again, click on it from the taskbar. Maximize button: This makes the window full-sized. At this point, the window should fill the entire screen. Restore button: You see this button when you have a window maximized .Clicking on this button will restore the window back to its regular size. Close button: this button closes the window. Menu Bar Tool Bar Scroll Bar

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