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Presented by Ken Baldauf Florida State University Re-evaluating what we teach in the Intro course and how we teach IT B ack to the Drawing Board.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Ken Baldauf Florida State University Re-evaluating what we teach in the Intro course and how we teach IT B ack to the Drawing Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Ken Baldauf Florida State University Re-evaluating what we teach in the Intro course and how we teach IT B ack to the Drawing Board

2 The Traditional Computer Lit Class The Status Quo

3 Topics Covered Computer Concepts –Digital Tech, Hardware, Software, Networks, Internet/Web, Business Systems, Media, Info Security, Social Issues Computer Skills –Windows, Office, Web CGS2060 Computer Literacy CGS2100 MicroApps for Business @ FSU

4 Course Format Large lecture for Concepts TA-led recitations for Skills

5 My Curricular Experiments

6 Take ‘em Online Unveiled online versions of Comp Lit courses CGS2060, CGS2100 in 1998. CGS2060 CGS2100 CGS2060 OL CGS2100 OL

7 Raise the Bar Introduced CGS2064 Comp Lit II (2005) –Advanced Concepts –Graphics –Web Dev CGS2060 CGS2100 CGS2060 OL CGS2100 OL CGS2064

8 Meet Special Needs Added CGS2060 Comp Lit for Mac (2006) CGS2060 CGS2100 CGS2060 OL CGS2100 OL CGS2064 CGS2060 MAC

9 Take ‘em Online CGS2064 and CGS2060 Mac go online (2006) CGS2060 CGS2100 CGS2060 OL CGS2100 OL CGS2064 CGS2060 MAC CGS2064 OL CGS2060 MAC OL

10 Build Stairway to CS Major Revamped CGS3066 Web Design and Programming (2006) CGS2060 CGS2064 CGS3066 CS 0 CGS2060 CGS2100 CGS2060 OL CGS2100 OL CGS2064 CGS2060 MAC CGS2064 OL CGS2060 MAC OL CGS3066

11 Build Stairway to CS Major 2006 - Revamped CGS3066 Web Design and Programming 2007 - Take it online CGS2060 CGS2064 CGS3066 CS 0 CGS2060 CGS2100 CGS2060 OL CGS2100 OL CGS2064 CGS2060 MAC CGS2064 OL CGS2060 MAC OL CGS3066 CGS3066 OL

12 Experimental Special Topics Digital Media & Mobile Communications (2007) Information Security and PC Maintenance (2007) CGS2060 CGS2100 CGS2060 OL CGS2100 OL CGS2064 CGS2060 MAC CGS2064 OL CGS2060 MAC OL CGS3066 CGS3066 OL COP3931-01 COP3931-02

13 Where has it gotten me and what has been gained? Lessons Learned

14 A lot more students Enrollment is up 58% over two years to 2,700 students.

15 480 CGS2060 Comp Lit 846 CGS2060 Comp Lit Online 400 CGS2100 Comp Lit Business 592 CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online 037 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac 205 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online 034 CGS2064 Comp Lit II 118 CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online 031 CGS3066 Web Dev 075 CGS3066 Web Dev Online 048 COP3931-01 Media 032 COP3931-02 Info Sec Lesson 1

16 480 CGS2060 Comp Lit 846 CGS2060 Comp Lit Online 400 CGS2100 Comp Lit Business 592 CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online 037 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac 205 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online 034 CGS2064 Comp Lit II 118 CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online 031 CGS3066 Web Dev 075 CGS3066 Web Dev Online 048 COP3931-01 Media 032 COP3931-02 Info Sec Lesson 1 Enrollment stats show… Comp Lit is still the big dawg! 86%

17 480 CGS2060 Comp Lit 846 CGS2060 Comp Lit Online 400 CGS2100 Comp Lit Business 592 CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online 037 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac 205 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online 034 CGS2064 Comp Lit II 118 CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online 031 CGS3066 Web Dev 075 CGS3066 Web Dev Online 048 COP3931-01 Media 032 COP3931-02 Info Sec Lesson 1 Enrollment stats show… Comp Lit II has plateaued.

18 480 CGS2060 Comp Lit 846 CGS2060 Comp Lit Online 400 CGS2100 Comp Lit Business 592 CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online 037 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac 205 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online 034 CGS2064 Comp Lit II 118 CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online 031 CGS3066 Web Dev 075 CGS3066 Web Dev Online 048 COP3931-01 Media 032 COP3931-02 Info Sec Lesson 1 Enrollment stats show… Students are not migrating up.

19 480 CGS2060 Comp Lit 846 CGS2060 Comp Lit Online 400 CGS2100 Comp Lit Business 592 CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online 037 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac 205 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online 034 CGS2064 Comp Lit II 118 CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online 031 CGS3066 Web Dev 075 CGS3066 Web Dev Online 048 COP3931-01 Media 032 COP3931-02 Info Sec Lesson 2 Enrollment stats show… Mac sections are a big success!

20 480 CGS2060 Comp Lit 846 CGS2060 Comp Lit Online 400 CGS2100 Comp Lit Business 592 CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online 037 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac 205 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online 034 CGS2064 Comp Lit II 118 CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online 031 CGS3066 Web Dev 075 CGS3066 Web Dev Online 048 COP3931-01 Media 032 COP3931-02 Info Sec Lesson 3 Enrollment stats show… Online is hot! 64% 60% 85% 78% 71%

21 480 CGS2060 Comp Lit 846 CGS2060 Comp Lit Online 400 CGS2100 Comp Lit Business 592 CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online 037 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac 205 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online 034 CGS2064 Comp Lit II 118 CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online 031 CGS3066 Web Dev 075 CGS3066 Web Dev Online 048 COP3931-01 Media 032 COP3931-02 Info Sec Lesson 4 Course evaluations show… high enthusiasm for new courses

22 480 CGS2060 Comp Lit 846 CGS2060 Comp Lit Online 400 CGS2100 Comp Lit Business 592 CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online 037 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac 205 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online 034 CGS2064 Comp Lit II 118 CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online 031 CGS3066 Web Dev 075 CGS3066 Web Dev Online 048 COP3931-01 Media 032 COP3931-02 Info Sec Lesson 5 One credit hour courses aren’t worth the investment

23 480 CGS2060 Comp Lit 846 CGS2060 Comp Lit Online 400 CGS2100 Comp Lit Business 592 CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online 037 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac 205 CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online 034 CGS2064 Comp Lit II 118 CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online 031 CGS3066 Web Dev 075 CGS3066 Web Dev Online Lesson 6 Web Dev is hot, xhtml/css/js, enrollment quadrupled! Passed it off to another faculty member

24 CGS2060 Comp Lit CGS2060 Comp Lit Online CGS2100 Comp Lit Business CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online CGS2064 Comp Lit II CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online So I’m left with…

25 CGS2060 Comp Lit CGS2060 Comp Lit Online CGS2100 Comp Lit Business CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online CGS2064 Comp Lit II CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online Demands 8 Courses –8 Syllabi, 8 Agenda, 8 Web sites, many assignments and tests 2,700 Students 40 Teaching Assistants, trained in 12 different unique jobs 1 Stretched and Stressed Faculty Member

26 My grand scheme Where to now?

27 CGS2060 Comp Lit CGS2060 Comp Lit Online CGS2100 Comp Lit Business CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online CGS2064 Comp Lit II CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online Combine all of this… into…

28 CGS2060 Computer Fluency …On Steroids New and Improved!! New and Improved!! Fortified with 9 essential vitamins and minerals!

29 Why Consolidate? Better for students Easier to manage

30 Better for Students Computer Skills COMP LITCOMP LIT II Using Microsoft WindowsX Managing FilesX E-mailX Web ResearchX Microsoft WordX Microsoft ExcelXX Microsoft PowerPointX Microsoft Office Application IntegrationX Creating a Webpage with WordX Microsoft AccessXX Digital Photo Editing: Adobe Photoshop X Computer Graphics: Adobe Illustrator X Computer Animation: Macromedia Flash X Basics of Unix (for Web publishing) X Web Authoring: Intro to HTML X Web Development: Macromedia DreamWeaver X Microsoft Data Access Pages X Basics of Web Programming with JavaScript X Computer Concepts COMP LITCOMP LIT II Digital Data RepresentationX HardwareX SoftwareX Telecommunications and NetworkingX Internet/WebX Societal, Ethical, and Security IssuesXX Digital Media (Graphics, Video, Music, Games) X Database Systems X E-commerce and Transaction Processing X Information Systems in Businesses & Organizations X Systems and Software Development X ORIGINAL PLAN

31 Over time, as increasing numbers of students enter college already computer competent, enrollment levels in Comp Lit and Comp Lit II should invert. Comp Lit Comp Lit II Over three years, this has not occurred. Students are not choosing Comp Lit II over Comp Lit, nor are they taking both. So, the vast majority of students are missing out on the benefits provided by Comp Lit II.

32 Students are missing out on the benefits provided by Comp Lit II.

33 Raising the Bar for CGS2060 A common “complaint” from students is that Comp Lit is too easy. Still, those students choose Comp Lit over Comp Lit II. If you can’t bring the horse to water, bring the water to the horse.

34 CGS2060 Computer Fluency Digital Technology Basics The Digital Revolution General Purpose and Special Purpose Computers Hardware: Processing, Storage, and I/O Software: System Software and Application Software Network Technologies Telecommunications: Wired and Wireless Technologies Computer Networking The Internet and Web Management Information Systems Databases E-commerce Business Systems Systems Development Digital Media Digital Music and Audio Digital Graphics Digital Photography and Video Interactive Media Information Security Information Security and Vulnerability Machine-Level Security Network Security Wireless Network Security Internet Security Social Implications Living Online Freedom of Speech Privacy Issues Ethics and Social Responsibility Globalization Concepts Coverage

35 CGS2060 Computer Fluency Skills Coverage - Platform Independent

36 CGS2060 Computer Fluency Skills Coverage (Required) OS and File Management Windows, Mac, Linux (non-Windows bring laptop) Personal Information Management (PIM) Web-based Contacts, Calendars, and To-Do's Internet Communications Email, Instant Messaging, SMS Texting, Online Forums Word Processing Any advanced word-processing application that can save to Microsoft Word format Spreadsheet Management Any advanced spreadsheet application that can save to Microsoft Excel format Team Project Work as a group to apply the above skills to design a solution to a professional problem

37 CGS2060 Computer Fluency Skills Coverage (Options) Student Choice 1 (choose one) Presentation Software (PowerPoint-based) Microsoft Access (required for business students) Digital Photography and Photo Editing (Elements, Flickr) Project Management, Mind Mapping Student Choice 2 (choose one) Digital Media Production (video, audio, podcast, vcast) Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications (social networking, social bookmarking, wikis, media sharing, Google Docs, etc.) Web publishing (Web site, Blog)

38 Class content CGS2060 Comp Lit CGS2060 Comp Lit Online CGS2100 Comp Lit Business CGS2100 Comp Lit Bus.Online CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac CGS2060 Comp Lit Mac Online CGS2064 Comp Lit II CGS2064 Comp Lit II Online COP3931-01 Media COP3931-02 Info Sec CGS2060 Computer Fluency Are students ready?

39 Class overhead Current Setup 2,700 Students 8 Courses, Websites, etc. 40 Teaching Assistants In 12 unique jobs 1 stretched and stressed faculty CGS2060 Computer Fluency 2,700 Students 1 Course (online and classroom modes) 40 Teaching Assistants in 3 unique jobs: helpdesk, grader & tester 1 smiling faculty dude

40 New Class Structure 1 weekly 75 minute lecture in large auditorium –Discussions on chapter topics and current events CourseCasts – CourseCasts – –Review of assignment work –Guest speakers –Clicker quizzes

41 Class Structure Recitations replaced by video lessons, an open Help Lab, and weekly online activities. –Office 2007 In a Flash: 2007 In a Flash: Exams scheduled online, and taken in Testing Center. Help Lab open 40 hours/week Online Support from Help Desk staff via phone, email, or chat open 40 hours/week. Email to instructor filtered through Help Desk staff.

42 Course Work 1,000 Points Available 050 Assignment: Digital Communications 050 Assignment: Personal Information Management 100 Assignment: Word Processing/Web Research 100 Assignment: Spreadsheets 075 Assignment: Group Project 075 Assignment: Student Choice 1 050 Assignment: Student Choice 2 050 Exam: Operating System and File Management 050 Exam Word Processing 100 Exam Spreadsheet 080 Exam Concepts 1: Digital Technology, Network Technology 080 Exam Concepts 2: Business Information Systems, Digital Media 080 Exam Concepts 3: Information Security, Social Issues 060 Class Participation

43 Thanks for coming! Check in next year for an update! Ken Baldauf Florida State University Program for Interdisciplinary Computing

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