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Published byRandolph Stevens Modified over 9 years ago
Socrates Malta School Education Comenius
Overall Objectives of Comenius n to enhance the quality and reinforce the European Dimension (by encouraging transnational co-operation between schools), n to improve professional development of staff directly involved in the school education sector, n to promote the learning of languages and intercultural awareness.
Publicity n Intensive media campaign - press releases, radio and television programmes n Dissemination of information - brochures, flyers and posters n Organisation of a number of information sessions n Website - - updated regularly - applications and guidelines are online n Information sessions at schools
Socrates Office n Provides technical advice and assistance on the different stages of developing a project. n Hold face-to-face meeting with project co- ordinators and partners. n Promote the availability of Socrates opportunities. n Help participants to make contacts and find partners. n Maintain close relationship with the Technical Assistance Office in Brussels and with other National Agencies.
Comenius 1 - School Partnerships Increase in the number of projects 2000 - 6 projects 2001 - 36 projects 2002 - 55 projects
Comenius 1 - School Partnerships 1st March 2002 n 49 School Projects n 5 Language Projects n 10 School Development Projects 64 applications were submitted 55 applications were approved
Selection Procedures 2 phases n Assessment carried out at a national level n Inter-agency consultation
Comenius 2.1 - European Co-operation Projects for the Training of School Education Staff n 1 st March 2001 - 4 projects were submitted and approved. n 1 st March 2002 – 8 projects were submitted – 4 Renewals – 4 New
Comenius 2.1 - European Co-operation Projects for the Training of School Education Staff Example of Projects : - Water Wisdom – Well being for the World - MIND/Critical Thinking for Successful Future Career in EU - SEEPS : Developing Sustaining and Evaluating Sustainable Practices in European Primary Schools - Community, Diversity, Communication – Building Bridges in the Multicultural European Classroom
Comenius 2.2C - Individual Grants for In-service Training 2000 – 4 In-service Courses 2001 – 21 In-service Courses 2002 – 14 In-service Courses Examples of In-service courses approved n Creating a Better Environment in Our School n Using Portfolios in Careers Education and Guidance to Enhance Students Career and Development n Cross Currents in European Literature n Teaching and Learning German with the Internet
Example of Good Practice Title : Euroview TT on the use of ICT in Education Place : Alden Biesen, Belgium Course Content : n Creating Web Sites n Using the Web in International Projects at school n The role of ICT in Education
Comenius 3 - Networks n 2 applications were submitted - TEPEE - Towards a European Portfolio for Environmental Education - RIAC - Regional Identity and Active Citizenship
Structure of Comenius Overall Priorities n Equal Opportunities n Pupils at risk n Children of migrants, Gypsies, travellers and occupational travellers n Pupils with special educational needs
Who can participate? n Pupils, students and other learners n All categories of educational staff (such as teachers, head teachers, administrative staff, management staff, guidance counselors and inspectors) n All kinds of educational establishments n Education authorities at local, regional and national level
Comenius - Three Actions n Comenius 1 - SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS n Comenius 2 - TRAINING OF SCHOOL EDUCATION STAFF n Comenius 3 - NETWORKS
Comenius 1 - priorities n Pupils with special educational needs n Intercultural education, combat racism and xenophobia n Equal opportunities of women and men n Schools lacking experience in European cooperation n Disadvantaged schools and pupils
Comenius Plan n Short and simple paper n Tool for school to plan and evaluate activities under Comenius n Outcome of reflection and discussion between all actors concerned n Point of reference for the National Agencies
Comenius Projects n Subject n Aims n Timetable of activities n Duration n Budget
Comenius 1 - Project Types Three project types : n Comenius School Projects n Comenius Language Projects n Comenius School Development Projects
Comenius School Projects n Objective : to develop and reinforce the European dimension of school education n Format : at least 3 schools from at least 3 countries for 3 years maximum n Area : any theme or topic of common interest to the participating schools
Example of Good Practice n School :Achille Ferris Primary School, Msida n Title : Green Links n Partners : Belgium (Co-ordinator), Estonia, Spain, Italy, Romania,
Aims n To learn about the environment and nature in a dynamic way, n To look for ways to share ideas about environmental education with the complete school team and stimulating interdisciplinary work, n Improving the school environment and the school atmosphere, n To create a network that allows the participating schools to come together and to value their shared potential.
All the countries participating in the project
Information about the countries
Pupils explaining and showing items received during the Show and Tell Exhibition.
Pupils dressed in National Costumes.
Pupils and teachers act as jury in the logo contest – choosing a logo for the Comenius Project.
Chart done by pupils which incorporate their ideas on the different countries
Pupil’s Work
Comenius Language Projects n Objective : to improve pupils’ motivation and capacity to learn foreign languages n Format : 2 schools in 2 countries for 1 year n Priorities : - the least widely used and taught languages of the EU - vocational and technical schools
Example of Good Practice n School : De La Salle College, Cottonera n Title : From Malta to Normandy : The Sea and Its Issues n Partner : Verson, France
Aims : n To allow students to communicate with another country and discover another culture, another system of education, an unknown language and new technologies, eg:desalination of water in Malta, the use of the tide energy in France, n To broaden pupils’ reflection on and understanding of important topics such as the sea, the natural environment and pollution, n To make the pupils fully conscious that the building of a united Europe requires people to know each other better, as well as a joint reflection and work on issues involved in this community project.
Franco-Maltese Evening in France
Franco-Maltese Evening in Malta
All the children (French & Maltese) that participated in the exchange
Comenius School Development Projects n Objective : to improve school management and pedagogical approaches n School centered : management and staff n Format : at least 3 schools in at least 3 countries for 3 years maximum n Area : any theme or topic relating to management and pedagogical approaches of common interest to the participating schools
Example of Good Practice n School : Tumas Dingli Primary School, Attard n Title : EPSEN (Examining Provision for Special Educational Needs in Participating Schools n Partners : UK (Co-ordinator), Ireland, Poland
Aims n To examine provision within each school region for Special Educational Needs for children of Primary School Age, n To provide an opportunity for comparisons to be made between partner schools and lead to the development of a comprehensive policy which will encompass the best practices identified in each country, n To improve the skills and techniques used by teachers of children with special educational needs, n To raise the level of awareness among these pupils about their own capabilities and those of children in other countries.
- Case studies performed with students - Age : 6 - 8 years - Examples of Special Needs : - Autistic - Communication problems semantic pragmatic disorder - Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.)
Other Examples of Projects n Integration of pupils with special educational needs n Integration of ethnic minority groups n Preventing and combating racism and xenophobia n Conflict resolution; prevention of violence n Equal opportunities between girls and boys n Acquiring skills in the language of instruction n Adapted teaching methods; classroom management n Involvement of mediators and teaching assistants n Involvement of parents and the local community n Co-operation and co-ordination with local authorities such as social services, health services, employment services, youth services and the police
Partners other than schools n Objective : to embed projects in a wider school and local environment n Examples : parents’ associations, pupils’ associations, local and regional authorities, businesses, associations, non-profitmaking organisations, NGOs, museums etc.
Staff Mobility n Outside projects : preparatory visits n Within projects : - transnational project meetings - head teacher study visits - teacher exchanges - teacher placements - accompanying class exchanges
Pupil Mobility n Comenius School Projects n Comenius School Development Projects n Comenius Language Projects participation of limited number of pupils in transnational project meetings class exchanges for min. 14 days of min. 10 pupils aged 14 years and above
Financial Support Standard amount Variable amount Complementary Funding Various project costs Transnational mobility of staff and pupils Schools
School’s Web Sites – St. Michael’s Foundation
Carmela Sammut Primary School, Mosta
COMENIUS 2 n Comenius 2 contributes to the professional development of all staff involved in school education, by supporting: - transnational projects - mobility activities
Training of School Education Staff n Transnational cooperation projects – curricula – modules – courses – teaching material n Mobility activities – Initial teacher training – Comenius language assistantships – In-service training courses for teachers
Comenius 3: Networks n Composed of at least 6 organizations from 6 different countries n All types of educational institutions, public or private bodies interested eligible under Comenius: universities, teacher training institutions, education authorities, research centers, associations... n Objectives : - To encourage the networking of Comenius projects on subjects of common interest - To promote European co-operation and innovation in school education in various thematic areas
Deadlines n 1st November 2002 - Comenius 3 - Pre-Proposal Applications n 1st March 2003 - Comenius 1 - School Partnerships - Comenius 2.1- European Cooperation Projects for the Training of School Education Staff - Comenius 2.2B - Language Assistantships - Comenius 2.2C - Individual Grants for In-Service Training - Comenius 3 - Full-Proposal Applications
Further Information Schools, Organisations and Institutions which are interested in submitting project ideas to be funded under the SOCRATES/COMENIUS Action can contact : Socrates Office or EUPU Ms. Annhelica Scerri Mr. Ivan Borg Tel : 2340 2204 Tel : 21 255086 E-mail :
Web site
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