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MAKING IT WORK Refugee employment in the UK. Factors Affecting Employment English language Education Length of residence Migration aspirations Immigration.

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Presentation on theme: "MAKING IT WORK Refugee employment in the UK. Factors Affecting Employment English language Education Length of residence Migration aspirations Immigration."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAKING IT WORK Refugee employment in the UK

2 Factors Affecting Employment English language Education Length of residence Migration aspirations Immigration status Training in the UK Region Age Gender

3 English language Relationship between English and employment Variation by country Variation by gender ESOL

4 Training Low take up Lack of knowledge High demand Reasons for not training

5 Qualifications Transferring qualifications

6 Levels of Pay

7 Barriers to employment Main BarrierAll barriers English language/literacy3048 Lack of UK work experience1942 No qualifications725 Waiting for decision on case/immigration status 610 Employer discrimination521 Qualifications not recognised512 Unfamiliarity with UK system524 Lack of information517

8 Integrated Approaches to Integration Holistic services Individual employability Broader context of ethnic minority employment Information Diversity Mainstreaming gender sensitivity

9 ESOL Provision Early provision Intensive Work-related

10 Employment Support Recognition of qualifications More effective training Access to the labour market

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