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TWO RENAISSANCES Italian Renaissance Italian Renaissance Renaissance, or rebirth of art and learning, 1350-1600 Renaissance, or rebirth of art and learning,

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3 TWO RENAISSANCES Italian Renaissance Italian Renaissance Renaissance, or rebirth of art and learning, 1350-1600 Renaissance, or rebirth of art and learning, 1350-1600 Aristocrats, popes, nobles became wealthy patrons and vied to outdo one another Aristocrats, popes, nobles became wealthy patrons and vied to outdo one another City-states sponsored innovations in art and architecture City-states sponsored innovations in art and architecture Renaissance architecture Renaissance architecture Simple, elegant style, inherited from classical Greek and Roman Simple, elegant style, inherited from classical Greek and Roman Magnificent domed cathedrals Magnificent domed cathedrals St. Peter’s in Rome St. Peter’s in Rome Humanists or Man is the Measure of All Things Humanists or Man is the Measure of All Things Drew inspiration from classical models especially Greece, Rome Drew inspiration from classical models especially Greece, Rome Leading scholars included Dante, Petrarch Leading scholars included Dante, Petrarch Scholars interested in humane letters Scholars interested in humane letters Attention to political and social issues and graces, too Attention to political and social issues and graces, too Northern Renaissance Northern Renaissance Especially strong in France, England, Netherlands Especially strong in France, England, Netherlands Focus was more on science, math, and Christianity (language favored was Hebrew) Focus was more on science, math, and Christianity (language favored was Hebrew) Strongly supported by the middle classes and minor nobles Strongly supported by the middle classes and minor nobles Leading figures include Shakespeare, Durer, Erasmus, Protestant reformers Leading figures include Shakespeare, Durer, Erasmus, Protestant reformers

4 PROTESTANT REFORMATION Precursors to Luther Precursors to Luther Great Schism Great Schism 2/3 popes at same time undermined authority of the church 2/3 popes at same time undermined authority of the church Church councils rule/attempt to overrule popes Church councils rule/attempt to overrule popes Jan Hus in Holy Roman Empire and Wycliffe in England Jan Hus in Holy Roman Empire and Wycliffe in England Both attacked aspects of church corruption, wealth, practices Both attacked aspects of church corruption, wealth, practices Both condemned by Church Both condemned by Church Hus executed, but Wycliffe protected by King of England Hus executed, but Wycliffe protected by King of England Wycliffe had Bible translated into English Wycliffe had Bible translated into English Martin Luther (1483-1546) Martin Luther (1483-1546) Attacked the sale of indulgences, 1517 Attacked the sale of indulgences, 1517 Attacked corruption in Catholic Church; called for reform Attacked corruption in Catholic Church; called for reform Argument reproduced with printing presses and widely read Argument reproduced with printing presses and widely read Enthusiastic response from lay Christians, princes, many cities Enthusiastic response from lay Christians, princes, many cities By mid-16 th century, half Germans adopted Lutheranism By mid-16 th century, half Germans adopted Lutheranism Reform spread outside Germany Reform spread outside Germany Protestant movements popular in Swiss cities, Netherlands Protestant movements popular in Swiss cities, Netherlands Scandinavian kings like movement as it removes Church as a rival Scandinavian kings like movement as it removes Church as a rival English Reformation sparked by King Henry VIII's desire for divorce English Reformation sparked by King Henry VIII's desire for divorce John Calvin, French convert to Protestantism John Calvin, French convert to Protestantism Organized model Protestant community in Geneva in the 1530s Organized model Protestant community in Geneva in the 1530s Calvinist missionaries were successful in France Calvinist missionaries were successful in France

5 The Catholic Church Reformed Its S.I.N.S.

6 S. Society of Jesus (Jesuits) proselytized for Catholic Church Founded by Ignatius of Loyola. Jesuit Achievements: 1.Strengthened Pope’s control. 2.Organized schools. 3.Won back most of Europe for Catholic Church.

7 I. Inquisition: church court to punish Protestant heretics

8 Accused heretics were identified by the general population and brought before the inquisition. They were given a chance to confess their heresy against the Catholic Church and were also required to name other heretics.

9 Trial of Galileo


11 If they confessed and turned in others they were either released or sentenced to prison. If they did not then they were publicly they were publicly executed. (burned alive!)

12 N. No more indulgences

13 S. Stop spread of Protestants: 30 Years’ War -Hapsburgs (Catholic rulers of Holy Roman Empire) fight Protestant princes in Northern Germany

14 Reformation in France -French king makes Edict of Nantes - first religious freedom law -Huguenots (French Protestants)

15 The End!

16 RELIGIOUS CONFLICT Religious wars Religious wars Between Protestants, Catholics during 16 TH century Between Protestants, Catholics during 16 TH century Wars as much social, political as religious Wars as much social, political as religious Neither side is innocent of conflict Neither side is innocent of conflict Spanish Armada Spanish Armada War between Catholic Spain, Protestant England, 1588 War between Catholic Spain, Protestant England, 1588 Spill over from conflict in the Netherlands Spill over from conflict in the Netherlands Question of heir to English throne: Catholic Scottish Queen or Protestant Elizabeth Question of heir to English throne: Catholic Scottish Queen or Protestant Elizabeth Protestant provinces of the Netherlands revolted against rule of Catholic Spain Protestant provinces of the Netherlands revolted against rule of Catholic Spain Originally began as a revolt of all Netherlands against Spain Originally began as a revolt of all Netherlands against Spain Eventually split country into Catholic south (Belgium) and Protestant north (Holland) Eventually split country into Catholic south (Belgium) and Protestant north (Holland) The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) The most destructive European war up to WWI The most destructive European war up to WWI Began as a local conflict in Bohemia; eventually involved most of Europe Began as a local conflict in Bohemia; eventually involved most of Europe Devastated the Holy Roman Empire (German states): lost one-third population Devastated the Holy Roman Empire (German states): lost one-third population Saw rise of Sweden as Great Power and eclipse of Spain, Hapsburgs as European great power Saw rise of Sweden as Great Power and eclipse of Spain, Hapsburgs as European great power Saw independence of Holland, Switzerland from Holy Roman Empire Saw independence of Holland, Switzerland from Holy Roman Empire Ended with Germany neither holy, nor Roman nor an Empire Ended with Germany neither holy, nor Roman nor an Empire


18 SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTIONS The reconception of the universe The reconception of the universe The Ptolemaic universe The Ptolemaic universe A motionless earth surrounded by nine spheres A motionless earth surrounded by nine spheres Could not account for observable movement of the planets Could not account for observable movement of the planets Compatible with Christian conception of creation Compatible with Christian conception of creation The Copernican universe The Copernican universe Copernicus suggested sun was center of universe, 1543 Copernicus suggested sun was center of universe, 1543 Implied that the earth was just another planet Implied that the earth was just another planet The Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution Science becomes the new authority and challenges faith for control Science becomes the new authority and challenges faith for control Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) demonstrated planetary orbits elliptical Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) demonstrated planetary orbits elliptical Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) With a telescope saw sunspots, moons of Jupiter, mountains of the moon With a telescope saw sunspots, moons of Jupiter, mountains of the moon Theory of velocity, falling bodies anticipated modern law of inertia Theory of velocity, falling bodies anticipated modern law of inertia Tried by Inquisition as his ideas challenged Papal infallibility Tried by Inquisition as his ideas challenged Papal infallibility Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy in 1686 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy in 1686 Mathematical explanations of laws govern movements of bodies Mathematical explanations of laws govern movements of bodies Newton's work symbolized the scientific revolution Newton's work symbolized the scientific revolution Direct observation Direct observation Mathematical reasoning Mathematical reasoning

19 ENLIGHTENMENT Enlightenment Enlightenment Thinkers called philosophes Thinkers called philosophes Sought natural laws that governed human society Sought natural laws that governed human society Center of Enlightenment was France Center of Enlightenment was France Theory of progress was ideology of philosophes Theory of progress was ideology of philosophes Apply reason/science to society, government, law Apply reason/science to society, government, law Voltaire (1694-1778) Voltaire (1694-1778) Champion of religious liberty and individual freedom Champion of religious liberty and individual freedom Prolific writer; father of Enlightenment Prolific writer; father of Enlightenment John Locke John Locke All human knowledge comes from sense perceptions All human knowledge comes from sense perceptions Life, Liberty and Property; 1689 English Bill of Rights Life, Liberty and Property; 1689 English Bill of Rights Allowed persons to revolt against an oppressive ruler Allowed persons to revolt against an oppressive ruler Adam Smith: laws of supply and demand determine price Adam Smith: laws of supply and demand determine price Montesquieu: checks, balances, balanced government Montesquieu: checks, balances, balanced government Deism Deism Popular among thinkers of Enlightenment Popular among thinkers of Enlightenment Accepted existence of a god Accepted existence of a god Denied supernatural teachings of Christianity Denied supernatural teachings of Christianity God the Clockmaker God the Clockmaker Ordered the universe according to rational and natural laws Ordered the universe according to rational and natural laws Impact of Enlightenment Impact of Enlightenment Weakened the influence of organized religion Weakened the influence of organized religion Encouraged secular values based on reason rather than revelation Encouraged secular values based on reason rather than revelation Subjected society to rational analysis, promoted progress and prosperity Subjected society to rational analysis, promoted progress and prosperity Enlightenment applied science to every day life and made science practical Enlightenment applied science to every day life and made science practical

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