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Words to Know  Arms Race: A contest to build weapons and military power.  Terrorist: A person who uses violence for a political cause.  Stalemate:

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3 Words to Know  Arms Race: A contest to build weapons and military power.  Terrorist: A person who uses violence for a political cause.  Stalemate: A situation in which neither side wins nor loses.

4 1914  War broke out in Europe:  The Great War  World War I  Great War affected people all over the world:  Nations, soldiers, and civilians all suffered

5 Causes of War in Europe  Extreme Nationalism:  People felt their nation was better than others  Contest:  between nations for trade and for colonies  Growth of alliances:  Group of nations that promise to protect one another  European countries  Many did not trust each other  Felt big armed force showed their greatness  Arms race:  Contest to build weapons and military power  Germany built biggest army  GB built biggest navy

6 The Archduke and the Terrorist  1914: Austria-Hungary was a weak nation in Europe  A-H: included groups of people from many different backgrounds:  Some of these groups wanted to be free nations  Example:  A-H controlled Bosnia:  Bosnia wanted to join the nearby nation of Serbia

7 The Archduke and the Terrorist cont.  Archduke Franz Ferdinad next in line to be emperor of A-H  June 1914: archduke visits Sarajevo, Bosnia:  Assassinated by a Serbian Terrorist:  Gavrilo Princip  Wanted Bosnia to break away and join Serbia  Within 6-weeks war breaks out:  A-H declares war on Serbia  Other countries pulled into the war:  Agreed to protect one another

8 The Central Powers and the Allied Nations  2 sides:  Central Powers:  Germany  A-H  Ottoman Empire  Allied Nations:  GB France  Russia  Land fought on land and at sea  Longest fighting took place on Western Front:  France and Belgium  Front is a line of battle  When war began both sides hoped for a quick end


10 The First Years of the War  Each side war did not go as planned  Each side won and lost battles  Neither side close to victory:  Neither side close to giving up  End of 1914=stalemate  Soldiers begin to dig trenches

11 Trench Warfare  Soldiers on both sides dig trenches:  Took cover in trenches  Trenches:  6-8 feet deep  Hundreds of miles of trenches stretched along Western Front  Millions of soldiers will end up dying in the trenches throughout war  Filthy conditions  Filled with rats and bugs that carried diseases

12 “No-Man’s Land”  Between the trenches was “no- man’s land”:  Empty area  Attack:  Crawl out of trenches and cross over “no-man’s land” to the other side  Battles could last for months  Somme River, France:  Western Front  July-Nov. 1916  More than 1,000,000 soldiers killed or wounded  Either side could defeat the other

13 Weapons of War  Had new weapons or used little in previous wars  Machine gun new weapon:  Fire 600 rounds per minute  Heavy:  Usually kept at the top of a trench  Other new weapons:  Tanks  Poison gas  Submarines  Airplanes


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