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Hydrosystem Operations and Fish Recovery in the Columbia River Basin U

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1 Hydrosystem Operations and Fish Recovery in the Columbia River Basin U
Hydrosystem Operations and Fish Recovery in the Columbia River Basin U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Northwestern Division June 19, 2008

2 Today’s Discussion Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) Remand Process The Columbia Basin Fish Accords Key Biological Opinion Actions


4 2008 FCRPS Remand Process Product of two years of collaboration among four federal agencies, four Northwest states and seven Northwest tribes. Comprehensive biological analysis for each listed stock and “population” Historical trends Current condition Benefits of proposed actions in all Hs Goal is trend to recovery

5 2008 FCRPS Remand Process (continued)
Juvenile in-river survival is nearly three times higher than it was in the mid-to-late 1970s. Adult migration rate and travel time are similar to levels before the Snake River dams were completed.

6 Estimated Dam Survival 91.7%
Bonneville Dam 1995–1999 Route of Passage Survival Estimates for Yearling Chinook Bonneville 2 B2 survival = 90% Corner Collector Survival = N/A Spillway survival = 98% Spillway Bonneville 1 B1 survival = 90% Estimated Dam Survival 91.7% Route Specific Survival Estimates from PATH Report and 2000 BiOp Spring Spill Operations: 75 kcfs day/ 120 kcfs (Gas Cap) night

7 Estimated Dam Survival 95.9%
Bonneville Dam 2004 & 2005 Route of Passage Survival Estimates for Yearling Chinook Bonneville 2 B2 Bypass survival = 98.9% B2 Turbine survival = 95.8% Spillway survival = 92.0% Spillway Corner Collector Survival = 100.0% Combined Turbine & Sluiceway survival = 93.1% Bonneville 1 Estimated Dam Survival 95.9% Spring Spill Operations: 100 kcfs 24 hrs/day Counihan et al. Final report by USGS

8 2008 FCRPS Remand Process (continued)
All H approach (Hydro, Habitat, Hatcheries, Harvest) with significant actions on predation management Reasonable and Prudent Alternative that includes 73 Actions Includes Adaptive Management provisions including extensive RM&E program Annual progress reports and check-ins at 2013 and 2016 will contain diagnostic analyses Continued collaboration with states and tribes

9 Columbia Basin Fish Accords
Signed May 2, 2008

10 Columbia Basin Fish Accords
Signed Accords with Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Yakama Indian Nation Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Montana Idaho Costs over 10 years $900 million incurred by the Bonneville Power Administration $50 million from the Corps of Engineers for Pacific lamprey Significant Benefit Hundreds of “on the ground” habitat projects based on recovery plans with demonstrated biological benefits New hatchery actions to promote recovery and regional fisheries, without impeding recovery of listed fish.

11 2008 FCRPS Biological Opinion
Flows Spill and transport operations timed to the needs of individual species Expanded habitat program Expanded predation-management program Timetable and commitments for site-specific hatchery reforms Specific mainstem hydro improvements

12 Flows Flow augmentation similar to 2000 BiOp, except for:
Implementation of summer operations at Libby and Hungry Horse dams recommended by the State of Montana Work on dry water year strategy for Grand Coulee Dam John Day – Operate John Day pool at the lowest elevation that continues to allow irrigation from April 10 through September 30. Lower Snake – Operate at minimum operating pool (MOP) elevation from April 3 until small numbers of juvenile migrants are present unless adjusted to meet authorized project purposes.

13 Spill Operations Spring Summer 24-hour spill at all projects
Lower Snake collector projects–spill ceases for two weeks in May for transport of steelhead Continue testing of spill as new surface collectors come online Earlier transition from spring to summer spill Summer Similar spill levels as in 2006–2008 Snake River projects–Cessation of spill in August when few fish are present (300–500)

14 Juvenile Fish Transportation Program
Spring Chinook typically benefit from transportation after approximately April 20 Steelhead typically benefit from transport throughout the season Fall Chinook research is in progress Sockeye has too little data to tell

15 Future Hydro Improvements $500 million over 10 years
Commitment to higher dam passage performance standards: 96% average or better survival for spring migrants 93% average for summer migrants Scheduled commitments to additional surface collectors (RSWs/TSWs) Improvements to juvenile bypass systems

16 Spillway Improvements 2004, New spill wall 2010
Idaho Lower Columbia and Snake River Dams Washington River Juvenile Surface Passage Improvements Columbia Lower Monumental 2008 Little Goose 2009 Ice Harbor 2005 The Dalles Spillway Improvements 2004, New spill wall 2010 Pacific Ocean Columbia River Lower Granite 2001 McNary Snake Bonneville 2004 John Day Oregon = Transport Facilities River (all dates subject to change)

17 Surface Collection Advantages
Fish pass at normal vertical distribution Reduce forebay delay Improved efficiency for passage Potential improvement in total dissolved gas Kelt passage

18 Surface Bypass Spillway Weirs

19 Spillway Weirs McNary Dam
McNary dam currently in second year of testing TSW’s (shown in picture) John Day Dam testing TSW’s this year Spillway Weirs McNary Dam

20 Litigation: NWF v. NMFS, Corps, & Reclamation
Remand completed with issuance of 2008 BiOp on May 5 Court-ordered hydro operations remain in effect until Aug 31, 2008 NWF et al. filed complaint against NMFS with U.S. District Court of Oregon, challenging new BiOp Plans to sue Corps and Reclamation challenging compliance with ESA and CWA Briefing on the merits will begin mid-summer; schedule is being set to allow time for preliminary injunction hearing before the end of calendar year Anticipate PI to be broader in scope than mainstem spill operation

21 Questions ?

22 Initial Spill Operations under the new BiOp
Project Spring Operations Summer Operations Planning Dates Volume (Day/Night) Volume (Day/Night) Lower Granite 4/3-5/6 5/21-5/30 20 kcfs 6/1-8/31 18 kcfs Little Goose 4/5-5/6 30% L. Monumental 4/7-5/6 27 kcfs 17 kcfs Ice Harbor 30% vs (45kcfs/gas cap) 6/16-8/31 30% vs (45kcfs/gas cap) McNary 4/10-6/15 40% 40% vs 60% John Day 30% vs 40% The Dalles Bonneville 100 kcfs (85kcfs/gas cap)

23 Resulting Transport Operations
Spring Operations Spill and Bypass April 3 – April 20 Spill and Transport April 21 – May 6 Maximized Transport May 7 – 20 Resume Spill and Transport May 21 ~ June 1 or until Fall Chinook predominate Summer Operations Spill and Transport (~June 1 ~ Aug 31) In August, spill will be curtailed after Aug 1 when fewer than 300 juvenile fall Chinook per day are collected

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