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RTR (A) Communication Procedure. Divisions of Service International Aeronautical Telecommunication Service is divided into four parts, namely: Aeronautical.

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Presentation on theme: "RTR (A) Communication Procedure. Divisions of Service International Aeronautical Telecommunication Service is divided into four parts, namely: Aeronautical."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTR (A) Communication Procedure

2 Divisions of Service International Aeronautical Telecommunication Service is divided into four parts, namely: Aeronautical Fixed Service Aeronautical Mobile Service Aeronautical Broadcasting Service Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service

3 Message Categories 1Distress calls, messages & trafficMAYDAY 2Urgency messages, incl, medical tptsPAN, PAN 3Direction finding (DF) communications 4Flight Safety messages 5Meteorological messages 6Flight Regularity messages 7Messages relating to UN charter 8Govt messages requesting priority 9Service commn relating to telecomm 10Other aeronautical telecommunications

4 Distress messages Distress signal: MAYDAY Shall be on air-ground frequency in use Shall consist of the following elements: Name of station addressed Identification of the aircraft Nature of the distress condition Intention of the person in command Present position, level and heading Distress Condition: When an aircraft is threatened by serious and/or imminent danger and requires immediate assistance.

5 Example of distress message MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY Delhi radio(name of station addressed) This is Jetair 957(aircraft identification) Port engine on fire(nature of distress condition) Diverting to Jaipur(intentions of PIC) 80 nm inbound JJP(position…) FL 270, hdg 015 o (…level and heading)

6 Urgency messages Distress signal: PAN PAN Shall be on air-ground frequency in use Shall consist of the following elements: Name of station addressed Identification of the aircraft Nature of the distress condition Intention of the person in command Present position, level and heading Any other useful information Urgency Condition: When there is a condition concerning the safety of an aircraft or other vehicle, or of some person on board or within sight, but which does not require immediate assistance.

7 Example of distress message PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN Delhi radio(name of station addressed) This is Jetair 957(aircraft identification) One passenger fainted(nature of distress condition) Diverting to Jaipur(intentions of PIC) 80 nm inbound JJP(position…) FL 270, hdg 015 o (…level and heading) Request ambulance on arrival(other information)

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