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Navajo County Public Health Services District. Cherilyn Yazzie, Program Manager 928-524-4750 ext. 18.

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Presentation on theme: "Navajo County Public Health Services District. Cherilyn Yazzie, Program Manager 928-524-4750 ext. 18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Navajo County Public Health Services District

2 Cherilyn Yazzie, Program Manager 928-524-4750 ext. 18

3 Navajo County Almost 55% of Navajo County’s 9,959 square miles is Indian Reservation home to the Navajo Nation, White Mountain Apache and Hopi Tribes.

4 5 A Day Program for 2 nd Grade 5 A Day program promotes the goal of eating 5 servings of colorful fruits and vegetables per day. 5 A Day program is a 4 lesson nutrition classroom presentation. The presentation includes visual aids, educational materials and a pre-post test for the students. The Parent Surveys were added to the program and given in 9-2 nd grade classrooms at Park Elementary and Seven Mile Elementary schools.

5 5 A Day Parent Survey The purpose of this parent survey was to find out if the nutrition information, brochures, take-home handouts were reaching the parents or care givers at home. We were also looking for parent feedback about types of nutrition information they were interested in learning more about.

6 5 A Day Parent Survey Logo recognition, milk consumption, physical activity, and what nutritional information they would be interested in receiving were also identified.

7 Survey Demographics 170 parent surveys were returned. 80% of respondents were non-Hispanics (n=135) Majority (57%) of respondents were American Indian or Alaska Natives. 82% respondents were female. Average age of respondents were 33.4, with a range from 21 to 48 years of age. Less than half reported using food stamps (38%, n=65)

8 Demographics Table

9 Results 78% (n=109) of parents reported that their child had talked to them about the 5 fruits & vegetables a day lessons that they had been learning at school. 77% (n=131) of parents reported that they had seen the FFN that their child brought home from school. Over half 65% (n=111) of parents reported that they were planning on trying the recipes in the FFN.

10 Results Just over half 54% (n=92) of parents reported using 2% reduced fat milk for drinking or cooking. Table to the right show the number and percentage of parents who reported using various types of milk. Table. Milk Consumption By Type 5 A Day Parent Surveys TypeNumberPercent Skim or fat free95.2% 1% low fat116.4% 2% reduced fat9254.1% Whole3922.9% Combination of milk types 169.4% Refused10.6% Other: Organic21.2% Other: Dry Milk10.6%

11 Results 75% (n=128) of parents reported participanting in physical activity in the past 30 days. The vast majority 75% (n=128) of parents reported that they knew how to read the Nutrition Facts Label. A picture of the 5 A Day logo was provided, almost all the parents 95% (n=132) knew that the logo meant to “Eat five or most colorful fruits and vegetables per day.”

12 Write in Comments A write-in comment section was provided for parents to indicate what kind of nutrition information they would like to have for their family. Over half (59%) of respondents answered the question. Themes included wanting more information on healthy eating, more healthy recipes, and healthy cooking.

13 Discussion Drawing from the survey, Parents received information about nutrition, The respondents were mostly minority women, average age was 33.4, and non- Hispanic. They drink and cook with 2% milk. They are interested in learning more about nutrition for their families.

14 What Now??? Good Question.. Does anyone have ideas?

15 Applications We will continue to provide the FFN as take home handouts. Survey the parents again. We will add a question, asking the parents about nutrition program satisfaction. It will help us with curriculum choices to provide at schools.

16 Questions? Comments…

17 Thank You!! AzNN Staff & Shelly Kuklish, For Helping me with Your technical support.

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