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Outline for Week 6 (week of Wed 13 February 2008) Week #6 Readings: Henretta, pp. 491-534 Calloway, pp. 133-168 CTM: “Asian Americans, Race, and Citizenship”“Asian.

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Presentation on theme: "Outline for Week 6 (week of Wed 13 February 2008) Week #6 Readings: Henretta, pp. 491-534 Calloway, pp. 133-168 CTM: “Asian Americans, Race, and Citizenship”“Asian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline for Week 6 (week of Wed 13 February 2008) Week #6 Readings: Henretta, pp. 491-534 Calloway, pp. 133-168 CTM: “Asian Americans, Race, and Citizenship”“Asian Americans, Race, and Citizenship” Today: Reconstructed Labor and Organizational Priorities How did the Railroad Boom influence American ideals of economic development and community after 1870? Compare and contrast how Indians, Hispanics, Chinese, and Anglos experienced industrial development in the West after 1870? How did “pure and simple unionism” (AF of L) differ from the ideals of the Knights of Labor? How did the industrial system compare/contrast with the reservation system imposed on Indians? Voices: Count Vay de Vaya und Luskod, Rose Schneiderman, Baron Joseph Alexander von Hübner, Red Star, Wooden Leg, Red Horse, Iron Hawk, Mrs. Spotted Horn Bull, Red Cloud, Buffalo Bird Woman, Wooden Leg, Carl Sweezy, SF Real Estate Circular, Thomas Nast, US vs Wong

2 Before Next Meeting (Monday) Read Before Monday (Feb 18): oHenretta, pp. 535-573 oCalloway, pp. 171-181 oMarten, pp. 1-48 oCritical Thinking Module “Documenting Poverty”“Documenting Poverty” Be prepared to discuss (with Roundtable #4 panelists): oDiscussion questions and voices from weeks 6 & 7 oVoices (those underlined on syllabus): 1.From week 6: Baron Joseph Alexander von Hübner, Red Star, Wooden Leg, Red Horse, Iron Hawk, Mrs. Spotted Horn Bull, Red Cloud, Buffalo Bird Woman, Wooden Leg, Carl Sweezy, SF Real Estate Circular, Thomas Nast, US vs Wong 2.From week 7: Luther Standing Bear, Wohaw, Charles Loring Brace, Jacob Riis, Jane Addams, Chicago Vice Commission

3 Union Army RR Bridge Rebuilding

4 The power of words: “Union” after the “war to preserve the union” Post-1870 era of “industrial unionism”


6 Reimagining the West in 19 th century America

7 Re-imagining “the West” in the late 19 th century: removal, extinguishing, repopulating

8 Reinventing Nature in the West: Indian Reservations and National Parks, 1870-1890


10 Barrow Plantation, 1860 Barrow Plantation, 1881 Redistributing slave populations: from slave quarters to share-cropping/debt-peonage

11 Landscapes of Meat

12 Western Miners, ca 1880s and western specie

13 Women hulling rice, Georgia coast, ca 1900

14 Before Next Meeting (Monday) Read Before Monday (Feb 18): oHenretta, pp. 535-573 oCalloway, pp. 171-181 oMarten, pp. 1-48 oCritical Thinking Module “Documenting Poverty”“Documenting Poverty” Be prepared to discuss (with Roundtable #4 panelists): oDiscussion questions and voices from weeks 6 & 7 oVoices (those underlined on syllabus): 1.From week 6: Baron Joseph Alexander von Hübner, Red Star, Wooden Leg, Red Horse, Iron Hawk, Mrs. Spotted Horn Bull, Red Cloud, Buffalo Bird Woman, Wooden Leg, Carl Sweezy, SF Real Estate Circular, Thomas Nast, US vs Wong 2.From week 7: Luther Standing Bear, Wohaw, Charles Loring Brace, Jacob Riis, Jane Addams, Chicago Vice Commission

15 Landscapes of Meat

16 The New Sectionalism, 1870-1900

17 Colored Women’s League, WA DC, 1892

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