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1 What is PRACE? Hank Nussbacher PRACE Winter School, Tel Aviv, Feb 10, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 What is PRACE? Hank Nussbacher PRACE Winter School, Tel Aviv, Feb 10, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 What is PRACE? Hank Nussbacher PRACE Winter School, Tel Aviv, Feb 10, 2014

2 European HPC-facilities at the top of an HPC provisioning pyramid –Tier-0: European Centres for Petaflop/s –Tier-1: National Centres –Tier-2: Regional/University Centres Creation of a European HPC ecosystem –HPC service providers on all tiers –Scientific and industrial user communities –The European HPC hard- and software industry –Other e-Infrastructures Realizing the ESFRI Vision for an HPC RI capability # of systems Tier-0 European centres Tier-1 National centres Tier-2 Regional/University centres 2

3 PRACE-2IP HPCEURHET PRACE-3IP: History 20042005200620072008 Creation of the Scientific Case HPC part of the ESFRI Roadmap; creation of a vision involving 15 European countries Signature of the MoUCreation of the PRACE Research Infrastructure PRACE RI 2009201020112012 PRACE Initiative PRACE Preparatory Phase Project PRACE-3IP 3 2013 PRACE-1IP

4 PRACE in Winter 2014 … has grown up PRACE is the European High-End HPC Infrastructure –provides access to 6 Tier-0 systems, funded by 4 countries: DE, ES, FR, IT –has provided 5.5 Billion Core-hours to hundreds of user projects since 2010 –is providing extensive training though 6 PRACE Advanced Training Centres (PATC), seasonal schools, summer student programme, workshops, … –currently has 25 members, representing 25 countries –has secured national contributions of 450 M€ and 67 M€ EC funding –is developing its strategy for 2015-2020 PRACE is user-demand driven –Scientific Steering Committee advises on all scientific matters, in particular the access to PRACE resources through Peer Review –User Forum provides feedback and technical requirements from end-users –Scientific Case 2012-2020: requirements and recommendations >100 leading European Scientists contributed to this update 4

5 25 PRACE Members April, 23 rd 2010 creation of the legal entity (AISBL) PRACE with seat location in Brussels, Belgium 67+ Million € from EC FP7 for preparatory and implementation phases Grants INFSO-RI-211528, 261557, 283493, and 312763 Complemented by ~ 50 Million € from PRACE members Interest by: Latvia, Belgium 5

6 PRACE is building the top of the pyramid... First production system available: 1 Petaflop/s IBM BlueGene/P (JUGENE) at GCS (Gauss Centre for Supercomputing) partner FZJ (Forschungszentrum Jülich) Second production system available: Bull Bullx CURIE at GENCI partner CEA. Full capacity of 1.8 Petaflop/s reached by late 2011. - #20 in Top500 Third production system available by the end of 2011: 1 Petaflop/s Cray (HERMIT) at GCS partner HLRS (High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart). - #39 Fourth production system available by mid 2012: 3.1 Petaflop/s IBM (SuperMUC) at GCS partner LRZ (Leibniz-Rechenzentrum). - #10 in Top500 Tier-0 Tier-1 Tier-2 Fifth production system available by August 2011: 2 Petaflop/s IIBM BG/Q (FERMI) at CINEC - #15. Sixth production system available by January 2013: 1 Petaflop/s IBM (MareNostrum) at BSC. - #34 Upgrade: 5.87 Petaflop/s IBM Blue Gene/Q (JUQUEEN) – #8 in Top500

7 The HPC European e-infrastructure (ESFRI) 7 PRACE 1.0 25 members, AISBL since 2010 530 M€ for 2010-2015 (inc 70M€ from UE) 6 supercomputers in 4 hosting countries, different architectures research and industrial access (open R&D) for all disciplines based on excellence in science, free of charge Nearly 15 Pflop/s 5 billion hours granted since 2010

8 8 Name of Principal Investigator Company/ Institution of Principal Investigator Type of Access Total number of CPU core-hours allocated ProjectSystem Avishai DekelHUJI2nd Regular9000000PRACECURIE, GENCI/CEA Daniel CeverinoHUJI2nd Regular5000000PRACECURIE, GENCI/CEA Yehuda HoffmanHUJI5th Regular26000000PRACESuperMUC (GAUSS@LRZ, Germany) Avi CohenBar-Ilan UniversityPreparatory 10th50000PRACEHermit, GAUSS@HLRS, Yakov StrelnikerBar-Ilan UniversityPreparatory 11th50000PRACEHERMIT, GAUSS@HLRS, Germany Alexander GelfgatTel-Aviv UniversityPreparatory 12th50000PRACEFERMI Helena Vitoshkin Tel-Aviv UniversityPreparatory 12th50000PRACEHERMIT, GAUSS@HLRS, Germany Dan MordehaiTechnion Preparatory 14th40000PRACE HERMIT,@ GAUSS-HLRS, JUQUIN@GAUSS- FZJ; SuperMUC@ GASUSS-LRZ; CURIE@GENCI, FERMI@CINECA Pinchas AlpertTel Aviv University 450000Linksceeem Alexander GelfgatTel Aviv University 160000Linksceeem Dan Thomas MajorBar-Ilan University 400000Linksceeem Benjamin SvetitskyTel Aviv University 250000Linksceeem Yakov StrelnikerBar-Ilan University 20000Linksceeem Hanoch SenderowitzBar-Ilan Uneiversity 20000Linksceem-2 Alexander GelfgatTel Aviv University 150000Linksceem-2 Lucio FrydmanWeizmann 3000Linksceem-2 Avi CohenBar-Ilan University 10000Linksceem-2

9 PRACE 2.0: meeting Europe‘s ambitions with HPC 9 To maintain Europe as an agenda setting science contributor By offering access to leading edge HPC platforms opened to all disciplines and countries in Europe Provide an infrastructure for science and industry To attract, train and retain highly skilled and innovative workforce in science and engineering To share knowledge and expertise Attract, train and retain competences With at least one supercomputer in each major architectural class To support world-leading science Provide an high quality service Including : A) scientific and industrial communities, B) national HPC centres and their support for the PRACE systems, C) training and software development efforts Lead the integration of an highly effective HPC ecosystem

10 PRACE 2.0 strategy : Hypothesis for the baseline scenario (825 M€) (3/5) 10 Provide an infrastructure for science and industry Attract, train and retain competences Provide an high quality service Lead the integration of an highly effective HPC ecosystem Unanimous approval HPC at the agenda of the Competitiveness Council – 29-30 May, 2013 725 M€ 100 M€ Ambitions Scenario ≈ 825 M€ including 275 M€ from the EC PRACE will help the development of national ecosystems

11 11 PRACE in Horizon 2020 PRACE-3IP ends in mid 2014 EC has informally indicated its intention to continue IP-type support for PRACE - independent of the on-going PRACE 2.0 discussion EC needs to act on Conclusions from the Competitiveness Council –Funding level and instruments to be explored

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