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Georgia Tech’s Three CS1’s CS1321: Introduction to Computing Based on How to Design Programs and the TeachScheme Project Was the only CS1 course, on a.

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia Tech’s Three CS1’s CS1321: Introduction to Computing Based on How to Design Programs and the TeachScheme Project Was the only CS1 course, on a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia Tech’s Three CS1’s CS1321: Introduction to Computing Based on How to Design Programs and the TeachScheme Project Was the only CS1 course, on a campus that requires CS1 of everyone CS1315: Introduction to Media Computation CS1371: Computing for Engineers Equivalent to CS1321, in MATLAB and Java

2 Evaluating the Course in Spring 2003 Led by Andrea Forte, PhD student Comparing CS1321, CS1371, and CS1315 in terms of learning and motivation. Withdrawal, F and D grade (WFD) rates Surveys (initial, midterm, and final) Common exam problems Observational study of student performance to understand problems and strategies. Conducted by Rachel Fithian, MS HCI student Interview study of impact on women. Conducted by Lauren Rich, undergraduate CS student

3 Relevance through personal connections: Data-first Computing Real users come to a user with data that they care about, then they (unwillingly) learn the computer to manipulate their data as they need. “Media Computation” works like that. We use pictures of students in class demonstrations. Students do use their own pictures as starting points for manipulations. Some students reversed sounds looking for hidden messages. They started doing this in the second week How often do students use their second week of CS1 on their own data? How does that change the students’ relationship to the material?

4 Who Were These Students in Spring 2003? Almost exclusively non-majors in all courses Media Computation respondents: Management, liberal arts, architecture (over 95%) and science Mostly female (67%) Low prior programming experience 17%, all 1 year or less Lower than CS1321 or CS1371 (Engin)

5 Does the class work? In Spring 2003, 121 students (2/3 female), 3 drops Spring 2004: Teachers who aren’t the developers 60% of students surveyed at end of course say that they want a second course. These are non-majors, who have already fulfilled their requirement We are getting transfers into the CS major. Success Rate Average GT’s CS1 (2000-2002) 72.2% Media Computation Spring 2003 88.5% Fall 2003 87.5% Spring 2004 90.5%

6 How Do These Students View CS? In Spring 2003, there were some differences between the three groups’ responses on the initial survey. Course Don't Know How Computer Work Program- ming Scary/ Difficult Required Class Web/ Internet CS 1321 4.9%6.1%51.2%8.5%7.3%0.0% Engin 11.4%18.2%45.5%2.3%4.5%0.0% Media Comp 4.7%7.0%48.8%10.5%15.1%8.1%

7 Were Students Motivated and Engaged? Survey responses (Sp03) suggest that students responded well to the context of media manipulation and creation. Q. What do you like best about this course? Cours e Don't like it/Nothing Enjoy Content Conten t is Useful CS 1321 18.2%12.1%0.0% Engin12.9%16.1%25.8% Media Comp 0.0%21.3%12.4%

8 Were Students Motivated and Engaged? “I think that we're doing things that I could actually use as an architecture major—I like dealing with pictures and sounds.” It was interesting/surprising to learn... “Adjusting pictures and sounds because it is something that I will be able to use far into the future.” It was interesting/surprising to learn... “About how Photoshop works because now I understand what it is doing and I can use it better.”

9 How did Women Respond to the Course? All female interviewees reported a positive experience in CS1. Did we make it: Relevant? Creative? Social?

10 How did Women Respond to the Course? Did we make it: Relevant? Creative? Social?

11 How did Women Respond to the Course? Did we make it: Relevant? “I dreaded CS, but ALL of the topics thus far have been applicable to my future career (& personal) plans—there isn't anything I don't like about this class!!!” Creative? Social?

12 How did Women Respond to the Course? Did we make it: Relevant? Creative? “I just wish I had more time to play around with that and make neat effects. But JES will be on my computer forever, so… that’s the nice thing about this class is that you could go as deep into the homework as you wanted. So, I’d turn it in and then me and my roommate would do more after to see what we could do with it.” Social?

13 How did Women Respond to the Course? Did we make it: Relevant? Creative? Social? “Actually, I think [collaboration] is one of the best things about this class. My roommate and I abided by all the rules... but we took full advantage of the collaboration. It was more just the ideas bouncing off each other. I don’t think this class would have been as much fun if I wasn’t able to collaborate.” On CoWeb use: “Yes, it’s not just about the class… people talk about anything, it’s a little bit more friendly than just here’s your assignment.” 20% of Spring 2003 students said “Collaboration” was best part of CS1315

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