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ADVISORY COUNCIL May 7, 2008 Executive Inn, Oakland.

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1 ADVISORY COUNCIL May 7, 2008 Executive Inn, Oakland

2 AGENDA  Welcome  Director’s Report  Revisit “Maximizing of BTSA”  FACT Update  Induction Program Review Results  New Induction Standards  District Breakout Groups  Meeting Days for Next Year  Session Evaluation

3 OUTCOMES  Receive updated information from State, Cluster and local level  Collaborative Sharing of best practices  Participate in program evaluation – IPR feedback  Explore and discuss implication of changes in Standards

4 Welcome  New Advisory Members

5 Director’s Report  Cluster State Report  Budget for 08-09 remains the same  Full funding for year one PTs ($4,069)  May be slight reduction for year two PTs  State Survey  Closes for SPs on May 12  Closes for SAs on May 15  Closes for PTs on May 19  IPR & PPR eliminated next year

6 Director’s Report cont.  Mid Year Survey Results  Participation at a high level  Clearly understand their partnership with SP  Understand how completion leads to clear credential  Informed about their responsibility for accumulating evidence of prof. growth  Have prof. conversations with peers & SP

7 Mid Year Survey Results cont.  Nearly 88% of PTs were introduced to staff and informed about their site when they first began teaching.  Nearly 90% of PTs report that they dedicate weekly time with SP on CFASST  PTs rated their district support at 7.2 out of 10

8 Mid Year Survey Results cont.  SPs rate the quality of prof. developers at 7.7 out of 10.  Over half of SPs are in their first or second year  30% of SPs are in years 3-5  Approximately 50% of SPs receive feedback on their work from their District/Site Coordinator

9 Discussion Topic  Communication  Who are your stakeholders?  What to they need to know?  Who is communicating with them now? About what?  Plan  Within your sphere of influence, between now and the end of the year, what needs to be communicated in order to maximize the impact of BTSA and to integrate district goals and efforts?  Next steps

10 Communicating Goals  What steps did stakeholders take at the district level in order to maximize the impact of BTSA and to integrate district goals and efforts?

11 FACT UPDATE  Districts have shared new program with Support Providers.  There has been a very positive response.  Current Leadership decision is to keep Year 2 PTs in their current program.  Leadership will consider feedback to determine if PTs will have the option to use FACT next year.

12 INDUCTION PROGRAM REVIEW RESULTS Six standard elements not met: 6e. PTs not clear on completion requirements  Form for each PT with requirements listed 9e. Support Providers not getting formative feedback feedback  Identify all SP Effectiveness Surveys with PT number

13 IPR Review Results cont. 14a. Demonstration of of Standards 15 – 20  New formative assessment system (FACT) will replace portfolio requirement 16g., 18c., 18d. Have two sub-elements and we required demonstration of only one we required demonstration of only one  New formative assessment system ( FACT) will replace portfolio requirement

14 New Induction Standards  9 Common Standards  Apply to all IHEs and Induction programs  6 Induction Standards - Holistic  Four standards apply to program requirements  Standards 5 & 6 are demonstration standards for PTs

15 New Induction Standards cont.  Induction Program Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration  Dedicated time for PT/SP work and prof. devel.  (Orientation during New Teacher Institute)  Induction program collaborates regularly with local school district personnel.  (Human resources, educational services, site administrators)  How is professional development in Induction aligned with site and district curricular and instructional priorities?

16 District Breakout Groups  Read Induction Standard 2  Discuss solutions to the issues it surfaces  Share out with entire group

17 Meeting Days Next Year  Survey taken at last meeting indicated (First Wednesday of month not good for some districts)  Tuesday  Another Wednesday

18 Session Evaluation  Please fill out the session evaluation form.  Thank you for your time and support.

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