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Information Gathering [reporting] Ask & You Shall Receive To get the right answers, you must ask the right questions. You must carefully plan your attack!

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Presentation on theme: "Information Gathering [reporting] Ask & You Shall Receive To get the right answers, you must ask the right questions. You must carefully plan your attack!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Gathering [reporting] Ask & You Shall Receive To get the right answers, you must ask the right questions. You must carefully plan your attack! ~ideas shared by John Cutsinger Tina Klecka Rick Brooks Shannon Williams Laura Schaub Jostens Creative Accounts Managers

2 Information Gathering Get Personal –Interview every individual in school »Find out what they think, feel, say, do »Uncover clever ways to use stories –Interview substantial numbers of individuals for each story idea »Tell the whole story »Discover differing viewpoints [reporting]

3 Information Gathering [reporting] Big Idea Sheet Explores Source Options

4 Information Gathering Get Specific –5 Ws & H »Who, what, when, where, why, how –Observation »Sights & sounds descriptions, journals –Investigation »Research, polls/surveys, focus groups, one-on-one interviews [reporting]

5 Information Gathering Background Research –Familiarize yourself with the topic »Prepares you for polls/surveys, interviews »Helps shape more meaningful questions »Provides facts & figures for storytelling –Exhaust resources »School yearbook, newspaper & website »Community media »Professional publications [reporting]

6 Information Gathering That’s A Good Question –Use research to carefully shape meaningful, storytelling questions »Last day of current school year »Number of summer break days »First day of next year »Hottest day of the summer & temperature »Favorite summertime activities »Most popular vacation spots [reporting]

7 Information Gathering That’s A Good Question –Plan objective (close-ended) questions to gain interesting facts & figures »Which summer camp did you attend? »Where did you work? »With whom did you vacation? »How long was the camp? »How much did you earn per hour? »What was the cost of your vacation? [reporting]

8 Information Gathering That’s A Good Question –Plan subjective questions to capture personal stories, emotional feelings »Why did you decide to go to summer camp? »How did you choose your vacation destination? »Tell me about the most valuable camp experience & how it impacted your life. »Describe for me the most exciting & memorable two hours of your vacation. [reporting]

9 Information Gathering Polls & Surveys –Poll »10% sampling of your readership »Reported in percentages –Survey »10-person inquiry »Reported in “so many out of 10” [reporting]

10 Information Gathering Polls & Surveys –Establish an appropriate format –Determine the focus of questionnaire »Define size & characteristics of group –Carefully word questions & answers »Include short answer & multiple choice objective & subjective questions »Encourage signed responses for follow- up –Include administrative instructions [reporting]

11 Information Gathering That’s A Good Question –Short answer »With whom did you spend the most time during summer break? –Multiple choice »How late did you sleep in during summer? before 9 a.m. | 9-11 | 11-1 | after 1 p.m. –Subjective »What is your most memorable experience? [reporting]

12 Information Gathering Polls & Surveys –Set a timeline & place for collection of completed questionnaires –Compute data/statistics –Analyze material »Decide the impact on book decisions »Determine how it contributes to the story & how to integrate into coverage –Send thank you notes to resources [reporting]

13 Information Gathering Focus Groups –Conduct specialty sessions with those directly involved & affected by story »Keen insights into their wants & needs »Efficient, effective interviewing forum »Provides facts & figures for storytelling »Supplies feeling quotes for intimacy [reporting]

14 Information Gathering Focus Groups –Before the meeting »Determine the focus of the meeting »Set a location & date for the meeting »Choose a diverse group of participants representing all walks of life »Send out invitations with predetermined questions to prepare participants for active discussion & involvement »Plan to provide snacks/break [reporting]

15 Information Gathering Focus Groups –During the meeting »Welcome & introductions »Review agenda & focus »Encourage dialogue & allow participants to address predetermined questions »Ask follow-up questions keeping your opinions to a minimum »Record all answers for review & content decision-making [reporting]

16 Information Gathering Focus Groups –After the meeting »Send thank you notes to all participants »Review information & insights related to participants’ wants & needs »Brainstorm ways to integrate participants’ ideas »Develop implementation plans [reporting]

17 Information Gathering One-on-One Interviews –Face-to-face »Provides the most insightful responses –On-line chats –Telephone –Last resort q/a written responses [reporting]

18 Information Gathering One-on-One Interviews –Before, during & after »Personalize questions for sources »Conduct interview at a quiet time & place »Clearly identify reason for interview »Start with easier questions »Ask logical follow-up questions »Listen carefully & take complete notes »Thank source for helping you »Ask for subsequent interview if needed [reporting]

19 Information Gathering Background Research –In headlines »As key thought for primary headline or details to date coverage in secondary headline –In news features »To add substance to lead, transitions & conclusion [reporting]

20 Information Gathering Background Research –As quick reads »Fact box, how-to, q & a, quiz/test, schedule/timeline/calendar, chart, map/diagram, infograph, definition/glossary, scoreboard/stats box –In captions »Little-known details or outcome/ consequences not obvious in photo [reporting]

21 Information Gathering [reporting] Inspiring Ideas »KapaunMt. Carmel HS, Wichita, KS

22 Information Gathering Polls & Surveys –In headlines »Add value to the importance of the story when numbers have reader appeal –In news features »To add quantifiable substance to lead, transitions & conclusion [reporting]

23 Information Gathering Polls & Surveys –As quick reads »Fact box, pie chart, bar/line graph or table infograph, scoreboard/stats box –In captions »To add little known figures relevant to photo content [reporting]

24 Information Gathering [reporting] Inspiring Ideas »Boone SHS, Boone, IA

25 Information Gathering Focus Groups/Interviews –In headlines »To add human interest personality to the content package in either secondary or specialty headlines –In news features »To personalize the story allowing those directly involved to tell the story [reporting]

26 Information Gathering Focus Groups/Interviews –As quick reads »Quickie quotes, featured quotes, photo/quotes, anecdotes, advice, first-person narratives –In captions »As a way to personalize content of the photo or simply as a quote caption [reporting]

27 Information Gathering [reporting] Inspiring Ideas »McKinney HS North, McKinney, TX

28 Information Gathering [reporting] Q & A You Never Know… »until you ask!

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