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9/22-9/25 2008CSTP New Teacher Alliance & Sound Knowledge Strategies, LLC Applying Novak’s New Model for Education to Enhance Organizational Effectiveness,

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Presentation on theme: "9/22-9/25 2008CSTP New Teacher Alliance & Sound Knowledge Strategies, LLC Applying Novak’s New Model for Education to Enhance Organizational Effectiveness,"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/22-9/25 2008CSTP New Teacher Alliance & Sound Knowledge Strategies, LLC Applying Novak’s New Model for Education to Enhance Organizational Effectiveness, Professional Development & Capacity Building for the New Teacher Alliance 3rd International Conference on Concept Mapping Helsinki, Finland & Tallinn, Estonia Sept. 22-25, 2008

2 What You’ll Learn What is Novak’s New Model for Education? How has NTA implemented Novak’s New Model for Education? What has been the impact of Novak’s New Model for Education on NTA partners & leaders?



5 Coordinated by the Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP) Funded by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation & Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation A partnership with Washington’s Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) New Teacher Alliance (NTA) Is…

6 New Teacher Alliance, con’t. Three year district effort, in year three of the grant Five small rural school districts, two urban school districts, two regional education service districts in Washington State, USA Seeking changes in both policy & practice Standards-driven, local design and leadership

7 NTA Implements Novak’s New Model for Education Fall, 2006 Induction Standards translated into concept map Workshop to introduce concept map to NTA Partners Partners Identified the Standards their work currently addresses Contributed to development of knowledge model “Fleshed-out” concepts - “Pre-Hiring” Identified crosslinks NTA Leaders - Identified areas of strength & gaps

8 Induction Standards Translated Into Concept Map

9 NTA Partners “Flesh-out” Concepts in Expert Map

10 NTA Partners Identify Key Crosslink

11 NTA Implements Novak’s New Model for Education Spring, 2007 Sound Knowledge Strategies Developed rubric to vet Partners’ contributions Used rubric to assess contributed documents New Teacher Alliance Partners added their work to the concept map: orientation plans, hiring protocols, mentor selection guidelines, instructional tools… Leaders worked with their teams to determine what work should populate the map and accessed others’ resources

12 NTA Implements Novak’s New Model for Education Winter, 2008: Workshop Introduce rubric to Partners Enhance Induction Standards Concept MapInduction Standards Concept Map Progressive differentiation - “flesh-out” concepts “Formal & Informal Learning Activities & Resources” “Support for New Hires” “Induction Program” Integrative reconciliation - identify cross-links “Principal Training” & “Clear Role Responsibilities” User friendly Developed cover sheet that describes resource and context

13 Documents & Resources Added to the Concept Map NTA Partners have added eighty-four (84) documents, webpage links and other knowledge resources to date.

14 NTA Partners “Flesh-out” Concepts in Expert Map



17 NTA Partners Identify Key Crosslinks

18 NTA Implements Novak’s New Model for Education Spring, 2008 Launched webpage knowledge model via New Teacher Alliance website New Teacher Alliance website Makes NTA partners’ work widely accessible Implements Novak’s New Model for Education at an organizational level Documents capacity building Used Creative Commons License to promote sharing and re-useCreative Commons License


20 Impact of Novak’s New Model for NTA Partners & Leaders Facilitates organizational effectiveness Keeps NTA top-level goals visible Brings induction standards alive in Partners’ daily work Fosters professional development Enhances expert knowledge by “fleshing-out” concept map Increases impact of NTA’s work via national & global sharing Supports capacity building Continuous improvement Reflective practice Produces visual representation of work Demonstrates interconnectedness of standards

21 Summary A “skeleton expert map” of teacher induction standards has been an effective knowledge framework to help the New Teacher Alliance: Increase NTA’s effective management of a distributed team Foster professional development for teachers & administrators Build NTA’s leadership capacity in teacher induction The authors recommend Novak’s New Model for Education as a useful framework to enhance knowledge creation and organizational effectiveness for any organization or team


23 For more information contact Mindy Meyer 1-509-529-8535 Barbara Bowen 1-360-774-6192


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