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 Superintendent appoints a Project Director   Project Director pairs a trained, certified mentor with novice teacher according to: ◦ Same Building.

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2  Superintendent appoints a Project Director   Project Director pairs a trained, certified mentor with novice teacher according to: ◦ Same Building ◦ Same Grade Level ◦ Same Subject

3 Project Director pairs the Novice Teacher and Mentor in AR MOODLE Project Director = go to person for questions regarding mentoring MOODLE Tech = go to support for any questions about MOODLE (870-886-7717)

4  Purpose of mentoring program  Danielson Framework for Teaching  Teacher Excellence and Support System (TESS)  Mentors and Novice Teachers become thinking partners

5  Plan for the NT’s success  Create a safe environment  Actively listen to your NT  Schedule to meet with your NT on a regular basis

6  Observe the NT  Purposefully focus conversation with your NT  Coach the NT into self-discovery

7 NT’s role is essential to the mentoring process  Be available to meet  Be coachable  Try new teaching strategies  Reflect upon your teaching

8  Novice Teacher Mentoring Program  “Just Right” Combination:  Support for NT’s immediate needs  Opportunity for professional growth

9  Resource Modules to generate in-depth CONVERSATION ADE will require no grading of activities or assignments in the Resource Modules The school district will determine the method of monitoring mentoring progress and verification of mentoring completion

10  One (1) Resource Module: Survive and Thrive  Two Observations

11 Survive and Thrive Module guideline of events to assist novice teachers in planning for first semester

12 Two Observations  Mentor observes NT  NT Observes Mentor

13  Any artifacts used for the Novice Teacher Mentoring Program can also be uploaded into BloomBoard as artifacts for TESS

14  Mentor continues to schedule meeting with NT at least once a month and on an as- needed basis  face-to-face and/or through interactive technology  Mentors and NT decide upon a minimum of two (2) Resource modules that align with the NT’s PGP

15 Mentor and NT work through a module together face-to-face and/or through interactive technology Mentors: it is part of your responsibility to preview a module before meeting with your NT

16 One Computer = Mentor and NT see same module  Guiding Questions = Conversation Starters  Mentor Notes = Extended Conversation

17  May 1 Deadline for:  Completion of the two Resource Modules  End of Year Surveys

18 Mentor Stipend: $600 per semester  School District will determine the method of:  monitoring mentoring progress  verification of completion of mentoring

19  School districts and open-enrollment public charter schools are expected to follow all mentoring rules  All Mentors and Beginning Administrators must be registered with the Office of Educator Effectiveness, all established guidelines must be followed, and all appropriate documentation submitted  Failure to abide by mentoring rules will result in being placed in accredited-cited status

20  For the most current updates on using MOODLE, please view the MOODLE tutorial, located on the Teacher Induction website.

21  All questions about MOODLE should be directed to MOODLE Tech Support at 870-886-7717  Email address

22 ADE Website Click the letter “T” in the alphabet, top of page Then click Teacher Induction/Mentoring

23 Maureen Harness Teacher Induction Program Advisor Administrative Assistant Richard Wind 501-682-4346

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