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Tuesday, November 12, 2013 H Physics Standards: 1d Students now that when one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object always exerts.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, November 12, 2013 H Physics Standards: 1d Students now that when one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object always exerts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, November 12, 2013 H Physics Standards: 1d Students now that when one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object always exerts a force of equal magnitude and in the opposite direction (N’s 3 rd Law) WHST.9-12.2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes. (HS-PS2-6) Agenda: 1.Warm Up 2.Review Force Meters 3.Begin Tug of War Homework Warm Up When a 100N weight is placed on a Force meter, the spring stretches 10 cm, what is the spring constant k? F=-kx to find the answer

2 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 H Physics Warm Up If a giant kicks Jack from the beanstalk with a Force of 10,000 N, how much Force did Jack apply to the giant when the giant’s foot made contact with Jack’s body? Homework P.4 Day 1 Graphing Skills Standards: REVIEW of Kinematics For Test Retake Learning Objective: SWBAT know the entire process for graphing data. Agenda: 1.Warm Up 2.Correct #F5 3.Finish N’s 3 rd Law Lab 4.Day 1 Graphing Skills

3 Thursday, November 14, 2013 H Physics Homework Day 1 Graphing Skills P.2 Day 2 Problem Solving P.4 Warm Up A car is moving at a constant speed. Draw the scenario and identify at least 2 Force Pairs acting on the car. Standards: 1a -- Review for Kinematics ReTest Learning Objective: SWBAT finish building a force meter Agenda 1.Warm Up 2.Review Tug of War Lab 3.Review Day 1 Graphing 4.Kinematics BootCamp

4 Friday, November 8, 2013 H Physics Homework Finish Problem Solving Worksheet Warm Up Graph and find the equation of the line Standards: 1a Review of Kinematics Learning Objective: SWBAT do Kinematics Problem Solving Agenda: 1.Warm Up 2.P.2 Review Graphing 3.P.2 Begin Problem Solving 4.P.4 Problem Solving Review 5.P.4 Take Exam t(s)v(m/s) 04 29 414 620 826 930

5 Symbols, units and equations Study Guide Equations: Constant Velocity Constant Acceleration 1. 2. The Two equations of Motion The Two equations of Motion for Falling Objects a g =-9.8m/s 2 Forces SymbolUnits ts vm/s am/s 2 Fkgm/s 2 or N Δxm

6 Types of Forces From your book p. 94 Table 4-2 ForceSymbolDefinitionDirection FrictionFfFf Resistive Force. Comes from rubbing against or sliding across surfaces. Parallel to the surface and opposite the direction of sliding NormalFNFN The force exerted on an object by the ground, a table, a platform, or any surface. Perpendicular to and away from the surface. SpringF sp Restoring Force. The push or pull a spring exerts on an object. Opposite the displacements of the object at the end of the spring. TensionFTFT The pull exerted by a string, rope, or cable when attached to something. Away from the object and parallel to the string, rope, or cable at the pont of attachment. Thrust, Applied ForceF thrust,FapA general term for the forces that move objects such as rockets, planes, cars and people. In the same direction as the acceleration of the object. WeightFgFg Attractive Force of two objects due to gravity. Usually Earth and and object Straight down towards the center of the earth. Air Resistance/DragF AR Resistive Force, comes from air/wind hitting moving objects Opposite of Motion

7 N’s 3 rd Law: Tug-of-War Figures 6 (a) and (b): A student and a partner each pull on the opposing force-meters and observe that they show the same reading. In the second scenario, one student holds his force-meter still, while the partner pulls his force meter to the right. Figures 7 (a) and (b): Students predict the reading on the force meter in each of the two scenarios depicted prior to testing. Engage What will happen to the motion of each chair when one of the students on the rolling chair pushes the other student on the chair. Will it matter which student pushes? Justify your answer. Tell me your reasoning. Explore Students attach their force-meters with rubber bands or string and record… o the reading on each force-meter when both students pull (Figure 6 a.) o the reading on each force-meter when one student keeps his force-meter stationary while the other student pulls (Figure 6 b.) Explain Newton’s 3 rd Law mini-lecture Elaborate Recreate the Figures 7(a) and (b). Write predictions for the force-meter readings for each of the two scenarios in Figure 7. Next, test your predictions, discuss your results in a group and be ready to participate in a discussion about these results. Evaluate Newton’s 3 rd Law Assignment: #F5 Due Monday To get a Full 10 pts. complete every section with questions. That does not include the explain section (which is lecture) or the Evaluate Section (I will grade this section separately) Write on a separate sheet.

8 Newton’s 3 rd Law Notes 1. Using your Engage Experience, define Newton’s 3 rd Law - 3 minutes. 2. Discussion - 2 minutes B B A A F BA F AB F BA = -F AB Notes 5 mins

9 #F5

10 Modeling the Graphing Process Step One – label each axis with the symbol and the units being represented by the graph. 1 st column x-axis, 2 nd column y axis Step Two – Create your x and y axis scales. To create a scale(your numbering system on the graph) look at your smallest and largest data points. Then pick a number sequence (ex. 1,2,3,4 or 2,4,6,8) that will allow all of the points to fit on your graph. Step Three – Plot the Points. Step Four – Make a best fine line. It has to be straight and you need to make it go through the center or through the average of your points. See board for more explanation. Step Five – Find the slope of the graph. Step Six (Honors Only) – Find the equation of the graph by substituting your data into the formula y=mx+b

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