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Human Impact Unit 3. Algae Algae basics the base of the food chain (largest producer) produces 70-75% of O 2 for the earth’s atmosphere and earth’s water.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Impact Unit 3. Algae Algae basics the base of the food chain (largest producer) produces 70-75% of O 2 for the earth’s atmosphere and earth’s water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Impact Unit 3

2 Algae

3 Algae basics the base of the food chain (largest producer) produces 70-75% of O 2 for the earth’s atmosphere and earth’s water can be unicellular (1 cell) or multicellular



6 Normal algae cycle reproduce + create O 2 nutrients released by bacteria, reabsorbed by algae, cleans water, causes succession % die in winter, aerobic bacteria break down the dead material, use up O 2 algae grow, photosynthesize to create O 2 Plenty of O 2 for aquatic life, and releases into air

7 lakes/ponds are transformed

8 A healthy pond begins to have aquatic vegetation; other inhabitants die, increasing organic matter, and it becomes shallower.

9 possibly a marsh

10 Algae cycle + human impact = eutrophication eutrophication – too much algae, sometimes called “bloom” How humans add nutrients: 1.wastewater, septic 2.farming waste 3.fertilizer ( golf courses, residential ) washes, soap 5.composting ( leaves, grass ) → good thing

11 Algae reproduce + create O 2 nutrients released by bacteria, reabsorbed by algae, toxic stuff added, succession % die in winter, aerobic bacteria use up all of O 2 Too much algae grows, photosynthesize to create O 2 No O 2 left for fish and toxic gases Algae cycle + human impact = eutrophication Toxic anaerobic bacteria take over, create CH 4 and H 2 S Nutrients added by human activities Tons of dead algae

12 new bigger, deeper low nutrients low biodiversity cold, clear EX: great lakes old shallow warmer, cloudier green algae high nutrients high biodiversity EX: farm pond Classifying water sources

13 Eutrophication





18 Different Types of Algae green algae – contains chlorophyll a, b (green color) which captures light to create energy

19 brown algae – do photosynthesis, but use chlorophyll c (brown) – diatoms (unicellular) are similar

20 Diatoms – unicellular organisms with yellow-brown chloroplast that enables them to photosynthesize.

21 red algae – found in the oceans –use chlorophyll a, but have red pigment – sushi wraps, thickening agents (ice cream)

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