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Welcome to Ms. Leiva’s Classroom Phone # 760-290-2455 Ext. 3620

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Ms. Leiva’s Classroom Phone # 760-290-2455 Ext. 3620"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Ms. Leiva’s Classroom Phone # 760-290-2455 Ext. 3620 Email:

2 Class Norms: Classroom behavior begins the moment you enter the room. Be in your seat before bell rings and start working on the Warm-up. Participate in the lessons and fulfill your group role. Practice listening when others are speaking and be willing to share your questions and ideas. Be a good teammate! Respect yourself and others. This means no foul language or name calling. Follow all directions and stay on-task. Do not leave your seat without permission. Clean up after yourself. Cell Phones are to be in your backpack and turned off.

3 What is common core? Relating mathematical concepts to real life situations, instead of just solving equations. Write and solve an equation for: Bill is trying to decide which would be the better job. At Jose’s Restaurant he would earn $500 a month, and would average $9 in tips per table that he serves. At Jackie’s Restaurant he would earn $750 a month, and average $6 in tips per table that he serves. How many tables would he have to serve in each restaurant in order to earn the same amount of money? What other information might be important to make a good decision?

4 What is common core? Perseverance with solving problems. John the Handyman charges $10 per hour plus an initial fee of $50. Jane the Handywoman charges $8 per hour plus an initial fee of $75. Don’t give up! Have a Growth mindset! If you get stuck, ask yourself “What do I know about John?” “What do I know about Jane?”

5 What is common core? Paying attention to precision. All work needs to make sense! Justifying their answers. No Work/No Credit Policy If the their work does not match their answers, it is wrong. Doing the problem in “their minds” isn’t enough. They need to prove/justify that they understand how they arrived at the answer, even if they use a calculator for some of the computations. Ex: 3x + 4 = 13 Ex: 3(2x – 5) = -5(4x + 2)-x + 4 +4 or 3x = 17 x = 5/27 x = 3

6 What is common core?  Writing about math They need to be able to prove that they have conceptual understanding.

7 What is common core? Use math tools – Physical and Virtual tools Algebra, Protractors, rulers, calculators etc… Explaining Math to others by critiquing and constructing viable arguments through pair share, group work, etc. Using multiple representations to help solve and explain math (number lines, algebra tiles, counters etc…).

8 What are your student’s resources?  Big Ideas Online textbooks and videos.  Can be accessed via the computer or on their/your iPad, Tablet, or iPod. 8 th grade CCCS (generic login) ID #: student181 password: birthday (YYYYDDMM) 6 th grade CCSS (generic login) ID #: student161 password: birthday (YYYYDDMM)

9 Helpful Resources LearnZillion Khan Academy My School WebsiteWebsite Jupiter Grades

10 8 th Grade – Common Core math  Learning Opportunities (Homework)- 15% of grade **Study Hall will be issued if they did not complete their homework assignment**  Classwork/Activities/Labs/Class Engagement (participation) – 35% of grade  Assessments/Performance- 50% of grade  What if your child needs help? Have them see me before school or after school on Tuesdays..

11 6 th grade – Common Core Math  Learning Opportunities (Homework)- 15% of grade **Study Hall will be issued if they did not complete their homework assignment**  Classwork/Activities/Labs/Class Engagement (participation)- 15% of grade  Assessments/Performance- 70% of grade  What if your child needs help? Have them see me before school or after school on Tuesdays…

12 How HW will be Graded: Homework will be graded on 0-5 point scale: 0 – Assignment not completed 1 – Answers, but no work is shown. (Less that half of the assignment completed with work.) 2 – Answers with some work shown or half of the assignment completed with work 3 – Completed most of the assignment with some of the work shown 4 – Completed most of the assignment with work shown 5 – Completed ALL of the assignment with ALL work shown

13 6 th grade Common Core  Basic Skills  Multiplication facts  Long division  Fractions  Simplifying fractions, turn into mixed numbers, adding, subtracting etc.. Practice, Practice, Practice

14 Wrap-up No work, no credit, no exceptions. Mistakes are PROOF that you are TRYING! WISH LIST…… 1. Dry Erase Markers 2. Box of Tissues 3. Copy Paper Have a Great Evening!

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