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11 National Association of Co-operative Officials Annual General Meeting Wednesday 18 th May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "11 National Association of Co-operative Officials Annual General Meeting Wednesday 18 th May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 National Association of Co-operative Officials Annual General Meeting Wednesday 18 th May 2011

2 22 Apologies for Absence

3 33 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting2010

4 44 Matters Arising

5 55 Ann Breen NACO President 2010/11

6 66 Our Vision and Mission Statement Our vision – to be a strong, independent Trade Union focused on meeting members needs and aspirations. Our vision – to be a strong, independent Trade Union focused on meeting members needs and aspirations. Our mission – to provide effective professional representation, individually and collectively to an engaged and vibrant membership. Our mission – to provide effective professional representation, individually and collectively to an engaged and vibrant membership.

7 77 Here for you

8 88 National Association of Co-operative Officials Annual General Meeting Wednesday 18 th May 2011

9 99 Kevin Yorath Award for Service to NACO 2011 Simon Fisher

10 10 Neil Buist General Secretary’s Report

11 11 Membership Loss of 121 Members Loss of 121 Members Loss of 5.7% Loss of 5.7% Membership 1,999 Membership 1,999 326 leavers & 205 new members 326 leavers & 205 new members Membership Development Officer Membership Development Officer

12 12 Personal Injury Cases 3 personal injury cases conclude 3 personal injury cases conclude £24,615 compensation £24,615 compensation Free service to members and their families Free service to members and their families No charges taken by Thompsons from the awards made No charges taken by Thompsons from the awards made

13 13 Individual Representation 246 case files opened 246 case files opened 138 one-to-one pre discussions 138 one-to-one pre discussions 384 meetings attended by NACO 384 meetings attended by NACO 74 cases concluded 74 cases concluded £4,444,734 compensation £4,444,734 compensation

14 14 Individual Representation 5 years compensation - £19.3million 5 years compensation - £19.3million 376 individual members 376 individual members Average £51,500 per case Average £51,500 per case Q1 2011 – 69 cases & 103 meetings Q1 2011 – 69 cases & 103 meetings

15 15 Structural Change & Rationalisation 77 Rationalisation cases 77 Rationalisation cases 5 Transfers & Mergers 5 Transfers & Mergers CFS >40 Business Cases CFS >40 Business Cases Thomas Cook Thomas Cook Project Unity Project Unity

16 16 Terms & Conditions Negotiations 112 meetings attended by NACO 112 meetings attended by NACO NACO Officials plus Committee members at pay negotiations NACO Officials plus Committee members at pay negotiations

17 17 National Agreement 2.25% 2.25% Model Policy on Flexible Working Model Policy on Flexible Working Gender Pay Gap Analysis Gender Pay Gap Analysis Channel Islands, Anglia and Tamworth Channel Islands, Anglia and Tamworth 2011 NODMA Review Update 2011 NODMA Review Update

18 18 Co-operative Group 2.25% 2.25% Minimum increase of £550 for Role Band 5 managers Minimum increase of £550 for Role Band 5 managers Salary band maximums ignored Salary band maximums ignored 2011 Review Update 2011 Review Update

19 19 Co-operative Financial Services CFS & Britannia CFS & Britannia Variable pay 2.0% to 3.0% performance related Variable pay 2.0% to 3.0% performance related Single Terms & Conditions Single Terms & Conditions 2011 Review Update 2011 Review Update

20 20 Benevolent Fund 2010 – no grants applied for or paid 2010 – no grants applied for or paid Balance 31/12/10 - £143,228 Balance 31/12/10 - £143,228 Increase of £32,000 in 5 years Increase of £32,000 in 5 years 12 grants total of £11,230 in 5 years 12 grants total of £11,230 in 5 years Death Grant Death Grant

21 21 Membership Survey What we do well What we do well What we could improve What we could improve What is important What is important What future for NACO? What future for NACO?

22 2222 Lynne Higginbottom Financial Statements Year ended 31 st December 2010

23 23 Revenue Account 2010 2009 2010 2009 Restated Restated Membership Subscriptions 413,080 423,788 Net Conference Income (3,633) 6,787 Other Income 48,582 42,822 Profit/(Loss) on Sale of Investments 89,550 - Profit/(Loss) on Sale of Fixed Assets 4,631 (365) 552,210473,032 552,210473,032

24 24 Revenue Account 2010 2009 2010 2009 Restated Restated Operating Expenses(598,219) (563,607) Operating Surplus/(Deficit) (46,009) (90,575) Interest from Investments 39,495 67,257 Change in MV of Investments 2,253 121,598 Bank Interest -107 Surplus/(Deficit) (4,261) 98,387

25 25 Change in Accounting Policies Investments previously shown at cost price are shown at Market Value, the movement is recorded in the Revenue Account as an unrealised gain or (loss) Investments previously shown at cost price are shown at Market Value, the movement is recorded in the Revenue Account as an unrealised gain or (loss) 2010 2009 2010 2009 Cost Price1,072,857922,922 Market Value1,075,110 1,044,520 Change in Market Value 2,253 121,598

26 26 Balance Sheet 2010 2009 Restated Restated Investments 1,075,1091,044,520 Tangible Assets 47,428 63,336 Debtors 27,311 82,811 Prepaid Expenses 11,435 29,774 Cash in Hand 1,646 1,374 Cash in Bank 124,395 52,982 Creditors (94,163) (76,374) NET ASSETS 1,193,1621,198,423

27 27 National Association of Co-operative Officials Revenue Account Surplus/(Deficit) 2001 (84,587) 2001 (84,587) 200223,582 200388,959 2004 21,372 200569,116 200625,619 200759,128 2008 (72,050) 2008 (72,050) 2009 98,387 Restated 2009 98,387 Restated 2010 ( 4,261) 2010 ( 4,261)

28 28 Financial Statements Year ended 31 st December 2010 Any Questions?

29 29 NACO Strategic Review

30 30 Review Strategy Mapping membership in Group Mapping membership in Group Utilise professional recruitment Utilise professional recruitment Strengthen communication channels Strengthen communication channels Research brand values of NACO Research brand values of NACO

31 31 Review Strategy Heighten membership engagement Heighten membership engagement Membership benefits package Membership benefits package Introduce new rule book Introduce new rule book Membership survey Membership survey Develop future strategy Develop future strategy

32 32 Strategic Priorities Recruitment & Retention Recruitment & Retention Communication Communication Governance Governance NACO Team NACO Team Services & Benefits Services & Benefits

33 33 Recruitment & Retention 500 members lost in last 10 years 500 members lost in last 10 years Membership Development Officer Membership Development Officer Member Get Member Campaign Member Get Member Campaign NACO Presence NACO Presence NACO Brand NACO Brand

34 34 Communication Member Focused Member Focused Inclusive Inclusive Two-way Two-way Personalised Personalised Multi-faceted Multi-faceted

35 35 Governance General Council role defined General Council role defined Person Specification designed Person Specification designed Governance Training provided Governance Training provided NACO Rule Book NACO Rule Book

36 36 NACO Team Succession Planning Succession Planning Service Levels Service Levels Training & Development Training & Development Performance Review Processes Performance Review Processes

37 37 Services & Benefits Develop, strengthen and advertise NACO more widely Develop, strengthen and advertise NACO more widely Provide solid examples of success Provide solid examples of success Promote what NACO does and what NACO does well Promote what NACO does and what NACO does well Provide membership benefits package Provide membership benefits package

38 38 An Association fit for the Twenty-First Century

39 39 Appointment of Tellers

40 40 Appointment of Auditors Hurst & Co LLP

41 41 Appointment of Trustees Dame Pauline Green Bob Burlton Philip Jones

42 42 Appointment of Appeals Committee Delma-Rose Yorath Roger Fretwell Ed Sweeney

43 43 Motions General General Council That in accordance with the Association’s Rules, the rate of annual subscription be increased from £213.72 to £216.84 with effect from 1 st January 2012

44 44 Motions to Amend Rules General Council That the NACO Rules (as amended May 2009) be replaced in their entirety with the revised NACO Rules (dated December 2010) with effect from the 18 th May 2011

45 45 General Council 2011 Election Results

46 46 Co-operative Group Class Mark Alexander Amanda Craske Simon Hay Darren Leverington Jas Sandhu

47 47 All Others Class Ann Breen Maria McGettigan Roger Myddelton

48 48 Any Other Competent Business

49 49 Induction of NACO President 2011/12 Karen Froggatt

50 50 Presentation to Retiring President Ann Breen

51 51 Thank You AGM Closed

52 52 National Association of Co-operative Officials 2011 Annual Members Meeting

53 53 Gareth Thomas MP Member of Parliament for Harrow West Chair of the Co-operative Party

54 54 Jane Harris

55 55 Breakout Sessions Recruitment & Retention Recruitment & Retention Communication Communication Services & Benefits Services & Benefits

56 56 National Association of Co-operative Officials Thank You Lunch in the Restaurant Safe Journey Home

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