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Traceability Lunch & Learn
Summary Traceability today : applications and activities GTS and GS1 Traceability Solution Enabling technologies and GS1 system : what’s new ? Conformance program and implementation material Fresh Produce Traceability
Traceability around the world
Is a business process that supports various business needs :
Traceability Is a business process that supports various business needs : recalls, product quality/HACCP, anti-counterfeiting, logistics visibility, regulatory requirements… Can be be achieved with various technologies : barcodes, RFID, EDI, networks, mobile…
GTS – GS1 Global Traceability Standard
Business process description Requirements for traceability systems Framework for industry specific requirements and guidelines GS1 Healthcare and Fresh Produce are adopting GTS Adapting / validating requirements Specifying technology capabilities for the sector Developing specific implementation guidelines
GS1 Traceability Solution
Program to help GS1 Member Organizations to support users along the implementation path Educational material Implementation material & conformance program Case studies and marketing material Shows how to use all GS1 standards supporting traceability in the business context (GTS, GS1 128, EPCIS…)
GTS and Enabling technologies
EPCIS Capture Interface EPCIS Repository Filtering & Collection (ALE) Interface EPCIS Capturing Application Reader Interface Filtering & Collection (“RFID Middleware”) EPCIS Query Interface EPCIS Accessing Application Tag Air Interface (UHF Class 1 Gen 2, et al) RFID Reader Reader Management Interface “Pull” or “Push”mode EPCglobal Subscriber Optional bypass for real-time “push” EPC EPC Code DESADV, GS1 128 GS1 128, Data Matrix, DataBar... GTIN, SSCC, GTIN+serial, GTIN+batch, SIN, GRAI... BAR-CODES & ECOM TRACEABILITY PROCESS (extract) REQUEST TRACE Send a reply Receive the trace request Initiate trace request RECORD TRACEABILITY DATA Store data Share relevant data Collect other data Capture ID Apply ID Assign ID to traceable item
Concretely ! Users (traceability stakeholders) : join Traceability Work Group Objective : maintain GTS and facilitate implementation Contact : GS1 Member organisations : join MOs Traceability WG Objective : build GS1 Traceability solution and leverage expertise Next meeting : May 14-16, Zagreb (Croatia) Contact :
Conformance Program and Implementation Material
Traceability - Adoption path
Awareness Identification of opportunity Analysis High level business case Implementation Roll out Maintenance adoption User path GS1 sets materials for every step of the cycle life traceability project GS1 provides materials whatever companies stage of implementation knowledge GS1 supports WGs to create, validate and implement these materials Traceability Conformance Program Traceability Implementation Guideline Starter Kit: Simple Steps for Traceability Implementation
Simple Steps For Traceability Implementation
Starter Kit Simple Steps For Traceability Implementation
Starter Kit: Simple Steps for Traceability Implementation
Set of printed and electronic material needed for companies to implement traceability whatever the stage of their implementation. Simple Materials for easy traceability understanding Simple Steps for Traceability Implementation : Part of the “Starter Kit” Sequence of ordered stages to follow in order to implement traceability Quick overview, without details. Simple concepts, simple understanding
Starter Kit: Simple Steps for Traceability Implementation – General Methodology
Be aware Tasks Outputs Analyse current conditions Diagnostic Set up the work structure and Scope Analyse needs and conditions Describe the Traceability System Working in Progress Design Technical solutions For each physical process that is relevant Validate Specification For each process Implement the Traceability System Training/Education and Documentation Using and Monitoring the traceability system Validation / Conformance Roll out and Maintenance
Starter Kit: Simple Steps for Traceability Implementation – General Methodology
Be aware Tasks Outputs Analyse current conditions Diagnostic Analyse current conditions Diagnostic Internal / External Analyses Business Plan, SWOT Diagnosis Go/No Go decision Budget Definition Set up the work structure and Scope Analyse needs and conditions Describe the Traceability System Working in Progress Design Technical solutions For each physical process that is relevant Validate Specification For each process Implement the Traceability System Available in the GS1 Website in the near future Training/Education and Documentation Using and Monitoring the traceability system Validation / Conformance Roll out and Maintenance
How to Implement Traceability
Traceability Implementation Guideline – for MOs
Traceability Implementation Guidelines
Generic Material – sector independent Support MOs to assist their members HOW to implement traceability based on GTS (What and Who) Practical Guideline : business plan template, technical specification or description model, etc Validation and updating next month Conference Call F2F Meeting - May Contact : Ana Paula Maniero,
Global Traceability Conformance
GS1 GTC Global Traceability Conformance
GS1 GTC – What are we building?
Develop a Global Conformance Programme: Methodology, technical criteria and technical documents Based on the GS1 Traceability Standard (GTS) Compliant with ISO 22005 Optional : additional requirements (BRC, SQF, IFS, HACCP…) Used for : Self-assessment Audit by GS1 MOs and third parties/ possibility of GS1 Seal Benefits : Facilitate GTS adoption Ensure the right implementation Provide the possibility to: Define a Minimum Traceability level for every actor of the chain Have an international independent party for traceability reference and recognition Address the main international traceability regulations, standards bodies and commercial requirements. O que estamos fazendo é para rastreabilidade de toda a cadeia rastreabilidade externa .. Acreditar a rastreabilidade de toda a cadeia Vamos dar um selo, de maneira de dar confiança para todos parceiros de negócios… GS1 vai garantir que as empresas cumprem como standard. Não vai garantir os dados que a empresa passa para a cadeia, mas sim que ela tem as informações.. SELO = GTS + ISO (estabelece um caminho, uma rota para fazer as correções.. Self assessment Reconhecido pelo GO e por todas as MOs Selo internacional The foundational framework is going to be useful for any product but shall begins with the feed and food chain 18
Deadlines Status : Steering group established Community Room working
Checklist to be used for the Audits (Control Points & Compliance Criteria) done and next to be balloted Programme Regulation first draft done - Accreditations, Seal Awarding and Liabilities of parts Auditor training material done - (based on ISO 19011) – (in Spanish) Objective in June 2008 : Approve the Conformance Programme Develop marketing materials Contact : Juan Pablo Vial, Take part of GS1 Traceability WG Muito imporante contar com a ajuda das empresas para desenvolver e validar este programa. Estamos planejando uma reuniao em Julho/Agosto F2F com usuários Officinas regionais vão dar o selo mediante a auditorias as empresas …. Selo reconhecido pelo GO, tranversal as indústira, para qq tipo de setor. Regulamentação 22 de abril distribuição para o grupo … Final do ano todo processo, selo, etc… 19
Traceability Implementation Guidelines for Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Work Group
GS1 System and Business Needs
GS1 Community Business Needs Business Processes, Regulatory Requirements, Business Drivers, Business Issues GS1 Services and Solutions GS1 Standards Technologies
GS1 Solution Architecture
Trading Partner Collaboration Collaborative Processes GTS 9 Security ebXML Data Protection 8 Locate Information Discovery ONS 7 6 Sharing XML EDI EPCIS Integrity GDSN 5 Data Management 4 Classification UNSPSC GPC 3 Convergence Translation Acquisition 2 GS1 -128 GEN 2/ UHF Identification Object Identification Keys GLN GTIN EPC 1
Global Produce Traceability Implementation Guideline
A project to provide the Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Industry with guidance on how to implement traceability using GS1 standards Practical implementation guide Using examples and terminology of the trade Focus on business processes Contact : Mike Sadiwnyk ,
Q&A Diane Taillard Ana Paula Maniero Juan Pablo Vial Mike Sadiwnyk
GS1 Global Office Avenue Louise 326, bte 10 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium T W Q&A
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