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Creating Communication Climates1 簡短的 Review 第一章︰傳播學的領域與傳播學研究的方法 第二章︰討論感知 perception – 人理解或認識周遭人、事、物等等的開端 – 人因此能接收訊息、發出進而散布訊息 第三章︰討論傳播(溝通)的氛圍 – 人對情境的感知不同,反應不同.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Communication Climates1 簡短的 Review 第一章︰傳播學的領域與傳播學研究的方法 第二章︰討論感知 perception – 人理解或認識周遭人、事、物等等的開端 – 人因此能接收訊息、發出進而散布訊息 第三章︰討論傳播(溝通)的氛圍 – 人對情境的感知不同,反應不同."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Communication Climates1 簡短的 Review 第一章︰傳播學的領域與傳播學研究的方法 第二章︰討論感知 perception – 人理解或認識周遭人、事、物等等的開端 – 人因此能接收訊息、發出進而散布訊息 第三章︰討論傳播(溝通)的氛圍 – 人對情境的感知不同,反應不同 被關心的感覺、被支持、被尊重、被稱讚、被歌頌 被忽視的感覺、被查看、被懷疑、被輕視、被敷衍 – 接著,對話方式、傳播方式、形態就不同

2 Creating Communication Climates2 Focus Questions 1.How does communication shape interpersonal climates? 2.Can conflicts be good for relationships? 3.How can we assert ourselves and also respect others? 4.When is it appropriate to show grace toward others?

3 Creating Communication Climates3 如果您是影中人,您的感受是 … 被歌頌後感到受歡迎、 ? 感到被糾正 (by a role model)?

4 Creating Communication Climates4 Communication Climates 生活中的各種溝通情境 –Event: 面談、口試、約談、相親、買賣、調解、、、 –Location: 考場、洗手間、辦公室、會議室、法庭、、、 –Timing: 考試前、衝突後第一時間、談判中、多年後、、、 –Relationship: 父母、另一半、上司、大眾、師生、、、 –Purpose: 說服、安慰、建議、質問、責備、致歉、團結、、 –Channel: 見面、電話、 BBS 、視訊、信件、 MSN 、、、

5 Creating Communication Climates5 Communication Climates Emotional tone of a relationship between people who are interacting Basic for all settings and forms of interaction Examples: supportive, positive, constructive, etc. 互動情境中,參與者所感受的情緒或情 感的基調或氛圍。 – 教練是來支持、鼓勵我的 … (supportive) – 她的眼神 … 大概不太贊成我 … (negative)

6 Creating Communication Climates6 Creating Climate Three communication situations: (p. 72) –Performance review Simon –Steve ’ s concerns about job offer –Talking to parents who are concerned about drugs The communication climate is overcast. –Physical surroundings (physical climate) –Emotional tone (communication climate)

7 Creating Communication Climates7 Confirmation Confirmation is a foundation of healthy communication climate. ------- “ feeling valued ” The essence of confirmation is valuing. Healthy Confirmation: –Valuing, Appreciation, Respect

8 Creating Communication Climates8 Three Levels of Confirmation Recognition: awareness of people ’ s existence –“ Hello ”, “ Good to see you ” Acknowledgement: Knowing people ’ s feeling, statement –Showing attentiveness -- nodding head, eye contact Endorsement: Accepting people ’ s feelings and thoughts –Not necessarily agree with, but accept those feelings (see Figure 3.2 on page 77)

9 Creating Communication Climates9 Defensive vs. Supportive Climates Evaluation vs. Description –Defensiveness Certainty vs. Provisionalism –Absolute, dogmatic, ethnocentrism vs. alternatives Strategy vs. Spontaneity –Manipulative vs. open, honest Control vs. Problem Orientation –Dominant, imposing vs. focused on solution-finding Neutrality vs. Empathy –Indifference vs. understanding, respectful Superiority vs. Equality The Terminal 02:27

10 Creating Communication Climates10 Conflict and Communication Conflict –Means ‘ difference ’, not necessarily unhealthy –A sign that people are involved with each other –Often with people what matter to us Overt vs. Covert –Straightforward vs. Indirect expression Well Managed vs. Poorly Managed –How we perceive: Lose-Lose; Win-Lose; Win-Win (next slide) –How we respond: Active vs. Passive; Constructive vs. Destructive Can Be Positive (for individuals and relationships)

11 Creating Communication Climates11 Components of Conflict Process Conflicts of interest –Incompatible goals, interests, opinions Conflict orientation (how we perceive) –Individuals ’ attitude toward conflict (next slide) Conflict responses –Overt behavioral responses Conflict outcomes –Resolution; Impact on relationships

12 Creating Communication Climates12 Views of Conflict Cultural Views: Some more accept conflicts, others tend to avoid. Circumstantial Views: Some worth engaging Lose-Lose View: –Perception: Losses for everyone Win-Lose View: –One wins at the expense of others and the relationship Win-Win View: –Everyone gains; A resolution all parties accept.

13 Creating Communication Climates13 Responses to Conflict Active vs. Passive Constructive vs. Destructive Active Passive ConstructiveDestructive Exit NeglectLoyalty Voice

14 Creating Communication Climates14 Guidelines for Creating Climates Accept and confirm others Affirm and assert yourself (Figure 3.4, p. 89) Respect diversity among people Time conflict effectively –When everyone is fully present and mindful –Be flexible when deal with differences in readiness –Bracketing (marking off peripheral issues) Show grace when appropriate

15 Creating Communication Climates15 Case Study: Cloudy Climate pp. 94-95 影片對白全本 情節︰ –Andy 與 Martha 結婚已 5 年。 Andy 得到一個夢 想中的工作機會,必須搬到 1500 哩外的西 雅圖就職,但 Martha 熱愛目前的工作與居住 地,不想遷移 … 請先閱讀 p. 95 前兩個問題 02:46

16 Creating Communication Climates16 Questions Any examples of “ mind reading ” ? Defensive interpersonal communication?

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