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London April 2005 The Rich Media Platform Eyeblaster.

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1 London April 2005 The Rich Media Platform Eyeblaster

2 Agenda 09.00 – 09.15 Welcoming 09.15 – 09.45 Introduction presentation - best ads, new features, Eyeblaster’s future development 09.45 – 10.45 Creating Eyeblaster ads – general guidelines, simple hands-on flash exercises, uploading and testing assets on Eyeblasterwiz and creating preview ads 10.45 – 11.00 Coffee break 11.00 – 12.00 Advanced examples – additional assets, behavioral ads with a hands-on exercise, dynamic data and data capture with a hands-on exercise. 12.00 – 13.15 Creating video ads - video basics, video delivery method, video components, video strip, video best practices 13.15 – 14.15 Lunch 14.15 – 14.45 Eyeblaster ‘Don’t Waste It’ - Lean Mean Fighting Machine case study 14:45 – 15.15 Rich media best practices 15:15 – 15.30 Coffee break 15.30 – 16.30 Open Forum chaired by Revolution Magazine 16.30 – 16.35 Closing

3 This presentation Company Our product – The Rich media platform Why ‘Eyeblaster University’? The Creative opportunity Ad Formats Features Video Eyeblaster’s future product strategy Q & A

4 Company US Company founded in 1999 over 7,000 campaigns for over 600 agencies via 4,000 publishers run on the Eyeblaster Online Advertising Platform. Corporate headquarters: New York. European offices in UK, Germany, France, Spain and The Netherlands. International offices in: Japan, China, Australia and Brazil Over 1billion Rich media impressions per month Global leader in solutions for online rich media advertising

5 The Eyeblaster Rich Media Solution MEDIA CREATIVEPUBLISHER Single Workflow A single workflow to integrate the work of Creative with Media with Publishers: Serves the needs of all Agency control in configuring campaign; Publisher control in deploying campaign All the creative needs: all formats, all media types All the tracking, reporting in one system

6 Creative in online display advertising Traditionally a media controlled industry Standard display advertising formats present a limited creative opportunity In a direct response driven medium, targeting and optimisation are dominant factors Mismatch between budgets and costs to produce effective online ads for branding Lack of standardisation Audience connectivity

7 What has changed? Shift in consumption of media More money is spent online by consumers More brands are spending more money to advertise online Advertisers are convinced that the medium can be used for effective online branding Audience connectivity is improving Technologies have enabled a more compelling creative opportunity The industry is maturing (Standards and processes) enabling an easier execution of campaigns

8 Why Eyeblaster University? Creative has a predominant role in increasing budgets of online advertising Usage of technology will continue to drive the creative opportunity Eyeblaster product enhancements are focused on the creative proposition Our product is becoming ever more versatile and therefore demands more knowledge Eyeblaster would like you to drive the demand for rich media and believe educating you about the opportunities will assist in achieving that

9 Creative Ad formats

10 Polite Banner A Flash banner ad that allows up to 2.2MB. Contains: Default gif, default flash and rich flash. Expandable Banner Multiple panels. Mouse over/Auto/Click expansion. See Demos: Audi Banner Formats Xerox Quick share BMW Push Down Banner Multiple panels. Pushes content down. Floating reminder. See Demos:Colgate Elite

11 Floating Ad Ad that appears to float over a web page. Full-Page Overlay Ad that interacts with the full page in the current window See Demos: Out-of-Banner Formats Mini NSPCC Commercial Break Full-page ad that takes over the entire screen like TV commercials. Window Ad Ad appears in a new window, like an interstitial or pop-up BASee Demos: Yahoo Wallpaper Ad Full-screen ad that replaces the web page background NIKESee Demos:

12 Ad features Behavioral Ad Dynamic Data 1 2 Data Capture Live Polling

13 VideoVideo

14 Eyeblaster product strategy Our mission: Enable Advertisers, Agencies and publishers to effectively launch digital advertising campaigns across multiple channels Consolidated digital ad serving platform New digital channels for marketing: Mobile and Gaming Innovative formats for branding Direct response formats and features Measurability of brand effectiveness and direct response metrics Simplified execution: Creative, Media and Publishing

15 Eyeblaster Future product plans Complete Agency Ad Serving solution – June 2005 Additional digital channels – Q2 2005 New rich media formats and features – June and November 2005 Improved processes – June 2005 Flexible and customised reporting – June 2005 Focus on Video creation and publishing EZblaster – April 2005

16 Questions? The Rich Media Platform Eyeblaster

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