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F UNDAMENTALS OF E NGINEERING A NALYSIS Eng. Hassan S. Migdadi Inverse of Matrix. Gauss-Jordan Elimination Part 1.

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Presentation on theme: "F UNDAMENTALS OF E NGINEERING A NALYSIS Eng. Hassan S. Migdadi Inverse of Matrix. Gauss-Jordan Elimination Part 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 F UNDAMENTALS OF E NGINEERING A NALYSIS Eng. Hassan S. Migdadi Inverse of Matrix. Gauss-Jordan Elimination Part 1

2 A review of the Identity For real numbers, what is the additive identity? Zero…. Why? Because for any real number b, 0 + b = b What is the multiplicative identity? 1 … Why? Because for any real number b, 1 * b = b

3 Identity Matrices The identity matrix is a square matrix (same # of rows and columns) that, when multiplied by another matrix, equals that same matrix If A is any n x n matrix and I is the n x n Identity matrix, then A * I = A and I *A = A

4 Examples The 2 x 2 Identity matrix is: The 3 x 3 Identity matrix is: Notice any pattern? Most of the elements are 0, except those in the diagonal from upper left to lower right, in which every element is 1!

5 Inverse review Recall that we defined the inverse of a real number b to be a real number a such that a and b combined to form the identity For example, 3 and -3 are additive inverses since 3 + -3 = 0, the additive identity Also, -2 and – ½ are multiplicative inverses since (- 2) *(- ½ ) = 1, the multiplicative identity

6 Matrix Inverses Two n x n matrices are inverses of each other if their product is the identity Not all matrices have inverses (more on this later) Often we symbolize the inverse of a matrix by writing it with an exponent of (-1) For example, the inverse of matrix A is A -1 A * A -1 = I, the identity matrix.. Also A -1 *A = I To determine if 2 matrices are inverses, multiply them and see if the result is the Identity matrix!

7 Example 7-1a Determine whether X and Y are inverses. Check to see if X Y = I. Write an equation. Matrix multiplication

8 Example 7-1b Now find Y X. Matrix multiplication Write an equation. Answer: Since X Y = Y X = I, X and Y are inverses.

9 Example 7-1c Determine whether P and Q are inverses. Check to see if P Q = I. Write an equation. Matrix multiplication Answer: Since P Q  I, they are not inverses.

10 Example 7-1d Determine whether each pair of matrices are inverses. a. b. Answer: no Answer: yes

11 Inverse of a number When we are talking about our natural numbers, the inverse of a number is it’s reciprocal. When we multiply a number by it’s inverse we get 1. For example:

12 Inverse of a matrix What do you think we would get if we multiplied a matrix by it’s inverse? Try it on your calculator. A matrix multiplied by its inverse always gives us an identity matrix.

13 Not all matrices have an inverse. If the determinant of a matrix is 0, then it has no inverse and is said to be SINGULAR. All others are said to be NON-SINGULAR

14 Finding Inverses 2x2 Let A -1 = Multiplying out gives.. Can you solve these to work out A -1 ? So AA -1 = I

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