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CSE Senior Design I Day 1: Getting Organized Instructor: Vassilis Athitsos Based on an earlier presentation by Mike O'Dell, UTA, modified by Vassilis Athitsos.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE Senior Design I Day 1: Getting Organized Instructor: Vassilis Athitsos Based on an earlier presentation by Mike O'Dell, UTA, modified by Vassilis Athitsos."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE Senior Design I Day 1: Getting Organized Instructor: Vassilis Athitsos Based on an earlier presentation by Mike O'Dell, UTA, modified by Vassilis Athitsos

2 1 CSE 4316 2 What’s This Class About? capstone course put it all together. In this course you will:  This is the CSE capstone course, where you put it all together. In this course you will: team  Work on a team with your fellow students software product development cycle  Learn a lot about the software product development cycle by actually experiencing it phased development process  Study and implement a “real world” phased development process  Develop a working product  Develop a working product “from scratch” planning and requirements  In CSE 4316 - prepare and present planning and requirements documentation for your project. complete the project  In CSE 4317 - continue and complete the project and demonstrate your working prototype

3 1 What will we do? CSE 4316 3 Build a TEAM TEAM PLAN PLAN Establish Product REQUIREMENTS & FEASIBILITY Establish Product REQUIREMENTS & FEASIBILITY DESIGN Your Product DESIGN IMPLEMENT & TEST Your ProductIMPLEMENT Product DEMONSTRATE Your Product Your ProductDEMONSTRATE Senior Design 2 Senior Design 1

4 1 CSE 4316 4 Lectures and Labs  Lectures and Labs mostly mean the same thing this semester.  Lectures on key topics case studies  Class discussion of case studies.  Reviews of major design documents.  Presentation by team, critique by rest of class.  Quizzes

5 1 CSE 4316 5 "Lab" Activities  Team Status Presentations ENB)  Individual Status Reports and Engineering Notebook (ENB) Reviews  Deliverable Review  Deliverable Review Presentations  Class Exercises, Special Topics

6 1 CSE 4316 6 Class Syllabus  YOU  YOU are responsible for understanding the information in the class syllabus  Ask questions if you are unclear on things  The syllabus may evolve web copy of the syllabus  The web copy of the syllabus is the current version

7 1 CSE 4316 7 Class Attendance It is a part of your grade  Attendance is expected at any and all scheduled activities: class, lab, team meetings, etc. It is a part of your grade.  Attendance is highly correlated with contributions to team and project.  It’s better to come to class late than miss the class altogether.  N.B. - If you don’t come to class, you can’t participate in the learning process.  Do you get to skip work when you don’t want to go?

8 1 Course Plan Rules: Senior Design substantially completed  Must have substantially completed upper- division courses prior to CSE 4316  Specified prerequisites: CSE 3310, 3320, 3322  Co-requisite: CSE 3316 (beginning Fall 2010) on same project and team  Must complete CSE 4316 followed by CSE 4317 in a two consecutive semester sequence (on same project and team)  Must pass CSE 4316 to enroll in CSE 4317 CSE 4316 8

9 1 9 Grading: Components/Weights  See syllabus for details  Individual Deliverables (35%)  Items for which you are individually responsible  Team Deliverables (35%):  Items for which the team is responsible  Attendance (20%)  Participation (10%)

10 1 CSE 4316 10 Homework & Lab Assignments  Due as specified on the course web page.  Must be submitted on Blackboard.  Will be accepted late until 10 hours after due date, with a late penalty of 10% per hour. For submissions more than 10 hours late, grade is zero.  All out-of-class work must be “typed” – handwritten work is not acceptable.

11 1 CSE 4316 11 Your first assignment  See course web page for details.  Papers should be formatted according to Senior Design Standard 001 (see website)  Submit on Blackboard

12 1 CSE 4316 12 Engineering Notebook  You are required to maintain an Engineering/ Project Notebook throughout the project. your grade on Individual deliverables  Your records are an integral part of your project, therefore it will be used as a component of your grade on Individual deliverables.  Good record keeping is necessary for process improvement, and process improvement is necessary to be a good engineer/developer. brought with you  Your notebook should be brought with you to all lab/class sessions. inspection and grading  Notebooks are subject to inspection and grading by the GTA/Instructor at any time, without notice.  Team leader will be asked to review occasionally

13 1 CSE 4316 13 Ethics assume that you all are honest and ethical  Today, I assume that you all are honest and ethical  If you give me reason to believe that you are not, the UTA Engineering College Code of Ethics will be enforced. may assist your fellow students  You may assist your fellow students, (in fact, this is encouraged and expected)  You may not allow your fellow students to copy your work, or copy theirs.  Unauthorized  Unauthorized shared work will be treated as cheating.

14 1 CSE 4316 14 Class Website every class day  Check it at least every class day  All presentations and class materials are posted there  Assignments will be posted there when assigned.  Also: supporting info, relevant standards, required forms, etc.

15 1 CSE 4316 15 The Projects – General Guidelines  Maximum size of a project is one cubic yard – 3’ x 3’ x 3’ (guideline only, verify)  Projects MUST be approved and assigned by me before work begins.  Each team has a budget of $800 for required product components

16 1 CSE 4316 16 The Projects – General Guidelines  What you may not have:  Security systems or parts thereof i.e., anything that might ‘mess with” campus network  Research projects  Remote-control vehicle projects This does not include remote-controlled testing of autonomous vehicles, or autonomous additions to RC vehicles.

17 1 CSE 4316 17 Sponsored Projects  It is expected that you will have an external “customer” for your project.  Encourages a more realistic project  Injects outside feedback  Some sponsors may even fund project

18 1 CSE 4316 18 Lab/Work Area  Senior Design Lab is 208 ERB  Each team will have:  a dedicated area (cubicle) of about 160 sq. ft. for your team activities.  adequate chairs and table space  a lockable cabinet for storage of parts, etc.  a team computer  READ and understand “Lab Rules of Etiquette” paper

19 1 CSE 4316 19 Lab/Work Area  For lab access you will need your badge/ ID and your self service PIN number.  Swipe your badge, then key in 5-digit PIN  If you don’t know your PIN, you can get it by:  going to  clicking “VIEW INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNTS”,  logging in with your MavID and password  Your PIN will be shown with other account information

20 1 CSE 4316 20 Tools  You may be required to learn and use the current versions of the following:  MS Office  MS Project  Others may be required to complete your specific project

21 1 CSE 4316 21 Project Team Composition  4-5 members  Multidisciplinary – an equitable distribution of male/female, CS/CSE/SwEng will be enforced, except as specified for special projects  No dating/married couples allowed on teams  The instructor will form the teams.  You can specify people you do not want to work with.

22 1 CSE 4316 22 How We’re Going to Do Things Superior Designs, Inc.  This a small company: “Superior Designs, Inc. ”  You are the development department  Divided into teams for various projects (products)  Each team has a team lead  We use a proven, phased development process  You develop and get approval for the roadmap to deliver your product on time  Weekly “staff” meetings to review project status/progress (generally, Friday lab period)  Failure of one team => failure of company

23 1 CSE 4316 23 How We’re Going to Do Things  I am the “boss” (development manager)  I will mentor you & help you learn how to do your job  I will approve your plans  I will approve your project expenses  I believe every question is worth answering  I don’t do your work for you  I don’t do your research for you  I don’t know everything about anything  I expect you to do your job, and will measure you on how well you do it

24 1 CSE 4316 24 How We’re Going to Do Things  This semester you will: build your team  Establish and build your team project  Be assigned to a team project (product) plan  Establish your plan (schedule, budget, etc.) Requirements  Complete your Requirements Specification (SRS) and a successful Requirements Gate Review feasibility analysis  Conduct feasibility analysis Architecture  Get started on Architecture/Design  Next semester you will complete the project  Detailed design, implementation, test, prototype delivery and final acceptance

25 1 CSE 4316 25 Work Load 5-6 months of calendar working time  You have roughly 5-6 months of calendar working time for your project.  That’s, at most, 500 man-hours per team member  A 5 person team has 2500 man-hours to complete the project (4 people => 2000 man-hours) Equivalent of about one man-year, or 5 K delivered lines of source code by typical metrics  Don’t pad your schedule trying to make it easy on yourself outside of the classroom  Expect to spend 10-15 hours every week outside of the classroom on the project  Failure to expend the required time will result in failure to complete the project (with a similar effect on your course grade)

26 1 CSE 4316 26 Work Load  Planthen work  Plan your work, then work your plan tools  Learn your tools well, and the work load will be lighter. less time  Do it the way we talk about in class, and you’ll spend less time redoing things. by industry  Remember: the methods we discuss are time-tested by industry… they work!

27 1 CSE 4316 27 ABET ABET  Must pass all ABET (Accrediting Board for Engineering and Technology) Outcome Assessments to pass this class.  SD I ABET Outcome is: multi-disciplinary team  Ability to function on a multi-disciplinary team Will be assessed by peer evaluation at end of semester

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