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US HISTORY Mr. Carson (615)904-6507 ex. 30771 Colonization to Reconstruction and American West In this Civil War scene, President.

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Presentation on theme: "US HISTORY Mr. Carson (615)904-6507 ex. 30771 Colonization to Reconstruction and American West In this Civil War scene, President."— Presentation transcript:

1 US HISTORY Mr. Carson (615)904-6507 ex. 30771 Colonization to Reconstruction and American West In this Civil War scene, President Lincoln visits a Union camp with Major Allan Pinkerton (his bodyguard and head of Union Intelligence) and General John McClernand. Course Description and Objectives We will study the cultural and political events that have forged this country. Along the way, we will use important methods like problem solving, writing, analyzing, debating, and creating important group and individual projects. You should prepare for a very challenging yet extremely fun year. We will study the history of our country from its beginnings to the Civil War, and learn about our founding fathers, states, the presidents, and have lots of fun!! This course is organized and grouped into unit studies. Each unit will require the students to perform many of the following tasks: take notes from lectures, participate in class discussions, complete maps, complete hands on projects and activities, read signed materials, write essays or paragraphs, take quizzes, compile vocabulary and definitions, participate in group activities, and take unit tests all to help you become more familiar with U.S. History. COURSE DETAILS Website: Textbook: US History (required daily) EXPECTATIONS: We all have expectations, both for ourselves and for our fellow students. You also have expectations of me. I will do everything possible to help you, but will not do the work for you. In exchange, please: be Punctual… Come to class on time; be Prepared… Bring all supplies with you to class, you will NOT be allowed to return to your locker be Polite… Respect other students and their opinions, encourage them to be successful and remember the GOLDEN RULE Freedom is the most important right our nation’s founders gave us – it is therefore critical to study the lessons learned during our struggles to acquire and maintain our freedom, since lessons that people learned 100 years ago could benefit us today. If you fail to follow my expectations you will receive the following… Visual or verbal warning, phone call or email to parent, loss of recess time, “EXTRA” assignments, or referral to the office. If you cooperate with the teacher… Verbal praise, HAPPY emails or calls to parents, notes home, assignment pass, extra credit, or candy All school and county rules apply. Please refer to the agenda County handbook. HOW TO TAKE THIS COURSE… I encourage all students to raise their hand and participate in class. You must learn to make a contribution and to express yourself clearly. If at any time you are having a problem, with this class or with school in general, please speak to me about it. I am here to help you in any way possible. I look forward to a fantastic year full of learning!

2 A teacher will grade about 200-300 papers per week! If even 5% of those papers don’t contain a proper heading, over 10 students will not receive credit (i.e. it will be thrown away). That can mean the difference between passing and failing. WRITE THE PROPER HEADING ON EVERY PAPER YOU TURN IN. REQUIRED MATERIALS: You must bring as many of the following items with you to class: A 200 sheet, college ruled, with margin, five subject oversized (means perforated sheets) notebook. (called HISTORY NOTEBOOK or HN) Agenda Colored Pencils, Glue Sticks, Scissors Pencil (sharpened before class begins) Blue or Black pens Textbook A Good Attitude Materials for class will be written on the dry erase board outside the classroom door. Students will not be allowed to leave class due to lack of materials. Homework 10% (Homework is assigned on Monday, Due Thursday EVERY week) Classwork/Notebook (IHN) 20% (Daily Participation) Quizzes-30% Tests/Benchmarks- 40% (Expect one quiz or test a week) Grading: All grades will be awarded on a point system. Points will be given for nearly every assignment that you complete. Grades will be posted via JupiterGrades as frequently as possible. You will be able to see how many assignments you have turned in, as well as your overage percentage. There is not a grade fairy that updates your grade the moment you turn in an assignment, do not expect it to be automatic. Remember: A mistake or lack of planning on your part DOES NOT constitute an emergency on my part. Copies of all assignments, a daily calendar, announcements, and a link to JupiterGrades is available on my website. Please use often to check progress. Students who do not turn their work in on time will be willingly consenting to the following: loss of recess, lowered grade, and/or being pulled for R&E. Students will be allowed to complete an alternative assignment if a student is unhappy with his or her grade on a test or quiz. However, you will need to complete the alternative assignment by the due date. We will be using an interactive notebook this year in class. The purpose of the interactive notebook is to enable students to be creative, independent thinkers and writers. Interactive notebooks are used for class notes as well as for other activities where the student will be asked to express his/her own ideas and process the information presented in class. This will also count as the final for my class in May (2 test grades). (Please return this portion to Mr. CARSON, the top portion of syllabus will be glued into the interactive notebook for future reference) (Please return this portion to Mr. CARSON, the top portion of syllabus will be glued into the interactive notebook for future reference) I understand the outlined information presented. I acknowledge the fact that I am responsible for knowing what is expected of me in Mr. CARSON classroom and for performing to the best of my ability. Student’s Signature: ___________________________________ Student’s Printed Name: __________________________________ Parent’s Signature: ____________________________________Date: ______________ □ I do NOT grant my child permission to watch documentaries that deal with mature themes in order to improve my child’s learning experience. Films include, but are not limited to: The Patriot, America: The Story of US, various YouTube videos, Glory (edited), etc. Late Work: I provide a homework pass for homework due that day that was uncompleted. I do not allow the homework pass to be used for notebook checks as it is a test grade I also allow a late work form, signed by parent, to receive full credit up to 5 days after assignment is due. If late work form is not used 5 pts. will be deducted per day late up to 5 days. After 5 days the ONLY WAY I accept late work is with a late form and the assignment will receive a 25 pt. deduction. 2. If your notebook assignments go ABOVE AND BEYOND the requirements and you have completed all your notes in your IHN, you will be granted up to 5 points extra credit per 9 weeks (added to IHN grade) EXTRA CREDIT: I give 2 opportunities for extra credit per 9 Weeks 1. EXTRA CREDIT can be found on Mr. CARSON webpage titled : EXTRA, ETRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT!

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