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Week 1 : Introduction to Lab.

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1 Week 1 : Introduction to Lab.

2 Policy for Grading CS101 grading consists of two parts: theory and practice. Theory point 100 points for midterm exam 100 points for final exam Practice point 100 points for lecture attendance 100 points for lab work 200 points for homework Students need to collect at least 320 practice points. The final score is determined entirely by the theory point. Practice point is just a qualification. You will get F grade if your practice point is below 320. Student B Example Student A Student B Theory(mid/final) 170 (90/80) 197(98/97) Practice 320 319 Final grade B F

3 Rules Please be on time. You should finish the given tasks within each class. TA will check your program. You have to explain your source code when TA checks your code. If you are absent from your lab., you can participate in another lab. in the same week. However, if you take another lab., you get 50% of lab point as a penalty. If you don’t participate in any other lab. as well as your lab., your lab. score for the week is zero. There is no evaluation for lab. work. There is no evaluation for previous lab. work. Your lab score and lecture attendance will be released on CS101 homepage. You can claim your lab score and lecture attendance until following lab and lecture (by or in person).

4 Quiz in lab There will be a quiz time in each lab.
4 points are assigned for quiz 1 point for participation, 3 points for quiz score If you don’t have a quiz, you’ll get 6 points for the lab attendance. Quiz will start at the beginning of the lab session. Don’t be late! You have to concentrate on your lecture! Review before lab is recommended.

5 Programming Assignments
There will be 4 programming assignments The notice will be on the CS101 website ( ) All programming assignments must be submitted via the homepage submission program. No excuse will be accepted about delay even 1 second. The due date depends on server’s time, not on your computer’s. You can see the server time by checking details on homework. Delay penalty : 5% per day If you are faced with some problems when you are trying to solve your homework, Do not copy your friends’ homework. Even just copying only one method, it’s also regarded as cheating. Ask TAs to help you. (Use TA’s office hour! )

6 Copier and source provider will obviously get F grade
Cheating Copier and source provider will obviously get F grade

7 TA’s Office Hour TA’s office hour schedule will be shown on the course homepage soon. Please check TA’s office hour schedule Notified in the lab information page of the CS101 site.

8 What is Pair Programming?
Pair programming is a software development technique in which two programmers work together at one work station. One types in code while the other reviews each line of code as it is typed in. The person typing the code is called the driver. The person reviewing the code is called the navigator. During CS101, lab., pair programming is mandatory. Pair programming has a lot of benefits!

9 Pair Programming Do not touch the computer Review the code Think about language issues and upcoming issues related to the problem being solved The two programmers should switch roles every 15 minutes in CS101 class. Navigator Work with the computer Focus all of his or her attention, using the navigator as a safety guide Driver

10 CS101 Homepage
You should check CS101 homepage at least once a day not to miss an important notice. HW assignments, change of schedule, claim period, term exam Please, join the homepage as a student member. You should write your name correctly to User Name field. If you are Korean, you should write your name in Korean. 한국 학생들은 본인의 이름을 띄어쓰기 없이 한글로 쓰세요 After you login, you can see some additional menus. You can see Course Management page. You have to register your information. Click Register Student Info Your Student ID, section, and phone number should be entered correctly. (If you don’t, you may get some penalties) Close Course Management page. Logout -> Login again.

11 Join (1)

12 Join (2) ① Fill in the blanks ② Write your real name e.g. Alan Turing
한국 학생들은 한글로 쓰세요 예) 홍길동

13 Join (3)

14 Write your email as an user ID and password
Join (4) Write your as an user ID and password

15 Join (5)

16 Fill in the blanks and select your section correctly
Join (6) Fill in the blanks and select your section correctly

17 How to Install Python

18 Preparing Programming Environment
Programming Language Python v2.7.2. You have to install Python first before installing Wing IDE 101. Software Development Environment Wing IDE 101 (Wing Intelligent Development Environment) A free basic edition of Wing IDE

19 How to Install Python Python is free to use, even for commercial products, because of its OSI-approved open source license. The program for installation is located in the ‘Download’ board at Lecture Homepage ( ) OR, refer to The version is important! You should download Python When the installation asks for the Destination Directory, keep the default C:\Python27\. Do not change anything on the customization page.

20 How to Install Others 3 files(excluding Python) for installation is located in the ‘Download’ board at Lecture Homepage ( ) Wing IDE 101 Wing has powerful code intelligence capabilities for Python programming. Execute the downloaded file Next, Accept, Next, Next, ….. Python Image Library PIL adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. Just execute the downloaded file CS zip This file is for CS101 robot lectures. There are 5 files in this compressed file.

21 Install CS zip Extract 5 files to C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages folder

22 Congratulations! You have installed all the necessary software.
Let’s run our first program! Select Start menu -> Program -> Wing IDE > Wing IDE

23 Lab Work

24 Practices Read sections 5~9 doing following tasks in order. (CourseInfo  Syllabus  Literature  Robot Lecture Notes)) Using functions (without for-loops) ZigZag1 (page 4) Hurdles1 (page 4) Newspaper1 (page 5) Harvest1 (page 5) Using for-loops & functions Hurdles2 (page 5) Harvest2 (page 5) Harvest3 (page 6) You should delete your .py file when your lab class is finished! Caution: Save your python files in C:/CS101/ and clear the directory when you complete the tasks after back-up.

25 Practices with functions
Download world files from the download board. ZigZag1 (default world) Use functions to avoid repetitions and to make your code as clear as possible. Hurdles1 (‘hurdle1.wld’) Use functions to make a Robot, named ‘Hubo’, pick up the beeper following the path indicated below.

26 Practices with functions
Newspaper Delivery (‘newspaper.wld’) Use top-down design. You can make an outline for a solution, and then focus on each part of the solution one-by-one. Harvest1 (‘harvest1.wld’) Use top-down design.

27 Practices with for-loops
Using for-loops & functions Hurdles2 (‘hurdle1.wld’) Do Hurdles1 using for-loops. Harvest2 (‘harvest1.wld’) Do Harvest1 using for-loops. Harvest3 (‘harvest2.wld’) Could you pick up all beepers in this map?

28 Comment We use comments for other humans only inside the program.
To embed programmer-readable annotations. To make the source code easier to understand. If a line starts with a hash symbol #, then this line is a comment and will be ignored by the Python interpreter: # My first program from cs1robots import * create_world() # This line should be ignored!

29 Any Questions?

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