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Academic Integrity ASU 101. Academic Integrity Objectives  Differentiate between instances of academic honesty and dishonesty  List potential consequences.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Integrity ASU 101. Academic Integrity Objectives  Differentiate between instances of academic honesty and dishonesty  List potential consequences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Integrity ASU 101

2 Academic Integrity Objectives  Differentiate between instances of academic honesty and dishonesty  List potential consequences of academically dishonest behavior

3 Obligations Students must:  Act with honesty and integrity  Respect the rights of others

4 Before Class Read the text Clarify anything you are unsure of Formulate questions to ask Think about what you have read

5 In Class Attend class Arrive on time and stay for duration Make good use of class time Ask questions Participate Monitor your participation Respect the other students

6 Exams and Quizzes Prepare for the exam Seek assistance Make use of the time allotted Do not cheat, copy, or seek assistance from others Do not assist other students  Exception: team or group exam

7 Written Assignments Start research and writing early Seek assistance from others  Proof-reading  Writing center  Discuss ideas/brainstorm Give full and proper credit to sources Turn in your own work Seek to perform at your highest potential

8 Academic Deceit Using materials not authorized by the instructor Possess, review, buy, sell, obtain, or use materials without appropriate authorization Act as a substitute for another student Submit work other than own Provide inappropriate aid to another:  Text messaging  Camera phones  Photocopies  Other means to copy or photograph materials

9 Plagiarism Use material without proper citation  Internet  Textbook, journal article  DVD, CD, software, music Claim credit for work produced by another Use a direct quote with proper citation Paraphrasing without proper citation

10 Cheating Unauthorized assistance from another Receiving or giving answers to an exam Use of unauthorized sources (unless allowed by instructor)  Textbook, notes, study aides Obtaining or altering an exam Submitting the same assignment for a different class

11 Attendance Recording Sign an attendance sheet for another Falsify or misrepresent hours  Internship  Field experience  Clinical activities

12 Grades Mistake in grade posting  Notify instructor immediately Influencing or changing an academic evaluation is not allowed

13 Consequences Know the policies and expectations When you don’t know:  Ask your instructor  Contact your advisor  Obtain the ASU policies

14 Faculty Role Notify student Reduce assignment grade Reduce grade for the course Assign an XE Propose a resolution Submit to the Dean

15 Dean’s Role Review instructor recommendation Reduce grade or fail student Assign XE grade Remove student from college or program Revoke degree

16 Short and Long-Term Consequences Redo an assignment Fail the assignment Receive an XE Suspension Expulsion Potential review by College/School Board Revocation of degree

17 XE Designation Appears on official transcript “Failure due to academic dishonesty” May not participate in extracurricular activities Removal of XE  Petition (w/in 10 days)  Program Dean or Director

18 Conclusion Act with integrity Be honest If you’re unsure  Get help  Ask your instructor  Contact your advisor  Know and understand ASU and program policies  Ignorance is not bliss Code of conduct applies to all students

19 Further Information ASU Polices & Procedures: Citing Sources: Plagiarism: Plagiarism/ Plagiarism/

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