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Increasing Student Learning with Interactive-Engagement Activities

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1 Increasing Student Learning with Interactive-Engagement Activities
Duane Deardorff, PhD Dept. of Physics and Astronomy The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Presentation at Fudan University, June 23, 2015 45 minute talk with up to 30 minutes discussion

2 Collaborators Laurie McNeil, Professor at UNC-CH
Alice Churukian, Senior Lecturer at UNC-CH David Smith, STEM lecturer at UNC-CH Colin Wallace, STEM lecturer at UNC-CH Bob Beichner, PhD advisor at NCSU

3 Outline My role at UNC-CH Traditional lecturing defined
Classroom Activity Techniques Interactive classroom formats Evidence of success

4 Primary Message: I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand. - Confucius Students understand more when they are actively involved in the learning process.

5 My role at UNC-CH Joined faculty in January 2000 (16 years ago)
Director of Undergraduate Laboratories Responsible for administration of all teaching labs 10 courses, ~3000 students per year Lecturer I teach 1 or 2 classes each year, mostly introductory physics Have now taught all of the intro physics courses at least once.

6 Traditional vs. Reformed Class
Education research studies show that traditional lecturing is not as effective as interaction for students to really understand course content. As an instructor, I strive to be a “guide on the side” rather than a “sage on the stage”

7 Lecturing Defined Lecture has often been described as the process of taking the information contained in the teachers notes and transferring them into the students notes without the information passing through the brains of either.

8 “Most ideas about teaching are not new, but not everyone knows the old ideas.” Euclid (300 B.C.)
Many of our “modern” classrooms look similar to the auditoriums (listening spaces) of the ancient Greeks.

9 A Commonly Held Model of Teaching and Learning
Your discipline content Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbs

10 Constructivism Students enter the classroom with preconceptions about how the world works. If their initial understanding is not fully engaged, they may fail to grasp new concepts in meaningful ways that last beyond the purposes of an exam. To fully develop competence, students must: (1) have a deep foundation of factual knowledge, (2) understand the interrelationships among facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework, and (3) organize knowledge in ways that facilitate retrieval and application A “metacognitive” approach to instruction can help students learn to take control of their own learning and monitor progress. Metacognition refers to thinking about cognition (memory, perception, calculation, association, etc.) itself or to think/reason about one's own thinking. Metacognition involves two types of knowledge: 1) explicit, conscious, factual knowledge; and 2) implicit/unconscious knowledge. Metacognition also refers to a level of thinking that involves active control over the process of thinking that is used in learning situations. Planning the way to approach a learning task, monitoring comprehension, and evaluating the progress towards the completion of a task: these are skills that are metacognitive in their nature. The theory that metacognition has a critical role to play in successful learning means it is important that it be demonstrated by both students and teachers. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School (Expanded Edition), National Research Council, National Academy Press, 2000.

11 Key results from research into cognition and instruction
Learning is productive / constructive - learning requires mental effort. Knowledge is associative / linked to prior mental models and cognitive structures. The cognitive response is context dependent – what and how you learn depends on the educational setting. Most people require some social interactions in order to learn deeply and effectively. Joe Redish, AAPT, San Diego

12 PCK: Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Understanding and awareness of existing pedagogy, instructional strategies, assessment, and evaluation tools, etc. Understanding the results from cognitive science, educational psychology, and discipline-based science education research Understanding of the complex classroom environment: resources, limitations, implementation issues, learning outcomes, etc. PCK: Pedagogical Content Knowledge …all are part of PCK; as instructors, we are most effective when we have large PCK END with top: instructional strategies; let’s take a look at some strategies you can use; model day in my class; want to place you in position of students, who aren’t experts, so I’m going to use context that you may not be an expert in Understanding of the learners, their motivations/expectations, attitudes/beliefs, knowledge, abilities, and learning difficulties Understanding of the science of your discipline

13 What Can I do Besides Lecture to Engage Students in their Learning?
Ask students questions (not all questions are equal) Use interactive videos, demonstrations, animations, and simulations In-class writing (with or without discussion) Muddiest Point (what was most confusing) Summary of Today's Main Points Writing Reflections Think-Pair-Share or Peer Instruction Small Group Interactions Concept Maps Case Study Analysis Sorting or Ranking Tasks Lecture-Tutorials Student Debates (individual/group) Whole Class Discussions Lecture isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s only one possible tool you can use…and like any tool, it’s good for some things and bad for others.

14 Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain
declarative knowledge comprehension application analysis synthesis evaluation Interactive lecturing is one of your tools – but it’s limited to lower levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. Does your class intellectually engage your students and deepen their conceptual understanding and critical thinking ability or does it re-enforce the memorization of facts and declarative knowledge?

15 A Short note about Instructional Strategies
For Interactive Videos, Demonstrations, Animations, and Simulations: Student thinking is made explicit and held accountable through the use of writing down predictions BEFORE the video, demo, etc. is shown and outcomes are provided. By actively engaging your students in making predictions about the outcome, you elevate the intellectual merit of the activity, and you extend the teachable moment by creating a desire in your students to keenly observe your activity to see if their predictions are correct. Tobias, S. Revitalizing Undergraduate Science-Why Some Things Work and Most Don’t, Research Corporation, 1992. Sokoloff, David and Ronald Thornton, “Using Interactive Lecture Demonstrations to Create an Active Learning Environment,” The Physics Teacher 35, (1997).

16 Think-Pair-Share a.k.a. Peer Instruction:
A classroom technique that makes use of a combination of conceptually challenging multiple- choice questions and classroom feedback designed to increase student-to- student discourse and provide insight into students’ learning for you and them Crouch, C. H. & Mazur, E. 2001, “Peer Instruction: Ten Years of Experience and Results,” American Journal of Physics, 69(9), 970, 2001 Development and Application of a Situated Apprenticeship Approach to Professional Development of Astronomy Instructors, Prather, E. E., and Brissenden, G. The Astronomy Education Review, 7(2), 2008 Clickers as Data Gathering Tools and Students’ Attitudes, Motivations, and Beliefs on Their Use in this Application, Prather, E. E., Brissenden, G., The Astronomy Education Review, 8 (1),

17 Class Response System - Low Tech
May need way to solicit feedback from students beyond call out and point (since students will only say single words or short phrases).

18 Personal Response Devices - High Tech
IR or RF wireless voting device Often referred to as “clickers”

19 Class Response System—Medium Tech
2 rules t voting (whether it’s clickers, cards, etc.): 1) anonymous and 2) simultaneous. Those 2 things are critical – it taking notes, that’s something to take a note of. Rules of how to vote. Low tech (no power supply, can use on fly). Can vote “I don’t know.”

20 Given that a seed grows into a massive tree, where does most of the mass of the tree come from?
A) From water B) From dirt and soil C) From the air D) From the sun’s energy Answer: A) water, but C &D are a close second from photosynthesis using CO2 and energy.

21 Idealized (& shorthand) Implementation of Think-Pair-Share
Create a cognitively engaging multiple-choice question that challenges students thinking and has the ability to foster deep discussion amongst your students. Present question to students. Ask students to "think" individually about the question; read the question to yourself slowly and silently and go through the reasoning process needed to get the right answer. Ask “Do you need more time?” Have students anonymously provide their answer to the question simultaneously as a class at the count of three. Decide if students should "share” their answers with each other. Is so then… “Turn to your neighbor and try to convince them that you are right. Just because both of you have the same answer doesn’t mean you are both right, so be sure to explain your reasoning.” Give students a time limit, tell them “Go!”, and start counting down. Again have students anonymously provide their answer to the question simultaneously as a class. Project the results and correct answer to your students (“And the correct answer is?”).

22 Lecture-Tutorials: Post-lecture, pencil and paper activities, that use a Socratic-dialogue driven, highly-structured collaborative learning methodology to help students elicit, confront and resolve their naïve beliefs and reasoning difficulties, and improve their critical thinking skills and develop scientifically robust conceptual models. Research on a Lecture-Tutorial Approach to Teaching Introductory Astronomy for Non–Science Majors, Prather, E. E.; Slater, T. F.; Adams, J. P.; Bailey, J. M.; Jones, L. V.; Dostal, J. A., Astronomy Education Review, 3(2) 2005

23 Idealized Classroom Implementation of Small Group Activities
Professor lectures for approximately 20 minutes on core ideas needed to do the activity. To motivate the need to do the activity, students are given a conceptually challenging questions on the presented lecture material which is just beyond students current ability but representative of what they will see on the test. Class is divided into pairs or small groups and instructed to work collaboratively and reach consensus on the questions presented in the activity. Instructor circulates through the room listening to student conversations but does not interact with groups unless hands are raised. Instructor provides time announcements approximately every 5-8 minutes per page. When approximately 60% of students are on last page, instructor asks students to “raise their hand if they are on the last page or done”, and then state “You’ve got about two more minutes.” Instructor debriefs the activity interactively, highlighting common student conceptual and reasoning difficulties with select questions. Instructor asks students another “test day” conceptual questions to demonstrate what they will be held accountable for on their test, to demonstrate the power of having done the activity, and to highlight what students might need to study more. Instructor returns to lecture mode on next course topic.

24 Ranking Tasks: Post-lecture, pencil and paper activities, that again make use of a highly-structured collaborative learning methodology which presents learners with a series of pictures or diagrams that describe slightly different variations of a basic physical situation. The student is asked to make a comparative judgment of each situation and either sort or identify the order or ranking of the various situations based on some physical outcome or result.

25 In-Class Writing: Writing promotes critical thinking and metacognition
In-Class Writing: Writing promotes critical thinking and metacognition. It makes students’ current knowledge-state explicit, helps students develop their understanding of concepts taught in class, and/or provides opportunities for students to use critical reasoning skills to solve “real” problems and answer “real” questions. In-class writing can be done for elicitation, summation and evaluation; and can be unannounced!

26 Some Examples of In-Class Writing Prompts
Describe the scientific evidence that supports evolution. Explain how light from the Sun and Earths surface interact with the atmosphere to produce the Greenhouse Effect. Over the last 150 years, what three science discoveries have made the greatest impact on mankind's quality of life. What about the enterprise of science makes it different than business? If we establish communication with an intelligent, extraterrestrial civilization, who should speak for Earth and what should he/she/they say? What are the three main points from todays class? What are the two topics you would like me to re-teach when we come back to class – OR – What are the two topics you are most concerned about for test day?

27 Does all this really work?
Yes, but the results can vary depending on the implementation.

28 Implementing SCALE-UP in Physics at UNC-CH

29 What is SCALE-UP? Student-Centered Active Learning Environment for Undergraduate Programs Pioneered by Bob Beichner at NCSU Integrated lecture, lab, and recitation Class meets 2 hours each MWF Students work in groups of 3 at round tables Utilizes research-based teaching methods that have been demonstrated to yield higher learning gains compared with traditional lecturing

30 Before and after photos

31 Conceptual survey results for Physics 116

32 Conceptual survey results for Physics 117

33 Evidence from Astronomy Education
Collaboration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars (CATS) PI: Chris Impey (Univ. of Arizona) Co-PIs: Ed Prather (Univ. of Arizona) Gina Brissenden (Univ. of Arizona) Kevin Lee (Univ. of Nebraska) Project Leads: Alex Rudolph (Cal Poly Pomona) Colin Wallace (Univ. of Arizona) Seth Hornstein (UC Boulder)

34 The Results from our Research to Validate the Effectiveness of Lecture-Tutorials
100 75 72% Percent Correct 50 52% ( N ~ 100 ) 25 30% Pretest Post-Lecture Post-Lecture Tutorial Research on a Lecture-Tutorial Approach to Teaching Introductory Astronomy for Non–Science Majors, Prather, E. E.; Slater, T. F.; Adams, J. P.; Bailey, J. M.; Jones, L. V.; Dostal, J. A., Astronomy Education Review, 3(2) 2005

35 The Results from our Research to Validate the Effectiveness of Lecture-Tutorials: Using Clickers
100 75 80% Percent Correct 50 62% (pre: nA=132,nB=49) (post: n=177) 25 25% Note there is a higher percentage of correct answers when we used clickers. Pretest Post-Lecture Post-Lecture Tutorial Clickers as Data Gathering Tools and Students’ Attitudes, Motivations, and Beliefs on Their Use in this Application, Prather, E. E., and Brissenden, G., Astronomy Education Review, 8(1), 2009.


37 Results from a study of 6000 physics students – Hake AJP 1998
R. Hake, “…A six-thousand-student survey…” AJP 66, (1998).

38 Results from a meta-analysis by Scott Freeman et al.

39 Changes in failure rate.
Changes in failure rate. (A) Data plotted as percent change in failure rate in the same course, under active learning versus lecturing. The mean change (12%) is indicated by the dashed vertical line. (B) Kernel density plots of failure rates under active learning and under lecturing. The mean failure rates under each classroom type (21.8% and 33.8%) are shown by dashed vertical lines. Scott Freeman et al. PNAS 2014;111: ©2014 by National Academy of Sciences

40 Effect sizes by discipline.
Effect sizes by discipline. (A) Data on examination scores, concept inventories, or other assessments. (B) Data on failure rates. Numbers below data points indicate the number of independent studies; horizontal lines are 95% confidence intervals. Scott Freeman et al. PNAS 2014;111: ©2014 by National Academy of Sciences

41 Heterogeneity analyses for data on examination scores, concept inventories, or other assessments.
Heterogeneity analyses for data on examination scores, concept inventories, or other assessments. (A) By assessment type—concept inventories versus examinations. (B) By class size. Numbers below data points indicate the number of independent studies; horizontal lines are 95% confidence intervals. Scott Freeman et al. PNAS 2014;111: ©2014 by National Academy of Sciences

42 Take Home Message Research-validated interactive learning strategies can benefit ALL students in ALL classroom environments BUT The quality of our implementation is likely the most deterministic factor toward student achievement My goal is not to teach you some new physics or astronomy. My goal is to help you better understand how to implement active learning strategies so you can best teach your students.

43 This is just the tip of the iceberg of what it takes to create a highly functioning interactive engagement classroom.

44 Questions? How familiar are you with active-learning strategies?
What does a typical classroom look like at Fudan U.? What active learning strategies have been used? What works for you and your classes? Other questions?

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