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A View from the Top November 28-29 Dallas TX. Coordinator: Al Geist Participating Organizations ORNL ANL LBNL PNNL PSC.

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Presentation on theme: "A View from the Top November 28-29 Dallas TX. Coordinator: Al Geist Participating Organizations ORNL ANL LBNL PNNL PSC."— Presentation transcript:

1 A View from the Top November 28-29 Dallas TX

2 Coordinator: Al Geist Participating Organizations ORNL ANL LBNL PNNL PSC SDSC IBM Compaq SNL LANL Ames NCSA SGI Scyld Intel Unlimited Scale Participating Organizations Main Web Site

3 Scalable Systems Software Center August 14-15 Atlanta GA Review of Last Meeting

4 Consensus and Voting Rules: Written Documentation: Written draft standards available to everyone in Project notebook Drafts must be presented week to 10 days before a vote Errata or extensions—revisit interface standard every 6 months Voting: Pass with simple majority of people voting yes/no Who can vote? Organizations with physical attendance at 2 of last 3 meetings One vote per organization No email-in or phone votes accepted. Straw votes are non-binding and many can be used for guidance Two formal votes are required to accept a chapter for final vote Both votes can’t occur at the same meeting. Global vote of whole document as standard interface

5 Attribute database Strawman a common integrated interface framework Strawman a common integrated interface framework common pool of attributes XML format for attributes Standardized request protocol Choose an existing transfer protocol-TCP Every component uses the same framework Vendor optimized highly scalable version Easy to swap components User Host OS Mem Allocation Etc…

6 Working Groups Formed Access Control Security Manager Meta Scheduler Meta Monitor Meta Manager Interacts with all components AccountingScheduler System Monitor Node Configuration & Build Manager User DB Resource Allocation Management Queue Manager Job Manager / Monitor Data Migration Usage Reports User Utilities High Performance Communication & I/O Checkpoint / Restart File System Application Environment Meta Services Mechanism Paul Testing & Validation Infrastructure Narayan Validation Doug Not Us

7 Working Groups Leaders Node build, configuration, and information service leader: Narayan Desai Resource management, scheduling, and accounting leader: Scott Jackson Proccess management, system monitoring, and checkpointing leader: Paul Hargrove Validation and Integration leader: Doug Doerfler Volunteer to replace Doug leader: Erik Debenedictis

8 Scalable Systems Software Center August - November Progress Since Last Meeting

9 Five Notebooks in place and filling up A main notebook for general information And individual notebooks for each working group Allows groups to keep track of other groups progress and comment on the items of overlap Allows Center members and interested parties to see what is being defined and implemented Over 75 pages of notes added in the last quarter Get to all notebooks through main web site Click on side bar or at “project notebooks” at bottom of page

10 Three Weekly Working Group Telecoms Resource management, scheduling, and accounting Tuesday 3:00 pm (Eastern) 1-800-664-0771 keyword “SSS mtg” Proccess management, system monitoring, and checkpointing Thursday 1:00 pm (Eastern) 1-877-252-5250 mtg code 160910 Node build, configuration, and information service Friday 3:00 pm (Eastern) 1-888-469-1934 mtgcode 58145 Well attended and a lot of cross fertilization (meeting notes are in the notebooks)

11 Working Group Mailing Lists Resource management working group Proccess management working group Node build, configuration working group Mailing lists used for notification of new notebook entries meeting setup or changes Not for ideas and proposals

12 Scalable Systems Software Center November 28-29,2001 This Meeting

13 Agenda – November 28 8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Al Geist – “View from the Top” 9:00 Fred Johnson – MICS report 9:30 Mark Seager – A proposal 10:00 Discussion 10:30 Break 11:00 Erik Debenedictis – XML and Validation 12:00 Lunch (on own but go somewhere as group) 1:00 Paul Hargrove – Process Management 2:00 Narayan Desi – Node Build, Configure 3.00 Break 3:30 Scott Jackson – Resource Management 4:30 Discussion – Information services and other cross cutting topics 5:30 Adjourn Working groups may wish to get together in evening

14 Agenda – November 29 8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Discussion, proposals, strawvotes 10:30 Break 11:00 Al Geist – Summary next steps overall and for working groups next meeting 12:00 meeting ends

15 Meeting notes Fred’s Talk. - Presents presentation to Decker (slides in notebook) Program management is a big focus now for SciDAC projects ISICs got $20M of $37M so they are under the microscope Interactions chart – SSS shows links for one BES and CCA and Grid Future SciDAC issues no topical centers being funded in 02 – will be a focus for 03 initial SciDAC focus is on software software platfom is Chiba City. materials and genomics are not in SciDAC yet. What is impact of Sept 11 on SciDAC? none in 02 – still being sorted out for 03 and beyond SSS doesn’t have to do anything about this now. ISIC management document that Fred sent out. more proactive and project management approach quarterly report and revised work scope due December filling out names into slots labeled postdoc PI meeting January 15-16 in DC – limited attendance All (7) ISIC group mtg Wednesday afternoon – 10 min overview talk @

16 Meeting notes Annual PI meeting cont. Wednesday need to prepare a SSS poster ( use SC2001 poster ) ISIC Observer – David Keyes will go around and report if this venue worked What about base program posters? Not this time A number of overlapping projects with base program Scalable Systems Software (Remy funding thru Science Appliance) Science Appliance – Linux BIOS and Fault tolerance ukernel effort – for C-Plant Advanced Programming Models – looking at performance and expressibility About mid-summer will have a all CS PI meeting including the above. What is the view of this particular ISIC Notebooks get a gold star Training other ISICs to use this He sees two goals – interface standard and reference implementation Both need to be made progress on. Grab low fruit early. Have very clear measures of progress

17 Meeting notes What do you want us to do WRT filling out the interaction chart There are parallel startup connections The PI meeting may show other connections Need a clear statement of what interactions SSS are appropriate Getting information back to the user ASCI coordination with SciDAC is underway. Perhaps form a stakeholder group made up of a few apps folks and Center managers

18 Meeting notes any tags here show up on notebook page things like XML, XDS, etc.

19 Meeting notes

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