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The Web was invented in 1989 by a British physicist named Tim Berners-Lee Tim Berners-Lee The average American Spends 27 hours a month online (2008).

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2 The Web was invented in 1989 by a British physicist named Tim Berners-Lee Tim Berners-Lee The average American Spends 27 hours a month online (2008). The term is often mistakenly used as a synonym for the Internet itself, but the Web is actually something that is available over the Internet, just like e-mail and many other Internet services. Internet www.learnthe

3  Classroom Subscription to Brain Pop & Brain Pop Jr. (K-3)   3 computers may use at a time.  Teacher only  Log in mgelem, media  Please communicate with each other when it is being used.  When library using Anna will send email to staff.

4  New teachers see Anna for new user log in.  When using video or clips download to your desktop and show from there. Showing from site results in buffering.  Don’t forget about the resources & lesson plans accompanying videos.

5   Digital resources: KET Encylomedia  Cable broadcasted programming – if want schedule for month, see Anna  Online interactive simulations/games: Mission US (history), Scale City (math)  Electronic field trips  Arts curriculum – Anna had copies of all curriculums

6  Good place to start internet research with primary students.  Some things in each area free.  If you see something you would like printed out that is for subscribers let Anna know.

7  Teacher can create activities, puzzles, worksheets.  Searchable for other teacher created activities.  Requires subscription.

8 ClassDojo is a classroom tool that helps teachers improve behavior in their classrooms quickly and easily. It also captures and generates data on behavior that teachers can share with parents and administrators.behavior  Basic program free  Can be synched with Itouch for remote entry of data.  Targeted for lower grades.

9 creating-word-clouds.html Wordle Top 10 Sites for Creating Word Clouds

10  Educational videos on a variety of topics.  Began as a way to help his niece learn Algebra. Created YouTube tutorials for her to view.  Expanded thanks to grants from Bill Gates, Google, Facebook and more.  Scroll down to see the topics.  Art videos provide a good supplement for our school.  Personal note: My son is benefitting from the ACT tutoring videos. They are short and sweet!

11 us/download/details.aspx?id=11132&hash=IUsYhf7PDAYssXpqRSc8DpMt VLVGoBjeXZIdiEKxmb5MxZMrB%2fgjwUA2TEJcSejhRVl64OG1JBhmTbD 93I4bXw%3d%3d  Free download.  Use digital photos to create slideshows that incorporate animations and music. Photos can be manipulated.

12 Go to Elementary Go to Library – in left menu Organized by subject and grade level If you would like a web site added for classroom use let Anna know.

13 Web 2.0 is the term given to describe a second generation of the World Wide Web that is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online. www.webopedia.comWorld Wide Web

14 15 Most Popular Web 2.0 sites

15 Top 25 Web 2.0 Sites for Education by David Kapuler 50 Web 2.0 Sites for Schools Web 2.0 Resource Map

16 Discovery Education Web 2.0 Tools Discovery organized web 2.0 sites and also addresses Internet safety and media literacy. Go Web 2.0


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