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RIVERCREST PREPARATORY Moving FORWARD to Learn and Lead in the 21 st century.

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Presentation on theme: "RIVERCREST PREPARATORY Moving FORWARD to Learn and Lead in the 21 st century."— Presentation transcript:

1 RIVERCREST PREPARATORY Moving FORWARD to Learn and Lead in the 21 st century

2 Introductions School Staff Explain the LCAP and school objectives Review Rivercrest model ~ High School and Middle School Parking, Pick up and “hanging out” Review Lab usage expectations Review Parent Component of software programs Edgenuity Oware Review Expectations for success and Attendance requirements at Rivercrest Review Parental Involvement and SSC Questions Welcome and Agenda

3 Staff Ms. Lauretta Wilson-Cortez ~ English and Social Studies Ms. Maria Mosqueda ~ Math Ms. Heather Gotoski ~ Science Mr. Robert Diaz ~ PE, Health, Science and Electives Ms. Cara Chavez ~ Guidance Coordinator Ms. Mikki Schlagel ~ IS Aide am Ms. Victoria Oliveros ~ IS Aide afternoon

4 Located at Jurupa Valley High School

5 Current Reality Grades 9-12 Covering all subjects needed for graduation All core subjects are A-G approved Students of many different learning backgrounds Currently: 88 students More than doubled our enrollment since the opening of the school in 2013 7 th Grade 8 th grade 9 th grade 10 th grade 11 th grade 12 th grade 4451630

6 Priority 1--Basic Services Percentage of properly credentialed teachers Student access to standards-aligned instructional materials Facilities in good repair Priority 2—Implementation of CCSS Implementation of CCSS for all students including EL Priority 3—Parent Involvement Efforts to seek parent input Promotion of parent participation Priority 4—Student Achievement Performance on standardized and district tests Score on Academic Performance Index Share of students that are college and career ready Share of English learners that become English proficient English learner reclassification rate Share of students that pass Advanced Placement exams with 3 or higher Share of students determined prepared for college by the Early Assessment Program Priority 5—Student Engagement School attendance rates Chronic absenteeism rates Middle and High school drop out rates High school graduation rates Priority 6—School Climate Student suspension rates Student expulsion rates Other local measures, including surveys of students, parents, and teachers on sense of safety and school connectedness Priority 7—Course Access Student access and enrollment in all required areas of study Priority 8—Other Student Outcomes Other indicators of performance in required areas of study The Eight Priorities

7 Pick up, Drop off and Hanging out Parents need a drop off/pick up pass to be visible when coming in and out of the JVHS parking lot for pick up Students can be picked up under the tree by the guardshack, in front of our campus or on the street area Students MAY NOT loiter on the JVHS campus or the parking lot. If they have a concurrent enrollment class, they need to attend class then exit the campus at the conclusion of the class.

8 Computer Lab Lab use for students working on course work High School can use the lab 7:00-11:00 Middle School can use the lab 11:30-3:30 As the programs grow, changes to lab hours may occur based on need Students must be working in lab and limit socializing If they are not working, student may be asked to leave the lab

9 Website for students and parents

10 HS Daily Model HS 3 days a weekHS 1 day a week Monday – Thursday ~ 1 hour Monday, Weds and Friday ~ 2 hours Tuesday OR Thursday ~ 3 hours 7:30 – 8:307:30-9:307:30-10:30 8:30-9:30 We are an independent study program, which means students are required to work outside of the school day/physical classroom to complete all course requirements. Regardless of the model chosen by the student, there will be significant amounts of work that must be done outside of the classroom meeting times. MS Daily ModelMS 3 days a weekMS 1 day a week Monday – Thursday ~ 1 hour Monday, Weds and Friday ~ 2 hours Tuesday OR Thursday ~ 2 hours [3 hours] 11:00-12:0011:00-1:00 12:00-1:00 1 hr weekly of Skype/ Facetime per teacher required High School Attendance Model Middle School Attendance Model

11 Expectations for Student Success Attendance ~ Attending class everyday Working with the teachers in classroom environment everyday Strong Work Ethic and Self Motivation ~ Individual motivation Staying on task Asking for help when needed Odysseyware Parent Accounts ~ Check in with your student’s progress on a daily basis Verify account with Oware so you have an ability to check in Progress Reports ~ Clearly communicated progress is given 1.5 weeks into each segment for parents to see current progress Relationships~ Support your student as they work through hard material Create a quiet and clean environment that is the “school” at home to be able to work at Help students ask for help when they get stuck or need some guidance

12 Expectations of Work Load Segments differ based on student model MOST are 3 weeks per course Just as you would spend 6-7 hours on campus each day, devote the same amount of time to your online course. Online Class Advantage: Your “campus” is where you make it. Study at night, on the road, lunch time, etc. Log in and get to work at any time Online Class Disadvantage: It is easy to get distracted by other people and things. Help students to stay true to themselves and their goals. Help them to stay focused.

13 Time Management and work completion Complete all assignments, including projects, research projects and essays, as assigned Individual student work time on each class can varies slightly based on a few factors: Background with the material Ability to recall information Academic knowledge of subject matter Must log in and work on a daily basis. If too many days go by without logging or completing an assignment, students will get behind and find it very difficult to catch up. Student will be dropped if they are neglecting to log in Teach/Support students in their use of the student planner to track their work and their time management skills Help them make a “To Do” list to keep them on track

14 Tips for Success Time will go by quickly. Once you are behind it is difficult to catch up. Stay on top of lessons. Establish a routine. Know the deadlines Students should take Cornell notes They are a great study tool and can be used on unit tests. They count as part 5% of the grade! Study for the end of unit tests and finals! It counts as 25% of the grade!

15 Set goals and deadlines for students and help them stick to them! Encourage your student to use the student planner and the dates in the Curriculum systems to plan out the 3 week term.

16 We use numerous different Online curriculum providers for our course work. Teachers work with curriculum and student need to determine and develop the best fit for each student. Besides online work, the teachers are developing and implementing in class lessons for when students are in the classroom and need support or acceleration of a subject. Edgenuity will be our main provider for core curriculum this year Odysseyware will be used for some subjects, electives and other curriculum needs Curriculum for Student Success

17 Some of your student’s course work will be outlined through Edgenuity, Online curriculum program. Edgenuity has two ways for your to gain up to date information on the progress of your student. Family Portal Progress Report Emails You will be given access to the Family Portal and will receive progress reports to your email to let you know your student’s progress. We will be setting up these accounts based on the emails received when you registered. Check email within the next few days to receive confirmation and you will need to call to receive your access code


19 Once you get a confirmation email, you will need to contact our office for the Activation code to finalize your account set up

20 IDLE TIME is not good

21 Some of your student’s course work will be outlined through Odysseyware, Online curriculum program. Through this you will have the opportunity to monitor your student’s progress in each class and determine if they have been spending enough time on their coursework. You will receive an email for confirmation. Your user name will be your email address supplied. Please follow through promptly to set up acct. once you receive a confirmation email from Oware.

22 Log in for JUSD login/auth login/auth USE GOOGLE CHROME FOR LOG IN

23 Once you get a confirmation email, you will be prompted to log in and then you will have access to the progress of your student

24 Homework/Help Resources We have an area on our website for students to access for resources for support. If they are struggling, these areas can offer support when they are not in the classroom. Khan Academy TED Talks Youtube Virtual Nerd Homework math and science telephone help line Google chats

25 Questions?

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