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School System in North Rhine-Westphalia 413 MSW Düsseldorf, July 2011 Welcome to North Rhine-Westphalia! Kopervik/Haugesund, May 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "School System in North Rhine-Westphalia 413 MSW Düsseldorf, July 2011 Welcome to North Rhine-Westphalia! Kopervik/Haugesund, May 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 School System in North Rhine-Westphalia 413 MSW Düsseldorf, July 2011 Welcome to North Rhine-Westphalia! Kopervik/Haugesund, May 2012

2 The educational system in North Rhine-Westphalia An overview of structures and data

3 School System in North Rhine-Westphalia 413 MSW Düsseldorf, July 2011 Germany ca. 82 Mio. inhabitants 357 112 km 2 surface 230 inhabitants per km 2 16 federal states called "Bundesländer"

4 School System in North Rhine-Westphalia 413 MSW Düsseldorf, July 2011 approx. 18 Mio. inhabitants 34 088 km 2 surface 524 inhabitants per km 2 6.429 schools (484 private) 5 district governments 54 public education authorities 198.748 teachers 2.75 Mio. students (pupils)

5 School System in North Rhine-Westphalia 413 MSW Düsseldorf, July 2011 schools, colleges / universities theatres, museums Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs and Ministry of Science

6 School System in North Rhine-Westphalia 413 MSW Düsseldorf, July 2011 Coordinating institution in order to ensure compatibility and mobility Central issues: mutual acceptance of school certificates organization of the educational system, instruction and teacher training (e.g. educational standards, evaluation, individual subjects, vacation planning) The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Federal States of the Federal Republic of Germany (abbr.: KMK)

7 School System in North Rhine-Westphalia 413 MSW Düsseldorf, July 2011 G rundschule: primary schools H auptschule: lower secondary level providing a basic general education R ealschulen: lower secondary level, provides pupils with a more extensive general education and the opportunity to go on to courses of education at upper secondary level that lead to vocational or higher education entrance qualifications. G ymnasien: type of school covering both lower and upper secondary level (usually grades 5-13 or 5-12) and providing an in-depth general education aimed at the general higher education entrance qualification. G esamtschulen: comprehensive school at lower and upper secondary level offering several courses of education leading to different qualifications

8 School System in North Rhine-Westphalia 413 MSW Düsseldorf, July 2011 f reie W aldorfschulen : Privately-maintained primary and secondary schools, which base their work on the ideological and educational ideas of the anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner. F örderschulen : Special school - school establishment for pupils whose development cannot be adequately assisted at general schools on account of disability. B erufskollegs: Vocational school at upper secondary level generally providing part-time instruction in general and vocational subjects to trainees receiving vocational education and training within the dual system (duales System) (2 to 3 ½ years). W eiterbildungskollegs: schools for further education duales System

9 School System in North Rhine-Westphalia 413 MSW Düsseldorf, July 2011 The educational system in North Rhine-Westphalia

10 School System in North Rhine-Westphalia 413 MSW Düsseldorf, July 2011

11 Grundschule 39.1% Gymnasium 28.1% Realschule 18.8% Gesamt- schule 12.5% Haupt- schule 1,5 FS

12 School System in North Rhine-Westphalia 413 MSW Düsseldorf, July 2011 The Ministry of School and Further Education North Rhine-Westphalia Minister Sylvia Löhrmann State Secretary Ludwig Hecke 460 staff members 6 job trainees 5 sections with 12 groups 57 departments

13 BMBF, 11.01.2012 13 The new transition system school–business in NRW Main focus: job- and study orientation at secondary schools

14 BMBF, 11.01.2012 aims prevention instead of aftercare Specific offers for target groups instead of waiting loop coordinated actions instead of singular activities Communicating perspectives instead of stigmatizing transition- systems local coordiniation Dual Education job- and studyorientation

15 BMBF, 11.01.2012 15 All students of all types of schools enjoy/get an early systematic, job- and study orientiering at school from class 8 with obligatory standard elements:  identification of individual potentials  phases with learning on the job (Berufsfelderkundung, practical work experience)  regular councelling about job orientation including parents  coordinated transition including mendatory perspectives for time after school in cooperation with e.g. career adivors Specific groups of students get individual addiotional offers, e.g.:  with special needs: e.g. additional practical courses, chaperons for transition  students with aim to attend college or university: offers on study orientation Aim: prevention instead of aftercare job- and studyorientation For students:

16 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Phases Orientation at competences – individual support – Reference to practical use from class 8 Identification of individual potentials & Getting to know occupational area from class 9 Phases of practical experience expension / deepening of practical experience from class 10 (G8: class 9) Coordinated transition, applications, courses / choose area of dual system / study orientation Getting to know strengths, orientation with practical reference Deepening inclinations and pratical experience Making decisions and creating transition further education/ University … consultingconsulting consultingconsulting consultingconsulting

17 BMBF, 11.01.2012 cunsultation Discover competences Recognize competences and 8.1 consultation Trial practical work experience orientation 8.2 consultation Practical work experience(pwe) Individual support Learning with practical orientation 9.1 consultation application / support Individual support in order to qualify 9.2 Consultation/support application / support pwe - longterm pwe Individual support Getting more concrete in choosing job 10.1 Pass of career choice To accompany into training 10.2 Decision competence of student Basic model „STARTKLAR! (ready to start)“ including „fit for further training““ Getting to know at least 3 different areas of work (BIBB-Module) + analysing indiv. potentials Practical courses Job oriented competences Social competences application / support Practical courses Job oriented competences Social competences application / support pwe - longterm Individual support SCHOOLSCHOOL I N S T I T U T. application / support Practical courses Job oriented competences Social competences Transition support application / support Practical courses Job oriented competences Social competences Transition support

18 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Local coordination What does that mean for schools, agencies and local business: responsibilities stay the same active partners and bodies are involved Coordinated transition Reduction of masses of measures offers of training and education are arranged according to necessities of users and work market aim: coordinated actions instead of singular activities

19 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Job- and study orientation – all schools from class 8 to class 12/13 in cooperation with external partners Fit for (vocational) trainingNot yet fit Training in business Dual system Transition university additional offers for training Qualifying for studies at universities Training in schools with special profiles Local coordination BQBQ JPJP YHYH

20 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Network for education Cooperation between schools, administrations, economic system, youth-welfare and cultural centres © Claudia Brozio, Ruth-Cohn-Schule, Arnsberg, Germany

21 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Increase of cooperation Federal ministry decided that the cooperation of educational partners at regional level should be intensified. Partners of this effort should be schools, administration, job management, economic system, youth welfare, chambers, cultural centres and all partners working in the field of education. The management of this effort should be commissioned towards an regional office for education.

22 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Preamble of cooperation treaty Social fairness in the field of education Preparation for the needs of economical and social change Cooperation of schools with other fields as economy, job management, youth-welfare,... (horizontal networking) Matching of different levels of educational system (vertical networking) Improvement of transfer between schools Building and development of regional networks

23 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Targets Best possible individual support of children and teenagers using resources and networking Consolidation and development of systems for consultation and support Consolidation of structures for cooperation for exchange, planning and modulation in the field of education

24 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Current time Start at 01.08.2008 Created for long-ranging cooperation Internal evaluation until 31.07.2013 Decisions for going on depend on this evaluation

25 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Basic principles Willing to cooperate of all involved partners Agreements about steps, practice and milestones Development, testing and evaluation of activities

26 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Spheres of activity Some examples: Support for schools to develop self- responsibility Common strategies for the enhancement of the individual support for students Initiation for projects in the region between schools and other partners Change from Kindergarten to primary school

27 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Main topics Change-management: school – apprenticeship – work Enhancement of all forms of change between different school-systems Language training in pre-school and primary school education Support of interests and competences of children and teens in music and MINT (maths, informatics, science and engineering) Increase for headmasters

28 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Organisation of regional cooperation Different duties, competences and structures Conference of education Regional project leading team Regional office of education

29 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Regional conference of education Cooperating leaders: administration and school supervision Members: all members of institutions, schools, political parties and interested groups in the context of educational development Duties: agreement about and recommendation of all according fields of development Development of an overall concept Discussion of the actual development, needs and support to reach the targets

30 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Regional project leading team Many professions are engaged:... preparing the themes of the networks for the conferences and the work of the office... working as "think-tank” of new development... giving feedback about actual development in administration, government and school...deciding about the themes of the conferences...including the competences of partners

31 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Regional office of education Organizes the ideas of the leading team Prepares, organizes and evaluates the results of conferences Keeps the contact with all partners Supports students with individual needs Organized the administrational work

32 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Projects and conferences (1) Project “Speech support” Appointment for the “Vielhaber-Studie” (study for appearance of speech-support- needs) Evaluation of the study Result: Skill enhancement for staff in Kindergarten

33 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Projects and conferences (2) Context: Change in the field school –apprenticeship – work Project “ProBe”(cooperation project between schools, firms and institutions to prepare choice for working career) Personal support for apprenticeship (honorary office) Coaching for change (students without qualification into apprenticeship) “Seal for vocational choice” (award for schools with exemplary support for vocational choice) “Double-year” in final secondary school examinations (questionnaire for students in this cohort about subjects for studies and employment)

34 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Projects and conferences (3) Offensive for qualification in schools Qualification of headmasters Qualification of organisation teams at school Networking of schools from the qualification in sub-regional organisation Qualification of second-level-leading teams at vocational-schools

35 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Projects and conferences (4) Inclusion Questionnaire to all schools in the area Evaluation of the results “Workshop Inclusion” developing pedagogical, qualitative and didactical aspects of needs and ideas to transfer Regional conference with members of interested groups, politicians and administration

36 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Projects and conferences (5) Mint-support: MINT (maths, informatics, science and engineering) Cooperation with the centre of MINT-interests Organisation of courses for interested groups from Kindergarten up to University Special subjects: robotic-courses, workshops and study groups in cooperation with University of applied science and interested firms

37 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Projects and conferences (6) Daily care in schools Development of aspiring standards for the work Exchange about the all-day-work Regional conference about standards and targets

38 BMBF, 11.01.2012 Effects The exchange between different schools has been developed and got a new quality Cooperation-partners are in contact with schools and develop an own interest Development of common interests in students and their individual needs Background structure and professional attendance Agent of inclusion

39 BMBF, 11.01.2012 New aims Development of a COMENIUS-Regio project between vocational school, chamber of crafts, chamber of agriculture, Federal Employment Office, special school Study-group “Daily Care in school” school-development towards an inclusive system

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