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Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Survey of Automated Assessment Approaches for.

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1 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Survey of Automated Assessment Approaches for Programming Assignments Gayathri Subramanian

2 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science 1.‘A Survey of Automated Assessment Approaches for Programming Assignments’ by ‘Kirsti M. Ala-Mutka’ (1995 – 2005). 1.‘Review of Recent Systems for Automatic Assessment of Programming Assignments’ (2005 – 2010) 2 Reference Papers

3 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Introduction and Motivation  Static and Dynamic Assessment Techniques  Features of a good Automated Assessment System  Automatic Vs Semi-Automatic Approaches  Summative Vs Formative Approaches  Conclusion 3 Outline

4 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Motivation  Programming Courses are integral part of Computer Science and Software Engineering Curricula.  Proficiency in a programming language is obtained with practice.  Programming Courses are large in size and heavy workload for the teachers.  Even small programs typically have a large number of possible execution paths.  Research suggest that it is not possible to consistently and thoroughly grade students’ programs without automated assistance.  Programs can be automatically assessed !!

5 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  New Automated Systems are being created every year  Many System share common features  Systems exist which satisfy most of the assessment needs  There are far less system that are widely adopted than there are papers about it.  Literature survey helps teacher identify tool they are looking for. 5 Motivation.. Cntd..

6 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science What are the features of a program which can be automatically assessed and the tools which support them ? 6

7 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Programs follow syntax and semantics which makes automatic assessment feasible  Extract some kind of measurement value (justified by teaching goals) from a program and Compare them against the given requirements (or teaching goals)  Some features requires execution of the program, some are statically evaluated  Functionality, Efficiency and Testing Skills are Dynamically Assessed  Coding Style, Programming Errors, Software metrics and Design can be statically assessed 7 Static & Dynamic Assessment of the Code

8 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science 8 What Features of a Program can be automatically Assessed ?

9 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Running the program against test cases [Course Marker, HOGG, BOSS, online Judge]  Success depends on Test Case Design and Model Solution  Coverage Analysis – Function, Statement, Decision measures efficiency of test cases  Correlated Test Cases - defining a test case with a planned relationship to the program state created during previous test input. [Quiver]  There should be certain degree of freedom in representing model solution [Assyst using pattern matching and Course marker uses Reg-exp]  Course Marker checks for the return status of the program. 9 Functionality ( Dynamic Assessment )

10 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Assess functionality of single function/Method[Quiver for Java, Scheme-Robo for Schema]  Assessing the functionality of a program with a GUI requires a means to monitor actions and responses communicated through the user interface.[JEWL (a language library) for Java provides students GUI and teachers to manage events of program and its output actions] 10 Functionality.. Cntd

11 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science 11 What Features of a Program can be automatically Assessed ?

12 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Testing is an essential phase in program development.  Students submit test data sets along with the programming assignment.  Assyst was the first tool that provided assessment of student test data. The assessment was based on Code Coverage Analysis  Chen (2004) assesses the student test suite by running a set of buggy instructor programs against it.  Webcat - When a student submits a test data set, it assesses how well it covers all the different execution paths. 12 Testing Skills (Dynamic Assessment)

13 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science 13 What Features of a Program can be automatically Assessed ?

14 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  A simple efficiency measurement is the running time of the program, measured either by the clock or CPU time used.[Assyst, Online Judge]  Efficiency measurements can be distorted by different implementation of input/output actions.  A simple solution is to offer a common input/ output module for use in assignments.[Hansen and Ruuska]  Efficiency can also be assessed by studying the execution behavior of different structures inside the program.  This is done by calculating how many times certain blocks and statements are executed and by comparing the results to the values obtained from the model solution.[Assyst, Course Marker] 14 Efficiency ( Dynamic Assessment )

15 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science 15 What Features of a Program can be automatically Assessed ?

16 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Language specific implementation issues can be difficult to learn and assess.  students often misuse memory management, do not deallocate all the reserved memory blocks.  [Tutnew ] C++ library which overrides normal memory management methods and thus can provide runtime assessment for program memory usage.  the test cases affect the coverage of this assessment, since they define the execution paths for the program. 16 Language Specific Features ( Dynamic Assessment)

17 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science 17 What Features of a Program can be automatically Assessed ?

18 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Programming style or coding style and its connections to readability, maintainability etc.  Typographical - E.g. indentation, placement of parenthesis, maximum length of line  Syntax - every switch-statement should have a default-branch, and each case-branch should end to a break-statement.  Semantic - class names begin with a capital letter and each declared variable should be used in the program.  Logical. Issues related to the logical structure of the program. E.g. there should not be too deeply nested loops, methods should not have a huge number of parameters, and global variables should not be used as method parameters.  Making use of effectiveness of compilers and their warning capabilities  GCC compiler (GCC) can provide feedback on unused variables, implicit type conversions, and language features that are not following the language standards, amongst other things. 18 Coding Style ( Static Assessment )

19 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Checkstyle is open source software for checking Java programs and can be combined to several programming environments.  Comments for classes, attributes and methods  Naming conventions of variables, methods  Number of parameters passed to a function  Duplicated code sections  The good practices of class construction  Complexity Measurements of expressions  Style++ is another tool that has been developed for assessing quality factors from C ++ programs  An automatic system PASS (PASS) has been implemented to assess these issues from programs in Ada, C, and Java languages. 19 Coding Style.. cntd

20 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science 20 What Features of a Program can be automatically Assessed ?

21 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  some errors, suspicious code fragments can be recognized statically.  Static check to recognize several typical error types caused by students. Eg, mistakes in updating a loop control variable or inconsistencies between a parameter type and usage.  Xie and Engler (2002), who used code redundancies for detecting errors. By implementing a tool to detect idempotent operations, redundant assignments, dead code, and redundant conditionals, they were able to find several errors from the well known Linux source code. 21 Programming Errors ( Static Assessment)

22 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science 22 What Features of a Program can be automatically Assessed ?

23 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Software Metric are general metric that characterize the program  Hung, Kwok and Chan (1993) studied different metrics with programming assignments and came to conclusion that the number of code lines was a good measurement of students’ programming skill.  counting different attributes, such as the number of operators and operands in a program, Control Structures  metrics as clear indicators of student performance and also possible indicators of needs for instructional development. 23 Software Metrics ( Static Assessment )

24 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science 24 What Features of a Program can be automatically Assessed ?

25 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Teachers often need to assess whether submitted programs conform to given interface or structural requirements.  Thorburn and Rowe (1997) implemented a system that automatically recognizes the functional structure of a C program. They call it the ‘‘solution plan’’ of the program and compare it to the solution plan of the model program, or to a set of possible plans.  Truong, Roe and Bancroft (2004) implemented a structural similarity analysis that transforms a student’s program to XML presentation and compares it to the set of model solutions.  MacNish (2000) used the Java reflection for analyzing if class interfaces and method signatures in students’ Java programs met the given requirements. 25 Design ( Static Assessment )

26 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science 26 What Features of a Program can be automatically Assessed ?

27 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Search for specific key-word based on teaching goal.  In Scheme language to assess whether program structure is purely functional by searching for primitives set!, set-car!, and set-cdr!  A more flexible approach has been implemented in Ceilidh (Foxley, 1999) by defining regular expressions to be searched from the student’s program code. 27 Language Specific Features

28 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Essential Features of Automatic Assessment tool for a Programming Course 28

29 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  AA is a means for administrating submission, grading, general information delivery  Benefits of Automated Administration  Efficient way to track student progress and to Recognize needs for improvement on the course  peer-reviewing becomes feasible. Students comment on each others’ programs. 29 Automated Administration

30 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Computer programs are text files that are easy to copy.  From Structural Information of the program  MOSS is based on document fingerprinting  JPLAG uses string tokenization with sub-string pattern matching  Attribute Counting Mechanism  Verco and Wise (1996) compared automated tools based on attribute counting mechanisms 30 Plagiarism Detection

31 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Resubmissions are required for improving the answers.  Resubmission policy should prevent the trail-and-error strategy by some students  Limit the number of submissions  Limit the amount of feedback  Compulsory Time penalty  Making each exercise slightly different  Programming Contest approach [Mooshak]  Combination of limited and unlimited submissions based on test cases 31 Resubmission Policies

32 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Programming assignments are graded by running the code on Server, its important to protect the sever from malicious and unintended code bugs and flaws  Use Existing approaches like Linux security model, chroot, Java Security policy etc to securely run code  Use Static Analysis to filter malicious code  Grading on the client side 32 Sand Boxing

33 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Survey by Pears in 2007 reported that tools were single largest group amongst papers, other categories were curricula, pedagogy and programming languages  Many of these System share common features and there exists systems which fulfills most assessment needs  New Automatic assessment system are being created every year 33 Open Sourcing

34 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Quality of the automatic feedback may not be as high as one given by an instructor  All issues related to good programming cannot be automatically assessed.  Hybrid approach uses Automation for small assignments and to combine manual and automation for larger assignments  [Advantages] gives teachers more time to concentrate on the demanding assessment tasks and also provides a possibility to double check the results of the automatic assessment. 34 Semi-automatic vs. Automatic Assessment

35 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Formative Assessment : Allows Resubmission to help student improve the answer based on feedback.[Complete Program should be submitted in first attempt, except Web-cat]  Summative Assessment : [BOSS] can be used in homework assignments, online examinations 35 Formative vs Summative Assessment

36 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science  Benefits are numerous!  Immediate Feedback to students  24h availability  Objectivity and Consistency of the evaluation  More Practice to students  Some features of a program can only be assessed with automatic assessment and some features cannot. Hybrid Approach may be useful.  Tool Specific Issues  Setting up configuration files may be time consuming.  Specification should be non-ambiguous  Effectiveness also depend Test Cases  If similar tool approaches are used, good assignments and their assessment routines could be stored and reused.  Tools should be made widely available ! 36 Conclusion

37 Spring, 2012 - Reinventing etextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Click to edit Master title style Spring, 2012, Reinventing eTextbook - Virginia Tech – Computer Science Thank You 37

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