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Department of Communication Presented by: Kelly Larson Prepared by: Kelly Larson & Shanna Slavings.

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1 Department of Communication Presented by: Kelly Larson Prepared by: Kelly Larson & Shanna Slavings

2  Replacement Model  Reduces the number of in-class meetings  Replaces in-class time with online, interactive learning activities  My Speech Lab  Corley Auditorium  Tuesday - 50 minutes  CALL  Communication Assessment and Learning Lab  Supervised with Learning Assistants  Gives all students online access

3  Fall 2011 – COMPLETE  Data collection  Spring 2012 - COMPLETE  Pilot implementation  Continue to collect data  Fall 2012  Full implementation  Continue to collect data

4 ULA criteria, search, and application processes Phase 1 Training ULAs 8 hours Phase 2 Technology Training Bedford Phase 3 October – December 2011

5  Equipment implementation  Training handbook  Student use of technology  Auditorium attendance  Data assessment  NCA Speech requirements & rubrics  Standardization of course content  Bedford support with software

6  Fall 2011 Adjuncts  19 sections total = $34,200. 00  $1800.00 per section  Of the 19: two online, one honors, one education  Fall 2012 Adjuncts  4 sections total = $7,200. 00  $1800.00 per section  Of the 4: two online, one honors, one education  Difference = $27,000. 00

7  Fall 2012 LA = $ 14,880. 00 8 LA’s (x) 15 hrs per week (x) 16 weeks 1920.00 @ $ 7.75 = $ 14,880. 00  Total savings = 27,000 – 14,880 $ 12,120. 00 per semester

8  Campus resistance  Faculty buy-in  Lab attendance  Syllabus changes (Speech Contexts)  Behavior and appearance of student speeches  SOTA’s and ESL students  Initial grant faculty  Only three of us remain

9  Full Implementation  April/May 2012 actions completed  Scheduled labs across campus  Technology upgrades now  ULA training  One day – 8 hr.  Handbooks ready  After-action reviews for syllabus

10  Pedagogy  Keep journal with changes you need to do  Syllabus changes for timing and fitting all 19 chapters into 17 lectures  Tech Issues at the start for the class period  Speech contexts  Mandatory lab attendance for students week 1-4

11  ULA’s  Plan, Plan, Plan  Weekly meetings with ULA’s on +/-  Assign ULA’s to groups of students  YouTube videos for instruction  Video: uploading, downloading, and visual aids  Admin. time with students

12  MSSU  Shanna Slavings, Primary Contact   417-625-9654  Kelly Larson, Department Chair   Bedford  Laura Davidson   Laura Taylor 

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