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Torsten Braun, Universität Bern

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1 Torsten Braun, Universität Bern,
ICT LEIT in H2020 Info Day & International Brokerage Event Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking Torsten Braun, Universität Bern Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a new paradigm for the Future Internet. Routing of packets is based on identifiers of information objects instead of host identifiers such as IP addresses. The talk will introduce ICN and show how ICN can be extended towards Service-Centric Networking (SCN), where the network is not only considered for retrieving static content such as documents or videos, but can also provide dynamic services, e.g., computation, multimedia streaming, data aggregation. Another emerging networking technology is Software-Defined Networking (SDN), which separates the control and data plane. We discuss how SDN and ICN can complement each other and introduce the concept of Software-Defined Service-centric Networking (SDSN). SDSN does not only offer a well-defined API for network device management but extends the API towards management of (in-network) services. We will discuss potential applications of SDSN such as multimedia conferencing and the design of an distributed architecture of the future smart grid.

2 Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking
Future Internet The current Internet is based on principles of the 1960s with the main purpose to interconnect large computers. Today, Internet users are mainly interested in retrieving content and accessing services. Increasing bandwidth demand due to (personalized) multimedia data streams Cloud computing and storage, visualization on (mobile / high-resolution) end systems Large data sets from measurements and scientific experiments Internet of Things, Internet of Services, … New approaches, e.g., Information-Centric Networking (ICN), Software-Defined Networking (SDN), need more research, development, testing etc. Koc University, December 6, 2013

3 Traditional Web Retrieval / Web Services
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking Traditional Web Retrieval / Web Services search engine / service registry web server / web service DNS server user’s end system Koc University, December 6, 2013

4 Information-Centric Networking (ICN)
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Naming of content rather than hosts/interfaces Content independent of devices that store it Naming is location independent (receiver mobility support !) Receivers (subscribers) request content. Senders (publishers) advertise and deliver content. Receivers and senders do not have to be aware of each other are decoupled in time Example: Content-Centric Networking (CCN) Koc University, December 6, 2013

5 Content-Centric Networking (CCN)
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking Content-Centric Networking (CCN) Combination of content lookup and message routing Idea: describe the user’s interests in the message header, but not where to get it. Messages (using XML encoding) Interest: content name, selector Data: content name, signature (info), data Hierarchical content names Example: / Related Projects NDN = Named Data Networking, CCNx = open source software reference implementation for CCN, Van Jacobson, Diana K. Smetters, James D. Thornton, Michael F. Plass, Nicholas H. Briggs, and Rebecca L. Braynard: Networking named content, 5th international conference on Emerging networking experiments and technologies (CoNEXT '09). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1-12. V. Jacobson, D. K. Smetters, J. D. Thornton, M. F. Plass, N. H. Briggs, R. L. Braynard (PARC), “Networking Named Content”, CoNEXT 2009 Koc University, December 6, 2013

6 Content Distribution with ICN/CCN
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking Content Distribution with ICN/CCN / 1 2 3 Interest / Data 4 5 6 7 Koc University, December 6, 2013

7 Service-Centric Networking (SCN)
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking Service-Centric Networking (SCN) Extension of content-centric networking to support services, possibly operating on content. Description of a service using content naming scheme, e.g., / Services are provided by service elements. Service request (response) in Interest (Data) message Goals Reducing delay for providing services Minimizing network bandwidth for service access Load balancing Braun, T.; Hilt, V.; Hofmann, M.; Rimac, I.; Steiner, M.; Varvello, M.: Service-Centric Networking, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC), pp.1-6, Kyoto, 5-9 June 2011 Koc University, December 6, 2013

8 Target Services Supported by SCN
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking Target Services Supported by SCN Infrastructure services, e.g., deploy / find / use cloud computing and storage services Client-oriented services, e.g., web services Continuous content retrieval and streaming services, e.g., A/V conferencing, streaming Event services, e.g., sensor or stocks data In-network services, e.g., (sensor) data aggregation and filtering Location-based services Koc University, December 6, 2013

9 Service-Centric Network
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking Service-Centric Network SCN router Service request / response Koc University, December 6, 2013

10 SCN Objects function1 read read function2 content data content data
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking SCN Objects function1 read read function2 content data content data function1 function3 function2 1: Content Object 2: Service Object 3: Content/Service Object Koc University, December 6, 2013

11 Example: Real-time Audio Conferencing
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking Example: Real-time Audio Conferencing Sent audio data Echo cancellation Trans-coding Mixing Received audio data Procedure Client sends request to echo cancellation service with pointers to generated and received audio (the latter can be the source of the received audio) Echo cancellation service starts Koc University, December 6, 2013

12 Example: Real-Time Audio Conferencing Service
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking Example: Real-Time Audio Conferencing Service /echocancel /transcode /mix/todaysconf /transcode /john/audiostream_original /mix/todaysconf /mix/todaysconf /mix/todaysconf/audiostream /john/audiostream_ec /john/audiostream_trans /john/audiotool /echocancel /transcode /mix/todaysconf main main main main write read write read write read write read generated audio echo-cancelled audio transcoded audio mixed audio /john/audiostream _original /john/ audiostream_ec /john/audiostream _trans /mix/todaysconf/ audiostream Koc University, December 6, 2013

13 Software Defined Networking (SDN)
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking Software Defined Networking (SDN) (centralized) control smart, slow API to data plane, e.g., OpenFlow dumb, fast switches Koc University, December 6, 2013

14 Business Applications
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking SDN Architecture Application Layer Business Applications API API API Control Layer SDN Control Software Network Services Infrastructure Layer Network Device Koc University, December 6, 2013

15 Service-Defined Service-centric Networking (SDSN)
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking Service-Defined Service-centric Networking (SDSN) Services might be composed out of multiple atomic services. Single service request can be considered as service program involving atomic services from different servers. Service mapper identifies servers to provide atomic services calls atomic services by service requests may combine results into a single service response to the requester Analogy between Software-Defined Networks and SCN: separation of control and forwarding → Software-Defined Service-Centric Networking (SDSN) SDSN could provide API to service developers to define services, SDSN then programs the network to provide requested services. Torsten Braun, Andreas Mauthe, Vasilios Siris: Service-Centric Networking Extensions, 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Coimbra, Portugal, March , 2013 Koc University, December 6, 2013

16 SDSN Operation Service Elements Service Mapper Network Device
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking SDSN Operation SDSN can use SDN to establish flows between clients and discovered service entities (service discovery by Interest / Data) to set up a SDSN overlay network T E M SM Service Elements Service Mapper Network Device Koc University, December 6, 2013

17 SDSN and SDN Devices Service Mapper API SDSN Interface SDN Interface
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking SDSN and SDN Devices API Service Mapper SDSN Interface SDN Interface Service Element Service Processing Network Device ICN/CCN ICN/CCN Routing & Switching Routing & Switching Koc University, December 6, 2013

18 ICN/SDN in Smart Grid Energy Router Controllers of energy sources /
Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking ICN/SDN in Smart Grid Energy Router Controllers of energy sources / consumers Control Energy sources / consumers Energy switch Koc University, December 6, 2013

19 Torsten Braun: Information-Centric and Software-Defined Networking
Conclusions SDN is being used as network management technology so far and its potential has not been exploited. ICN/CCN as promising Future Internet paradigm SDSN as generalization of SDN and ICN towards services: Configuration of both network devices and service elements SDSN as enabler for an Internet of Services, Internet of Things, etc. Open ıssues Securıty Energy effıcıency Koc University, December 6, 2013

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